Joe Biden Spills the Beans

Biden Spills the Beans on Inauguration Day

As Christians we’re taught to pray for our enemies and to pray for leaders of nations. I’ve been thinking a lot about what my prayers should be about Biden/Harris. I’ve decided the most merciful thing I can pray is that they will repent, turn to God, and confess their sins.

So, I’m praying that (if Biden/Harris) make it to Inauguration Day, that when Joe Biden gets up to speak, angels take over his speech, and as he has on several occasions, he admits the truth.

Imagine if his conscience were so pricked by his crimes that he admitted to widespread cheating along with his running mate, Kamala Harris, and assorted named governors and Congress members. Imagine the entire world finally hearing the truth in the form of a confession in a way that cannot be denied or swept under the rug!

He’s admitted to things before: like the biggest voter fraud organization and to blackmailing the Ukrainian President into firing the prosecutor handling the case against Burisma (a company his son worked for). Why can’t he have another one of those truth serum moments on stage at the Inauguration?

The beauty of this idea is that the media can’t cut away from the Inauguration address and the whole world will be watching. And for once something won’t be blamed on President Trump.

I honestly believe God has a miracle up His sleeve. I have NOT given up on God or a parting of the Red Sea. I also know that God LOVES to wait til the last minute to show his power. I was actually pondering on this this morning when I had the visual of Biden spilling the beans on Inauguration day. I thought that would be a fun way to have a full confession, expose everyone involved, restore President Trump to office, and get the justice we seek in a way where NO ONE could deny it. It also could avert a civil war. Would the left riot and loot if their own people confessed?

You with me? Let’s have a mass visualization on this one!!

Copyright: Red marker /

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