Marnie’s a country girl who overcame the stigma that Southern women were barefoot, backwoods and backwards. Now she’s an articulate voice for conservative values and wisdom in America. Sitting on her front porch sharing that common sense…

The Unknown Story of How the Equal Rights Amendment Was Stopped
Biden claims he can ratify the Equal Rights Amendment which did not get the Constitutionally required 3/4 state votes by the deadline. The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) was stopped in North Carolina … which never ratified it. Virginia went on to ratify it after the deadline. So Biden claims it is part of the US […]

Whatever Happened to Innocent Until Proven Guilty?
Have you ever noticed how few people who are accused of crimes (real or imagined) in the media actually have any cases brought against them in trial? Or if they do, we don’t hear about it. Or the person ends up being found “not guilty” after they’ve been drug through the mud and paid a […]

What’s Up with Our Crazy World and What Can We Do About It?
It’s Independence Day, and I can’t help but think about the country I love and those who sacrificed to give us the freedom we enjoy. Many are looking around at the hostilities, crime, violence, vitriol, wars, and rumors of wars and asking, “What is going on? What can be done?” Many, like me, have felt […]

Finding Peace in a Contentious World
Recently, I read a moving tribute to a friend’s 17-year-old grandson written by his teacher upon the boy’s death. It seemed evident that this exceptionally loving and kind-hearted young man had taken his own life. The young man had been a light to the teacher during the difficult zoom days of 2020-2021. The boy was […]

Supreme Court EPA Ruling and the US Constitution
A look at the U.S. Constitution and how it applies to the June 30, 2022 Supreme Court EPA ruling …sending power back to Congress. “All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.” Article 1, Section 1 of the […]

Who Are We Missing?
In 1909, Sarah Lawson was a widow and mother of 9 children. She’d already lost her husband and four of those children. She ran a boarding house in McMinn County, Tennessee to make ends meet. There was a telegraph office nearby in which men came to work, and Sarah’s boarding house stayed full. Sarah’s daughter, […]

Here’s What’s Causing the Shortages
Shortages, supply chain disruptions, packages that never arrive, worker shortages… Are you wondering what’s really causing them and how long they’ll keep using the COVID excuse? Here’s the real root cause of it all. I had the opportunity to visit with a gentleman today who as a young man, fresh out of college, spent some […]

Who Would He Have Been?
My fourth child was due in November of 1994, and I had the usual morning sickness. Then one Sunday at church a friend asked me how I felt. I told her the morning sickness had stopped and I felt great. The next day I went to the doctor for my 16-week checkup. When the nurse […]

Supreme Court Reverses Roe vs. Wade
On June 24, 2022, the Supreme Court voted 6-3 to overturn Roe vs. Wade, after nearly 50 years of Federally legalized abortion. This definitive Constitutional move is a return to the Constitution’s 10th Amendment, which clearly states: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, […]

Why Inflation Is at a Three-Decade High
According to The Epoch Times, “President Joe Biden says he’s directed the National Economic Council to focus on reducing energy costs for U.S. consumers following a Department of Labor report suggesting that inflation hit a three-decade high in October. Today’s report shows an increase over last month. Inflation hurts Americans pocketbooks [sic], and reversing this trend […]

Did Joe Biden Just Say He’d Step Down?
Thursday, 9/23/2021, Joe Biden posted this to his “President Joe Biden” Facebook page: “Folks, I don’t want to punish anyone’s success. But those at the top have been getting a free ride for far too long. We’re going to change that.” Joe Biden All I have to say is… Thank you for admitting that you […]

Do You Remember 9/11?
Do you remember the lessons of 9/11? They are incredibly relevant to what we face today. Remember the patriotism? The unity? The love of God and our fellow Americans? It didn’t last but the government encroachments on freedom sure did. Do you remember when Americans rallied around each other in a national crisis and for […]

