Common Sense Conservative Wisdom

Marnie’s a country girl who overcame the stigma that Southern women were barefoot, backwoods and backwards. Now she’s an articulate voice for conservative values and wisdom in America. Sitting on her front porch sharing that common sense…

Joe Biden Spills the Beans

Biden Spills the Beans on Inauguration Day

As Christians we’re taught to pray for our enemies and to pray for leaders of nations. I’ve been thinking a lot about what my prayers should be about Biden/Harris. I’ve decided the most merciful thing I can pray is that they will repent, turn to God, and confess their sins. So, I’m praying that (if […]

My Visit with President Trump

My Visit with President Donald J. Trump

This is a profound and realistic dream I had about visiting with President Donald J. Trump on the morning of 11/11/2020. After sharing it with my husband, he said, “What if we all had this compassion for each other? Even our enemies? You need to get this to President Trump. Post it and get it […]

God's ways are not our ways. He makes us travel through chaos and loss before victory.

God Routes Us Through Chaos and Loss Before Victory

God doesn’t work the way we do. He rarely uses the obvious route. He promises something big, and the route to receiving it includes losing the very thing He promised you. Things usually get so bleak you’ll want to give up. Everyone will call the promise impossible. I know this from firsthand experience. God promised […]

Jack Morton - Let us cheerfully do all within our power

Let Us Cheerfully Do All Things

“Therefore, that we should waste and wear out our lives in bringing to light all the hidden things of darkness, wherein we know them; and they are truly manifest from heaven— These should then be attended to with great earnestness… Let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we […]

God bless America

God Bless America – A Prayer for America

Jesus said to pray for your enemies, bless those that curse you and do good to those who despite-fully use you and persecute you. It’s also important to focus on what we DESIRE and not what we don’t want. As of this morning, I am starting a new practice of praying blessings on anything or […]

child crying - loss of innocence

Episode #46 – The Cry of Innocents

“America is great because America is good. If she ever stops being good, she will stop being great.” Alexis de Tocqueville. Democracy in America, published in 1835 While our once great America is arguing over identity politics and the latest PC topic we’re supposed to be offended by, the “powers that be” are hiding their […]

The new normal - a voice for those who have no voice

Episode #45 – A Voice for Those Who Have No Voice

The New Normal Listen to this episode or scroll down to read. “The New Normal” is what they call it. A world where all must wear masks, you can’t gather in large crowds, you can’t go to the temple, concerts, ball games or shake hands. You must “social distance” at six feet. It’s a world […]

BLM and Antifa Looting Federal Overreach

Episode #44 – Policing Cities – Federal Over-Reach or Not?

Is federal policing of cities under siege by looters, vandals and violence federal overreach by the President and the executive branch? Listen below or scroll down to read and find out. Some mayors and people are irate about the Federal law enforcement sent into cities that have endured rioting and looting that has escalated to […]

U.S. Constitution

Episode #43 – Are Term Limits a Good Idea or Not?

I’ve seen a lot going around suggesting we need an amendment limiting Congress to two terms like the President. When I see this stuff, a warning bell always goes off in my head. My dad taught me that you don’t mess with the Constitution. If you do, you do it as little as possible. The […]

Respecting Others - How can we be more respectful and kind of others regardless of their political stance, opinions or views? How can we come together as Americans for the sake of our country?

Episode #42 – Respecting Others With Opposing Views

“A house divided against itself cannot stand.” Jesus Christ, Mark 3:25 Our nation has become more polarized and divided than ever. Traditionally Americans pull together in a crisis No so much today. How can we be more respectful and kind of others regardless of their political stance, opinions or views? How can we come together […]

the rise and fall of the republic

The Fall of the Republic

Today I was reading in a history of the rise, fall and destruction of two nations (The Book of Mormon). It illustrates how both societies were destroyed by secret combinations. Their story has huge parallels to our day. These secret combinations had their Satanic oaths and covenants where they agreed to protect each other and […]

A message to Christians who are going along with church closings

Episode 41: A Message to Christians Going Along with Church Closings

California shut down churches again for at least 3 weeks. During the 3 weeks, the Department of Health will assess the impact of churches on COVID spread. Until the Department of Health gives them an okay for reopening, churches must implement strict guidelines and only reopen after being approved for opening by their county health […]

A cure for mask mandates - trump 2020 masks

Episode 40 – Mandatory Mask Executive Orders

Listen to this episode below or scroll down to read the transcript. As of Friday, July 10, 2020, Chattanooga, Tennessee has a mandatory mask executive order going into effect. Businesses are expected to enforce the order or be fined. If and when I go to Chattanooga, I’ll be wearing my Trump2020 Mask. I invite any […]

personal freedom in a PC world

Personal Freedom in a PC World

There are a lot of people out there telling other people what to do, how to live their lives, how to interact with others, what they have to do for health reasons, how to run their businesses, etc. There’s something I’ve learned by rearing 6 children, running a business for 30 years, and working with […]

What does defund the police really mean? What's the end game?

The Real End Game of Defunding the Police

What does defund the police really mean? What’s the end game? While some are whipped into a frenzy to defund police over police brutality. Many are shaking their heads at what seems like a nonsensical over-reaction.

It's not about the mask - mask debate

It’s Not About the Mask

Note: By posting this, I am NOT making a statement about whether wearing masks is right or wrong or good or bad, effective or ineffective. As an energy therapist I uncover and help my clients release trapped emotions and limiting beliefs. Clients come to me because the trapped emotions are manifesting adversely in their physical […]

The great American divide - United we stand, divided we fall

The Great American Divide – What Can Be Done?

United We Stand, Divided We Fall When I was a kid and would see adults argue, I would observe and listen to both sides. From my outside perspective, I could see that the two adults were arguing on two different channels of thought. Each person had their core values that they felt were being stepped […]

UN and the Who Flags

The Sick Alliance Between Big Tech and the U.N.

