giving others the benefit of the doubt forgiveness

Giving Others the Benefit of the Doubt

What if ordinary people gave each other the benefit of the doubt? (I’m talking ordinary folks … not politicians or media moguls). What if the average American didn’t go around looking for sinister motives and intentions in everything their fellow-Americans are doing or saying? What if we didn’t pick apart their words and assume they meant something derogatory or sinister or offensive? What if we weren’t on high alert to be offended by every word?

In reviewing my life I can’t recall a single time I have done something with malicious or sinister intent. Sure, I’ve said things in the heat of the moment I regretted. I’ve done stupid and sinful things. I’ve made plenty of mistakes, and I certainly haven’t been “nice” all the time. But I can’t recall ever, with malicious intent, setting out with forethought to harm, manipulate or injure another person.

I have had people ASSUME that I’ve done something intentionally to harm them. But, I assure you, I did not set out to do so nor has it ever been my overarching motive to manipulate or harm another. I really do LIKE people. I like to get along with other people. I LOVE building other people up and helping them see their greatness. No, I haven’t done that in every moment. I get frustrated like anyone else does.

I really hate contention. Yet, having said that, I will stand for my beliefs and values – especially if they are being attacked, dismissed or undermined for me or anyone else. Whether some people take my freedom to choose my beliefs and speak my mind as a personal affront to them is purely their choosing. It really isn’t about them as far as I’m concerned. It’s about me being true to the light and truth I’ve been given. It’s about me being a voice for those who have no voice… something I feel in my soul I’m on earth to do.

Because I feel this way, I’d rather assume you’re trying to live your life that way too. You’re doing the best you can. You believe what you believe and that drives you. I may not agree with your beliefs. I may feel you are misinformed or misguided about something. But I work from the assumption you are not intentionally trying to harm me.

Until a person proves otherwise (like many politicians have), I like to assume people do not have sinister or ill intent. I may be delusional, but I’m happier in a world where I give other people the benefit of the doubt and am quick to overlook, dismiss, or forgive comments and actions that others might take offense to.

I’ve learned that the end never justifies the means. Shaming, silencing, belittling, nagging, canceling, etc. even if you want the best for someone else is still wrong. You can’t use Satan’s tactics to do God’s work. That is why I will protect your right to believe what you want and speak what you believe til my dying breath.

I don’t have to sit and listen to it. I don’t have to let you post it on my social media wall. I don’t have to acquiesce for it to be taught to my children. I don’t have to authorize my tax dollars to teach what you believe. But sure, you have a right to say and believe what you want. I know that to silence you completely would not only undermine my own liberty but also side with Satan.

Featured Image Copyright: Nikki Zalewski /

Posted in Essays, Morality, Personal Responsibility.