komodo dragon forked tongue hollow promises

Hollow Promises and Forked Tongues in the White House

You heard Joe Biden promise he would put an end to Covid-19 – right? You heard it, I heard it… we all heard it. He ran on it… blaming President Trump for every last death. Leading by example with the philosophy that we all hide with masks in our basements, close down our businesses (aka ruin our flourishing economy). Well now, on Friday, January 22nd in a speech at the White Biden said, “There’s nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months.”(Source: The Epoch Times, Biden: Nothing We Can Do to Change Trajectory of COVID-19 Pandemic Next Months)

As usual, hollow promises from lifetime politicians who criticize anyone who actually DOES something. Then go into office, and DO nothing but destroy our liberties.

Follow the Money

What does he want? Another 1.9 trillion dollar relief bill … which means printing another $1.9 trillion worth of debt on top of the $4 trillion they’ve already racked up over this thing. Who pays for that debt? We do! Our businesses, our employers, our children, our grandchildren.

All this time he’s claimed to have the magic bullet cure (which he wouldn’t share until people voted for him, by the way). And now that he’s there, he’s holding it hostage for another $1.9 Trillion dollars. After all, why cure the malady when you have people to pay off … some bribes to fulfill on for delivering the Presidency to you?

Handing Americans $600 here or $2000 there while pumping most of it off into foreign countries and liberal pet projects will reap a WHIRLWIND of economic crisis beyond what we already have in this country.

Paying people to sit home, wear masks, play video games, watch Netflix, and not stand up for their liberties may pacify the masses for a time, but it is HORRIFIC fiscal policy and will destroy the economic fabric of our nation. The dollar will soon be worthless. Anyone who has taken basic Economics knows that printing money devalues the currency.

It’s All Part of the Agenda

Then again… that has really been their agenda all along… to devalue the dollar, replace it with some global crypto currency, cripple small businesses (who are the bedrock of freedom and self-reliance in this nation) and put everyone on Government handouts so we just go along with whatever pitiful scraps they want to give us.

They’ve been telling us where they’re taking us — socialism. What do people think socialism is? Most people justify “a little socialism.” But “a little socialism” is like having “a little cancer.” It doesn’t stop with a little!

In the dating world, I learned if I guy says he’s never gonna marry you, believe him! He’ll use you for whatever he can, but he’s never gonna marry you. When a politician says he is going to raise your taxes and implement socialism (the forerunner to communism) you better believe him!

Destroying Work Ethic is Part of the Plan

As I’ve worked to help people build businesses over the years, I have heard from so many people who were on disability say, “Well, I can’t make that much money, I don’t want to mess up my disability check.”

Take that and magnify it by millions of people. I can hear it now, “Oh, I’d start a business, but I might make too much and mess up my relief checks.” Or as the new taxation promises roll out, we’ll be saying, “I’d take my business to the next level but the government would just tax it away, so why bother?” or “I’d hire more employees, but I can’t afford the new $15/hr minimum wage.”

That’s where we’re headed, folks. Complete and utter slavery because so many people are too stupid and too lazy to realize they are frogs in a pot being boiled alive. We’re already slaves to big government and big brother tech and most of us don’t have a clue.

The solution? Let me say it in a way Biden will Understand: Stop racking up debt and open the damn economy, man!

Featured Image Copyright: SURZ/BigStockPhoto.com

Posted in Essays, Government Corruption.