A cure for mask mandates - trump 2020 masks

Episode 40 – Mandatory Mask Executive Orders

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As of Friday, July 10, 2020, Chattanooga, Tennessee has a mandatory mask executive order going into effect. Businesses are expected to enforce the order or be fined. If and when I go to Chattanooga, I’ll be wearing my Trump2020 Mask. I invite any of my fellow Americans who find mandatory masks unconstitutional and a violation of HIPAA to do the same.

I think if enough of us wear a Trump mask, suddenly this virus will be on a downturn. All the double, triple and quadruple counting will stop. All the COVID-caused-deaths that get counted when someone falls off a cliff, is in a car wreck, or dies of heart failure and happens to test positive for COVID will suddenly be counted for the real reasons. That curve will plummet like a stone. They’ll be backpedaling these mandatory mask ordinances as fast as you can say “Trump’s my President.” 

Let’s Get to the Root Issue

There are lots of things that might be good or safe personal health and hygiene. It’s good to exercise regularly, brush your teeth, take a bath, wash your hands, etc. Yet, no matter how good these activities may be, it is not government’s job to force you to do them.

When I say that I am against using government power to force everyone to wear masks or get a vaccine or whatever they come up with next, that does not mean I’m saying masks or vaccines are inherently good or bad. Both sides can argue these points until the cows come home.

The violated core value I am speaking out against is the use of GOVERNMENT FORCE to MANDATE that EVERYONE do these things. The government has no right to micromanage whether you brush your teeth, get a vaccine, touch your face, wear a mask, pick your nose, or wash your hands.

You can encourage and educate people toward what you believe to be “good” personal health/hygiene but YOU HAVE NO RIGHT to inflict your values onto everyone else. And if you have no right to force your will onto another person on your own, you certainly have no power to delegate a right you don’t possess to the government so it can inflict your views onto society at large. Personal hygiene is PERSONAL.

The danger here is that if we allow government to micromanage our own personal hygiene and health because we’re terrified of a virus, we set a DANGEROUS precedent for them to micromanage every aspect of our lives to the nth degree. We are sending a huge signal that says, “Yes, I’m stupid. I need the government to take responsibility for every aspect of my life. I abdicate my personal responsibility to the Nanny State. Micromanage me, make all my choices for me, control every aspect of my life. I’m a sheep. I don’t deserve any right that the government doesn’t deem I’m worthy of.” Where there is no personal responsibility THERE IS NO FREEDOM!

Debunking The “I Care About People” Argument

The loss of our freedoms will have a far greater lasting impact on our society than the actual health challenges of any virus. If we sell our freedom for security and allow our nation to be transformed into a Nanny State (or worse global totalitarianism) the death, destruction and despondency created by this virus will look like a drop in the ocean compared with what totalitarian governments will do. Look at the carnage created by the rippling impact of men like Stalin and Mao who not only out-right murdered millions but also meddled with economies and environments until millions more were killed by their schemes.

You think COVID is bad, you haven’t seen anything if you give up your freedoms because you’re scared of a virus. Stay in your home if you’re that scared.

You say you want to use government force to MAKE your neighbors wear masks, have vaccines… because you “care about other people?” Oh yes, you’re just so thoughtful and caring. If you REALLY cared about your neighbors, you would value their FREEDOM to CHOOSE. You would value your children’s and grandchildren’s freedoms. You would think past the immediacy of your fears and look forward to the lasting rippling impact of installing a Nanny State that micromanages your life from cradle to grave.

Wear your mask and get that vaccine when they have it ready if you want. Great, do it… It’s a free country … for now. I’m not saying there is anything wrong with that. You have every right to do those things.

But if you want to FORCE your views onto others and ROB them of their freedom to choose, stop with the “I care about other people so I think everyone must wear masks and get vaccines.” That is NOT caring about other people. If you cared about people, you would care about their FREEDOM. Without our freedoms we are COOKED. We and generations are COOKED.

Live your life your way and let others make their own choices. If you believe wearing a mask or getting a shot is going to save you, then do it. If you’re right you’re good. Let everyone else choose their own path / way. You had your freedom to choose. Will you rob others of theirs?

One day they will use this precedent to mandate something YOU don’t agree with. And because you sat by and didn’t give a flip about someone else’s freedom because you wanted your way, you will have no say when YOUR rights are violated. If you want to rob others of their freedom to choose, you are a hypocrite if you say you care about them. Taking freedom for yourself and denying it to others IS NOT CARING. IT’s NOT LOVING. It’s TYRANNY!

Featured Image Copyright: Brandi Lyon Photography

Posted in Episodes, Personal Responsibility, Proper Role of Government.