Respecting Others - How can we be more respectful and kind of others regardless of their political stance, opinions or views? How can we come together as Americans for the sake of our country?

Episode #42 – Respecting Others With Opposing Views

“A house divided against itself cannot stand.”

Jesus Christ, Mark 3:25

Our nation has become more polarized and divided than ever. Traditionally Americans pull together in a crisis No so much today. How can we be more respectful and kind of others regardless of their political stance, opinions or views? How can we come together as Americans for the sake of our country?

Here are some thoughts on my mind. Listen below or scroll down to read.

I have several children who feel my beliefs about freedom principles and what’s happening in our country are nonsense. They rarely vote the way I would.

Does that make me love them any less? No! Does that make me think they are unintelligent and stupid? No! Does that make me think they’re evil and need to leave the country? No!

I admire these children. They are resilient, independent, talented, and beautiful people. They are my heroes in many ways. When we’re together, we don’t talk politics. There are other things we can talk about. I know it’s useless to try to shove my beliefs down their throats. Granted, when they’re living in my home on a day to day basis, they’re going to overhear those conversations and sometimes be asked to share their opinions.

Because freedom is my most core value and preserving it my mission, I know that at the root of freedom is allowing others to form their own opinions, believe how they wish, and come to things in their own time and way. Freedom even means letting people make mistakes (as long as they don’t harm someone else’s life, liberty or pursuit of happiness).

As I thought about my kids this morning I realized I need to be that patient and loving with everyone. Everyone has qualities to be admired. None of us is the sum total of our political views or our biggest mistakes. People aren’t flat, two-dimensional caricatures that social media makes it so easy for us to assume. I’m going to work to remember that. I invite you to consider doing so as well.

Posted in Episodes, Freedom Principles.