Do You Remember 9-11

Do You Remember 9/11?

Do you remember the lessons of 9/11? They are incredibly relevant to what we face today. Remember the patriotism? The unity? The love of God and our fellow Americans? It didn’t last but the government encroachments on freedom sure did.

Do you remember when Americans rallied around each other in a national crisis and for several years after? They pulled together in a common cause.

Do you remember an America where people proudly waved and wore the red, white and blue? They spoke of love for country in songs, television shows, T-shirts, and in their every day lives?

Do you remember an America who openly spoke of love for God, family, and country? They dusted off their Bibles and went back to church in droves.

Do you remember America filled with a spirit of unity, where contention within seemed rare? Where heroes were celebrated and we loved and cared about those impacted?

Twenty years ago today America changed. Fear was introduced within our country. Fear united us and turned our hearts to God. But fear also led to crackdowns on and restrictions of some of our liberties.

Notice that those liberties were never restored after that crisis. An airport in 2000 ran very differently than an airport today. When government takes power they don’t give it back. I repeat:


The choices we make today out of fear will live on. Just as my children live under restrictions imposed because of 9/11, your grandchildren and your great grandchildren will live under the accelerated restrictions imposed upon our society today. Governments never give back power. Not without bloodshed. Or collapse.

I remember the America before 9/11. The patriotism didn’t last. The unity didn’t last. The love of God didn’t last. But the government restrictions sure did.

Don’t let fear rob you of your freedom, your children’s freedom, or your grandchildren‘s. Those who seek power and gain work on the long game. Inch by inch they destroy your freedom. They are patient. They’re spinning a web.

On the other hand, individuals are shortsighted. All we care about is what we’re going to do this weekend. Or perhaps a concert we want to see next month. We forget so easily the past. And we’re so careless and foolish about the future. Instant gratification is the enemy of freedom. Freedom requires personal responsibility, self-control and vision.

Remember. Remember. Remember the lessons of 911. Those who do not learn from history, are doomed to repeat it.

It’s time we restored liberty and stopped throwing it away. To learn more, check out my book, “Restoring Liberty: Personal Freedom and Responsibility in America” available in paperback and Kindle on Amazon. It’s also free on Kindle Unlimited.

Marnie Pehrson Kuhns (20th anniversary of 9/11).

Featured Image Copyright: Greens87 /

Posted in Freedom Principles, Government Corruption.