Betsy Ross Flag - Gratitude for our Founding Fathers

If This Nation Is To Endure…

 “A perfectly balanced mind opens the heart.”

Dr. John Demartini

I don’t know about you, but the state of our nation has been a major cause for concern in recent months. The anxiety even affected my health for a few weeks. When I have a wonderful life like I do and yet I’m so twisted up in knots about what’s happening in the country that it’s causing anxiety in my whole body, it’s really kind of crazy. Why is it getting to me so much?

First, I’m grieving. I feel like I’m watching something I love die in front of my eyes and I can’t do a thing about it.

Second, I come from a long line of patriots … some who risked their lives in the founding of this nation. Don’t I owe them everything I can to preserve it? I do not have the heart to let it die on my watch.

Yet, with all my speaking out, reasoning, informing, attending rallies or contributing to campaigns, I could no more turn the tide of what is happening in this country by these methods than an ant could turn the course of the Tennessee River.

There comes a point where we have to admit that things are what they are. When we’ve done all we know to do and things are still going south, it’s hard not to let fear and worse-case-scenario-thinking get the best of us. Yet, deep down I know that God is in control. Everything that is happening is for a reason. And some people simply will not turn to God as the Source for answers until things get bad or they’ve exhausted all their own ideas.

I keep asking myself: what are we creating with all this fear, worry, anxiety, negative talk, and bitterness?

Everything I know about the power of thought and the power of words is screaming that I’ve been doing this ALL WRONG and that I should know better. I’ve created a lot of success in life and business over the last 30 years. None of it was created by fear and worry or focusing on all the things that were wrong. I know from experience that constantly running worse case scenarios, focusing on all the bad things, or going to fear is not the answer.

You don’t create solutions by dwelling on all the things that aren’t working. You don’t unleash true creativity and get the genius ideas to solve challenges until you catch the vision of what you want instead… the good you’d like to see happen. That’s when the inspiration comes.

Job said, “The thing I greatly feared has come upon me.” This man that the Bible called “perfect” had only one flaw… he was afraid and it created his outcome and enabled the calamities that befell him.

What If Our Fear Is What Is Destroying Us?

Jesus said, “Perfect love casts out fear.” What is mass fear creating in our world? What if the prophecies of end times are created because of a tipping point of fear… where mass numbers of people are afraid… so much so that their “hearts fail them?” Their hearts are bereft of love. What if it is the FEAR (which is the polar opposite of faith and perfect love) bringing upon us the calamities foretold by prophets?

What if each and every one of us let the Perfect Love of God cast out the fear … whether that fear is about viruses or vaccines, government corruption or tyrannical governors? What if we stopped focusing on what we DON’T want and focused on what we DO want in our lives, homes, states, nation and the world?

Our Answers Lie In Time Tested Truths

There are principles that protect freedom. Our Founders understood that, and they integrated them into our divinely inspired Constitution that has given us freedom over the last 240+ years.

As we go forward, you will see me focusing less on the corruption, the greed and the anti-constitutional policies and laws. Currently, I use one reliable source for news – The Epoch Times. I recommend you subscribe to it so you stay up with trustworthy news.

I’ll be focusing more on true freedom principles. It’s time we became more thoroughly educated as a people about what creates freedom in a nation. It’s something we’ve obviously forgotten and many have never even learned in this country.

I know the negative is much more tantalizing, more popular, more click and like and comment worthy. That’s what the media has trained us to be addicted to. But our nation isn’t going to be saved by likes and clicks and comments. It’s going to be saved by people who understand freedom principles and who insist that they be enacted in the governance of our country.

It is Truth, Faith and Love that will save this nation. Not fear or faithlessness. Fear is the tool of our adversaries to manipulate us into hopelessness. Let’s not let them win — not on our watch!

Posted in Essays, Freedom Principles.