It's not about the mask - mask debate

It’s Not About the Mask

Note: By posting this, I am NOT making a statement about whether wearing masks is right or wrong or good or bad, effective or ineffective.

As an energy therapist I uncover and help my clients release trapped emotions and limiting beliefs. Clients come to me because the trapped emotions are manifesting adversely in their physical bodies and/or their physical world. Our internal state creates our external one.

As I see rampant debates and arguments over wearing masks or not wearing masks, it struck me that IT IS NOT ABOUT THE MASK. Perhaps what’s really behind these mask debates are feelings of

  • being stifled,
  • trapped in houses,
  • kept from our friends and loved ones,
  • not being able to run businesses or go to church,
  • being told there is no cure and any person or surface you interact with could be a carrier,
  • AND having any dissenting research or views that don’t jive with the narrative removed from social media

All of these things JUST MIGHT be outwardly manifesting themselves in the form of pro-con mask arguments and even the appearance of the masks themselves.

For many, the mask represents inner feelings of being at the mercy of an unseen enemy and wanting to feel you can protect yourself. How do you keep yourself and your loved ones safe when you can’t see your enemy? The mask is a sign of solidarity, that you care about your neighbor, that you’re doing your part, that you have some sense of control in an out-of-control situation. For these folks,  someone not wearing a mask means they don’t care about their fellowman, they aren’t doing their part to control what is perceived to be an out-of-control situation.

On the other hand, those who really despise masks may not be protesting the mask wearing itself but the stifling of their voices. Even they may not know this is why the mask ticks them off so badly. For many, the mask is an outward manifestation of a world intent upon stifling and controlling their free will. It could feel like being forced to “go along to get along… peace at any price… safety at any price.” The mask is a physical manifestation (or symbol) of all those stuffed, trapped, and denied words and emotions, and threatened core values.

Ultimately for both sides, the mask represents control, stuffed emotions and fears. For many, it reveals core values. Safety and security is most likely a core value for mask wearers. Being in control of their world may also be one of their core values. For mask-haters, freedom and independence carry more weight than security. Their desire not to be controlled by someone else is paramount.

In the end, both sides have one thing in common – they are being triggered at their core values. And it’s all about having control of our own lives.

Just food for thought. And perhaps some compassion for either side.

Featured Image: I’m not sure who created this image. The original is marked A.G. #737.  If you know who created it, please let me know.

Posted in Essays, Freedom Principles.