A Word of Warning to My Fellow Patriots

A logical, common-sense and Constitutional look at the theories that claim the military is really in power and other theories of undercover operations to restore our nation.

As any of my readers know, I have supported President Trump throughout his Presidency. I believe he has done a great service to our country. I also have grave doubts about the validity of our elections and the election results of 2020.

I understand the feeling of utter helplessness that many Americans feel at this time. We feel violated and unheard. While sworn affidavits and evidence abounds, it has been summarily dismissed on technicalities of presentation without hearing the substance of their claims in court. As a whole, the media and the nation assumes these allegations are libelous or false even though they have never been properly heard in a court of law..

On top of that, anyone who purports that there could have been malfeasance is ridiculed, silenced or “cancelled.”

Amidst this widespread hurt among conservative Americans is a swirl of reports that have been building for some time. They claim the military is now in charge of our country and that the current resident of the White House is simply a ruse. Through a series of complex theories which multiply daily, many are convinced the military will ride in to save the day.

They claim we are technically in a state of war (from some prior events), that Martial law will be put into place, that military courts will try the perpetrators in our government, send them off to jail, and re-instate President Trump to his rightful role – or some other variation of this theme. What’s more, many claim President Trump not only knows about, but is also complicit in this complex plan (even though he has never said an actual word about it).

An Appeal to the Constitution

I feel it my patriotic duty to raise a voice of warning to my fellow Americans. I have studied the U.S. Constitution – specifically regarding the military, martial law, and what is possible under various circumstances.  From what I have read in the Annotated version of the U.S. Constitution on Congress.gov, this is what the Constitution and Supreme Court interpretations have to say:

“Martial rule can never exist where the courts are open, and in proper and unobstructed exercise of their jurisdiction. It is also confined to the locality of actual war.” (Constitution Annotated)

Chief Justice Chase wrote in regard to the Milligan trial of March 3, 1863:

We by no means assert that Congress can establish and apply the laws of war where no war has been declared or exists.

“Where peace exists the laws of peace must prevail. What we do maintain is, that when the nation is involved in war, and some portions of the country are invaded, and all are exposed to invasion, it is within the power of Congress to determine in what states or districts such great and imminent public danger exists as justifies the authorization of military tribunals for the trial of crimes and offences against the discipline or security of the army or against the public safety. In short, only Congress can authorize the substitution of military tribunals for civil tribunals for the trial of offenses; and Congress can do so only in wartime.” (Constitution Annotated)

There must be such widespread war and danger that normal courts are not possible and then the CONGRESS has to authorize the military to conduct courts in lieu of regular courts.

First, we are not in such widespread war that regular courts can’t function. The odds of this level of widespread anarchy occurring is remote. And if it is occurring, we’ve got a lot more problems than who is President.

Second, the current Democrat-held Congress (or even a Republican one) would never give the military the right to try Congress members!

These supposed “military to the rescue strategies” are

  • completely unconstitutional
  • impractical and highly unlikely, if not impossible
  • terrifying

Think About What These Theories Actually Advocate

Do we really want the military to have that kind of power? The proposed solution is more terrifying than the problem.

We’ve questioned the validity of our elections already, and now shall we invite a completely unelected group of military generals with the power and might of weapons, tanks, jets and drones to be in charge? If we give them power will they ever relinquish it? No! No man since President Washington has had the humility and righteousness to step away from power of his own accord.

As for practicality and common sense, are we to believe that a President who was not able to arrest a single “swamp rat” (not because criminals in our government don’t exist, but because it was not within his constitutional purview to do so) is now able to have the whole cabal arrested from some side-perch? The concept is preposterous.

The Real Danger is Spreading These Theories

At best these rampant theories are neutralizing people by breeding false hope so they don’t do the hard work of rooting out corruption locally. They give people the false sense that if they share this stuff on social media they are somehow working to save their nation!

At worst, the promulgation of these theories is breeding mistrust in the cause of liberty.  They have already done great harm to President Trump and lost good Senators their seats.

Continuing to spread these theories will certainly nullify President Trump’s prospects of re-election in the future. We elected President Trump BECAUSE he HAD NO TIES with CORRUPTION. Shall we spread the false claims that he’s in league with a rogue unconstitutional military coup? How could anyone think that helps his chances of re-election?

Most likely all these claims are counter-information, designed by our enemies to undermine President Trump and make all conservatives look crazy in the process. I sympathize with many well-meaning individuals who feel hopeless and are grasping for a life-raft. Please know that those who make up these things most likely care nothing about your freedom. Most likely their motives are sinister or for their own personal gain (clicks, likes and ad revenue).

Another ramification of spreading these things is that we are neutralizing our effectiveness. We live in such a swirl of misinformation, that any appeal to truth becomes impossible. No one believes anything anymore —- including any legitimate reports of crime, malfeasance, or treason by those who have actually committed such. These nonsensical and un-Constitutional theories are quite possibly part of a multi-pronged attempt to destroy the MAGA movement.

Please, my friends, I implore you to stop spreading these theories! Our future depends upon it. We must remember that the end never justifies the means. We can’t violate the Constitution to save the Constitution. If we advocate for these unconstitutional strategies, we are no better than those who have chipped away at our liberties for the last century.

Hold Fast to the Constitution

No one with any wisdom or honesty uses the Constitution when it meets their ends and violates it when it doesn’t. That is what has put us in this mess to begin with.

For example, while we all would have liked Congress to nullify some state electors for fraud, Senator Rand Paul and Vice President Pence were right. Selection and certification of electors is constitutionally a state matter. Congress simply counts the votes. We can’t violate states’ rights and the Constitution to suit our ends — no matter how justified we feel we are or how much corruption we believe exists on the state level. This is a matter for the courts to judge these allegations.  I understand the frustration in feeling the courts are corrupt as well. Yet there are those in AZ who have found a way to have their case heard. Every Constitutional effort should be made to insist on free and valid elections.

If we feel we have been wronged, we must root out corruption at the local and state levels. Not just the federal.

Hold the line. Yes, the line we must hold is the US Constitution. It hangs by a thread and we must do all within our power to educate others on it and see that wise and honest men and women will remain true to their oaths to uphold it.

Featured Image Copyright: ungvar / BigStockPhoto.com

Posted in Essays, Government Corruption, Proper Role of Government, U.S. Constitution.