Tell Your Congressional Reps to vote NO on HR 4980
Currently before Congress is H.R. 4980 which calls for a permanent no-fly grounding for the unvaccinated. H.R. 4980 directs, “the Secretary of Homeland Security to ensure that any individual traveling on a flight that departs from or arrives to an airport inside the United States or a territory of the United States is fully vaccinated against COVID–19, […]

Love Your Enemies: My Dream About Pelosi and Biden
I’ve been learning about and praying about the concept of Christ-like love. As you know, Jesus told us to love our enemies and to be kind to those who despitefully use us and persecute us. I’ve often thought that I can see where I could be that way with ordinary people, but some politicians… hmmm […]

Confirmation Bias & Hope for the Future
Quantum physicists have discovered that the universe and nature are not separate entities from us. We aren’t victims of circumstances in a universe where things “just happen” to us. We are intertwined and connected with everything and everyone in the universe. We are both the artists and the art. We create our own worlds through […]

This Day In History: The Power of One Person
My 4th great grandmother, Dicey Langston, a Revolutionary War Heroine was born today — May 14, 1766 (255 years ago). She and I were born 200 years apart to the month. I have always felt a connection to her since I was a teenager introduced to stories of her heroism – saving an entire village […]

Where Has Freedom of Speech Gone?
They’ve removed our Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene from the committees she was on. They’re trying to remove her completely from Congress. She won fair and square here in Northwest Georgia. She’s got “stones” as Benjamin Franklin would say. I like her. We voted for her in District 14 of Georgia because we wanted someone scrappy […]

What Good Is Freedom If We Live Like We’re Enslaved?
Freedom is an inside job… it’s in our minds, in our hearts and in our actions. Even though we may gripe or complain, we still live in the most blessed and free nation in the world. We have more freedom to create, build, to bless others, and to reap blessings for ourselves than most of […]

Good Medical Info to Build Your Immune System for Future Viruses
New American Interview with Dr. Lee Merrit My doctor friend who owns several family practice clinics sent me this. Dr. Merrit has credentials as long as your arm with highly impressive institutions and a military biowarfare background. The video is definitely worth your time to watch. In this video, Dr. Merrit mentions a combinations of […]

Put Pride Aside: Stop Counselling God
When God promises something and it doesn’t happen on our time table or how we think it should, the natural human tendency is to become impatient and concoct ways to make God’s promises happen for ourselves. Yes, we are to take action – INSPIRED action – staying calm, being obedient to God, listening, remaining in […]

A Word of Warning to My Fellow Patriots
A logical, common-sense and Constitutional look at the theories that claim the military is really in power and other theories of undercover operations to restore our nation. As any of my readers know, I have supported President Trump throughout his Presidency. I believe he has done a great service to our country. I also have […]

In God We Trust
Whenever I’m concerned about something or have a lot on my mind, the best thing I have found to help is to take the time to pray and then after closing the prayer, come to Jesus Christ in my mind. It’s a self-guided meditation I use to find this place in my mind and heart […]

If This Nation Is To Endure…
“A perfectly balanced mind opens the heart.” Dr. John Demartini I don’t know about you, but the state of our nation has been a major cause for concern in recent months. The anxiety even affected my health for a few weeks. When I have a wonderful life like I do and yet I’m so twisted […]

The Consequences of Forced Race & Gender Equality
Now that gendered terms have been removed from Congress’ language and an executive order has been signed pertaining to gender and sexual equality, it’s a good time to look at the consequences of enforcing these ideas and where they are taking our society. Children should be able to learn without worrying about whether they will […]

Americans Are Being Played
I have felt for some time that we are being played by both sides… that whether they’re republicans or democrats, they’re the same lot… all in it for power, gain and ratings. They’re playing us all like fiddles… getting us to polarize behind one side or another, argue and fight with our own family members […]

