Blackwell Alleges Zuckerberg Funded Election Fraud
Former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell alleges that Zuckerberg directly funded election fraud in what should be a massive scandal.
Are We Praising God for the Miracles Or Dismissing Them?
Millions of people fasted and prayed when COVID-19 hit. According to the CDC the number of total deaths in the US are roughly the same as any other year (see stats from the CDC below). Did we give credit to God for that? Did people see His hand in it? Not that I can tell. […]
Michigan Dominion Voting Machine Audit Reveals Fraud
Judge Elsenheimer allowed 22 Dominion voting machines in Antrim County, Michigan to undergo a forensic audit last week. The audit results were released and reveal fraud.
Biden Spills the Beans on Inauguration Day
As Christians we’re taught to pray for our enemies and to pray for leaders of nations. I’ve been thinking a lot about what my prayers should be about Biden/Harris. I’ve decided the most merciful thing I can pray is that they will repent, turn to God, and confess their sins. So, I’m praying that (if […]
My Visit with President Donald J. Trump
This is a profound and realistic dream I had about visiting with President Donald J. Trump on the morning of 11/11/2020. After sharing it with my husband, he said, “What if we all had this compassion for each other? Even our enemies? You need to get this to President Trump. Post it and get it […]
God Routes Us Through Chaos and Loss Before Victory
God doesn’t work the way we do. He rarely uses the obvious route. He promises something big, and the route to receiving it includes losing the very thing He promised you. Things usually get so bleak you’ll want to give up. Everyone will call the promise impossible. I know this from firsthand experience. God promised […]
Let Us Cheerfully Do All Things
“Therefore, that we should waste and wear out our lives in bringing to light all the hidden things of darkness, wherein we know them; and they are truly manifest from heaven— These should then be attended to with great earnestness… Let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we […]
The Fall of the Republic
Today I was reading in a history of the rise, fall and destruction of two nations (The Book of Mormon). It illustrates how both societies were destroyed by secret combinations. Their story has huge parallels to our day. These secret combinations had their Satanic oaths and covenants where they agreed to protect each other and […]
Personal Freedom in a PC World
There are a lot of people out there telling other people what to do, how to live their lives, how to interact with others, what they have to do for health reasons, how to run their businesses, etc. There’s something I’ve learned by rearing 6 children, running a business for 30 years, and working with […]
The Real End Game of Defunding the Police
What does defund the police really mean? What’s the end game? While some are whipped into a frenzy to defund police over police brutality. Many are shaking their heads at what seems like a nonsensical over-reaction.
It’s Not About the Mask
Note: By posting this, I am NOT making a statement about whether wearing masks is right or wrong or good or bad, effective or ineffective. As an energy therapist I uncover and help my clients release trapped emotions and limiting beliefs. Clients come to me because the trapped emotions are manifesting adversely in their physical […]
The Great American Divide – What Can Be Done?
United We Stand, Divided We Fall When I was a kid and would see adults argue, I would observe and listen to both sides. From my outside perspective, I could see that the two adults were arguing on two different channels of thought. Each person had their core values that they felt were being stepped […]
The Sick Alliance Between Big Tech and the U.N.
Be aware, the World Health Organization (WHO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations “responsible for international public health.” Who made them responsible? Did we vote for them? Did we elect them? Who gave them responsibility over your health and mine? I didn’t. Did you? We are in an all-out war between force and […]
Restaurant Carry Out GROSS Out – Don’t Touch Your Face!
My husband decided to head out to a local restaurant yesterday to support local businesses during this time of shutdowns. His experience was … shall we say… disconcerting? disturbing? terrifying? Watch as he shares what happened… If you own a restaurant, first and foremost, train your staff! Second, once they’re trained, communicate with your customers […]
Episode #37: Remembering A Patriot: Congressman Larry McDonald, Accident or Assassination?
I still remember watching the news of September 1, 1983. I was a senior in high school at the time. It was the day Georgia Congressman Larry McDonald’s plane (Korean Airlines Flight 007) was shot down by a Soviet Su-15 interceptor. Supposedly, through a navigational error, the commercial flight entered Soviet prohibited airspace.
Episode #34 – The Destruction of the Traditional Family: A Strategy of the Left
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 19.7 million children, more than 1 in 4, live without a father in the home. Research shows that when a child is reared with their father absent from the home, s/he is more likely to have behavior problems, engage in crime, experience teen pregnancy, poverty, and land in jail. Here’s why it’s happening and a solution for what can be done about it.
Don’t Confuse Opinion for News
Have you noticed that the same basic data is being interpreted in a completely opposite manner by so-called journalists and social media? One person reads a transcript and sees a crime. Another person reads the same transcript and sees nothing wrong at all. How does this happen?
What Does the Bible Say About Climate Change?
What does the Bible have to say about climate change? I’ve spent a lifetime studying the Bible and here’s what I have seen about climate change.
Is There Absolute Moral Truth?
The other day, I heard a statistic that two-thirds of Americans do not believe there is absolute moral truth. Many today believe that because we are a highly technological society that “old outdated principles” should be disregarded. Many believe that the laws observed and articulated by our Founding Fathers need to be dismissed in favor […]
Freedom: What Matters Most
We each must decide what we want to give our lives to — what matters most to us and what will give our lives meaning. For me, there is nothing more valuable than freedom.
The Trouble with Labels
The trouble with labels is all you have to do is label someone as racist, homophobe, xenophobe, misogynist, narcissist, or Islamophobe and you don’t have to deal with them anymore. You don’t have to converse with them or understand their point of view or respect them. Everything they are or any good in them is […]
Restoring Liberty Interview on Truth Seekers K-Star Radio Show
I was interviewed about my book, “Restoring Liberty” on The Truth Seekers radio show on K-Star Talk Radio. You can listen to it now on this archive. In this segment, we talk about The role of personal responsibility in maintaining a free country. Democracy vs. Republic The Silencing of Conservative Voices Freedom of Speech […]
Betsy Ross Flag and Gratitude for Founding Fathers
The Betsy Ross flag is supposedly a symbol of oppression now. I’m assuming this is because the Constitution was ratified with slavery still going on. The US Constitution motivated the states to eventually abolish slavery — that’s what the 3/5 of a person count for slaves was about. The states received representation based on population […]
Globalism vs. National Sovereignty
When we talk about immigration in America, you usually hear opposition calling for open borders. What does open borders mean? Ultimately it means the end of national sovereignty. Do you want to have a sovereign America? Or do you want to be ruled by the UN (one world government)? One side is for a sovereign […]