Be aware, the World Health Organization (WHO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations “responsible for international public health.” Who made them responsible? Did we vote for them? Did we elect them? Who gave them responsibility over your health and mine? I didn’t. Did you? We are in an all-out war between force and […]

National Parks Closed because of Covid-19. Open Them!

Correction: “Keep Up This Wall!” Why Park Closure Rules Make Sense

Covid-19 pandemic spawns silly rules. Closing vast tracts of public park land to people wanting to get fresh air and sunshine is silly. Case in point: #ChickamaugaNMP in NW Georgia. The Civil War Battlefield is 5300 acres of National Military Park with roads, trails, vistas, fields, woods, nature, sunshine and fresh air … but all roads through it are closed. Even as Georgia opens up for shopping, haircuts, massages, etc., you still can’t just go walk the paths and get sunshine and fresh air (and plenty of virus-killing UV rays!)

Great Leaders Instill Hope

Recently, Jim Acosta, accused President Trump of using too much “happy talk” in his daily COVID-19 briefings. My husband, David Kuhns, addresses President Trump’s optimism and the importance of instilling hope. Historically, all great leaders have instilled hope. Please subscribe to our email updates in the sign-up box on this page. Also please consider following […]

Restaurant Carry Out Gross Out

Restaurant Carry Out GROSS Out – Don’t Touch Your Face!

My husband decided to head out to a local restaurant yesterday to support local businesses during this time of shutdowns. His experience was … shall we say… disconcerting? disturbing? terrifying? Watch as he shares what happened… If you own a restaurant, first and foremost, train your staff! Second, once they’re trained, communicate with your customers […]

The Deceptive Altruism Of Socialism

Episode #39 – The Deceptive Altruism of Socialism

In this episode I’m addressing an article suggesting that if you can’t stand to see injustice, inequality or suffering in the world, you might want to become a socialist. I hit these points head-on and lay out the deceptive nature of socialism’s altruistic claims. What is purported as kind and generous policies actually leads to destruction of important character traits that make our freedom and prosperity possible.

Socialism hurts everyone

Episode #38: Socialism Hurts Everyone

By some reports, Bernie Sanders wants to tax people who make $250,000-$500,000 starting at 40%, and nothing on the first $29,000 people make. He wants to tax the top tier people at 90%. So if you’re someone who makes $250,000, you’re going to get to keep about $161,000 (then of course take out state tax, […]

Senate Impeachment Trial - Democrat Strategy Revealed

Episode #35: Hidden Democrat Impeachment Agenda Exposed

Have you wondered why the Democrats are alienating the moderate Republican Senators and the nation with the way they are handling their presentation in the Senate Impeachment Trial? This episode of Front Porch Sense reveals their secret strategy – the method to their madness. Please subscribe to our email updates in the sign-up box on […]

destruction of the traditional family

Episode #34 – The Destruction of the Traditional Family: A Strategy of the Left

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 19.7 million children, more than 1 in 4, live without a father in the home. Research shows that when a child is reared with their father absent from the home, s/he is more likely to have behavior problems, engage in crime, experience teen pregnancy, poverty, and land in jail. Here’s why it’s happening and a solution for what can be done about it.

opinions vs news

Don’t Confuse Opinion for News

Have you noticed that the same basic data is being interpreted in a completely opposite manner by so-called journalists and social media? One person reads a transcript and sees a crime. Another person reads the same transcript and sees nothing wrong at all. How does this happen?

Republicans vs Democrats Toning down the vitriol

Episode #33 – How to Tone Down the Vitriol in America

Are you ready to turn down the volume on the vitriol in our nation? I’m going to share with you a solution. It requires no government intervention, no bureaucracy, no committee. The Democrats or the Republicans don’t even need to change. It only requires you and me to take some personal responsibility. First, I’m going […]

Nixon vs Trump Articles of Impeachment

Episode #32 – Nixon vs Trump Impeachments

How do the circumstances underlying the Nixon Impeachment relate to the circumstances surrounding the articles of impeachment against President Donald J. Trump? This episode of Front Porch Sense takes a look at what happened with Nixon and Watergate in comparison to the Trump articles of impeachment. How does what happened with Watergate relate to the […]

Let Us Oft Speak Kind Words / God Bless America

I was playing around on the piano tonight … not with any particular song in mind when I started to play, “Let Us Oft Speak Kind Words” and as I got about halfway through, it morphed into “God Bless America.” I didn’t intend to put the two together, but they fit perfectly. Once I realized […]

Discerning fact from fake news

Episode #29: Discernment with the News

Traditional journalism is dead. In today’s swirl of 24-hour-news filled with opinions and out-right fake news, it can be difficult to discern what is true, what’s exaggerated and what’s a flat-out lie. Here are some strategies and tips for discerning fact from fake news in a sea of opinion, distortions, disinformation and falsehood. Here’s how […]

Music for Our Nation

I was playing around on the piano … not with any particular song in mind when I started to play, “Let Us Oft Speak Kind Words” and as I got about halfway through, it morphed into “God Bless America.” I didn’t intend to put the two together, but they fit perfectly. Once I realized what I’d done, I thought, “How fitting… isn’t this what our country needs right now?”

Let us oft speak kind words to each other
At home or where ‘er we may be;
Like the warblings of birds on the heather,
The tones will be welcome and free.

From the mountains
To the prairies
To the oceans
White with foam.
God bless America,
My home sweet home.

Like the sunbeams of morn on the mountains,
the soul they awake to good cheer;
Like the murmur of cool, pleasant fountains,
They fall in sweet cadences near.

From the mountains
To the prairies
To the oceans
White with foam.
God bless America,
My home sweet home