Giving Others the Benefit of the Doubt
What if ordinary people gave each other the benefit of the doubt? (I’m talking ordinary folks … not politicians or media moguls). What if the average American didn’t go around looking for sinister motives and intentions in everything their fellow-Americans are doing or saying? What if we didn’t pick apart their words and assume they […]

Military Presence Staying in Washington DC Through March
At least 5,000 National Guard members will remain in Washington DC through mid-March. “As we continue to work to meet the final post-inauguration requirements, the National Guard has been requested to continue supporting federal law enforcement agencies with 7,000 members and will draw down to 5,000 through mid-March,” Maj. Matt Murphy told The Epoch Times via email. “We […]

Attacks Ramp Up Against The Sanctity of Human Life
Friday January 22nd was the 48th anniversary of Roe V Wade. Over 62 million innocent lives have been exterminated since then in the US alone. One of President Trump’s last acts was to declare Jan 22nd a National Sanctity of Human Life Day. On January 18th, Trump’s proclamation was for the National Sanctity of Human […]

American Campfire Revival – Kirk Cameron 100 Days
I’m really enjoying Kirk Cameron’s 100 Days American Campfire Revival. He’s sharing his love for God and our country to invite spiritual life into our nation. Instead of waiting to see what a president will create in his 100 days in office, Kirk invites us to create our own 100 day plan to connect with […]

Hollow Promises and Forked Tongues in the White House
You heard Joe Biden promise he would put an end to Covid-19 – right? You heard it, I heard it… we all heard it. He ran on it… blaming President Trump for every last death. Leading by example with the philosophy that we all hide with masks in our basements, close down our businesses (aka […]

A Prayer for Our Nation & President Donald J. Trump
Please join me in prayer for our nation and for our President Donald J. Trump. May we put our trust in God. Dear Heavenly Father, We come before Thee as Thy children to thank Thee for President Donald J. Trump and for all his efforts to restore America. Over the centuries, so many have come […]

The Big Tech Beast
I had a dream last night that the “beast” mentioned in the Book of Revelation is related to Big Tech and that the head that appeared to have received a mortal wound and then his deadly wound was healed and all the world wondered after the beast was Facebook. I specifically saw M.Z.’s face. When […]

Fact Checking Romney’s Math on the COVID Relief Bill
Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) said he opposes raising the stimulus check amount from $600 to $2,000 as suggested by President Donald Trump and other officials. “If we went to $2,000 per person, the additional borrowing would be up to almost $500 billion,“ Romney said, according to Utah’s KUTV. “Someone’s got to pay for that. We […]

Can Dominion Voting Machines Be Hacked?
These election officials set out to discover whether Dominion Voting Machines can be hacked. This video illustrates a test case to find out.

Blackwell Alleges Zuckerberg Funded Election Fraud
Former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell alleges that Zuckerberg directly funded election fraud in what should be a massive scandal.

Are We Praising God for the Miracles Or Dismissing Them?
Millions of people fasted and prayed when COVID-19 hit. According to the CDC the number of total deaths in the US are roughly the same as any other year (see stats from the CDC below). Did we give credit to God for that? Did people see His hand in it? Not that I can tell. […]
Music for Our Nation
I was playing around on the piano … not with any particular song in mind when I started to play, “Let Us Oft Speak Kind Words” and as I got about halfway through, it morphed into “God Bless America.” I didn’t intend to put the two together, but they fit perfectly. Once I realized what I’d done, I thought, “How fitting… isn’t this what our country needs right now?”
Let us oft speak kind words to each other
At home or where ‘er we may be;
Like the warblings of birds on the heather,
The tones will be welcome and free.
From the mountains
To the prairies
To the oceans
White with foam.
God bless America,
My home sweet home.
Like the sunbeams of morn on the mountains,
the soul they awake to good cheer;
Like the murmur of cool, pleasant fountains,
They fall in sweet cadences near.
From the mountains
To the prairies
To the oceans
White with foam.
God bless America,
My home sweet home