Hope for the future - Love vs Hate

Confirmation Bias & Hope for the Future

Quantum physicists have discovered that the universe and nature are not separate entities from us. We aren’t victims of circumstances in a universe where things “just happen” to us. We are intertwined and connected with everything and everyone in the universe. We are both the artists and the art. We create our own worlds through our emotions, beliefs, observations, and expectations.

From a spiritual point of view, God created us to act for ourselves and not be acted upon. As Jesus repeatedly taught, “all things are possible to those who believe.” In quantum physics, scientists discovered that by simply observing photons in experiments, the scientists literally changed the outcome of how the photons behaved. They learned that simply observing changes reality.

“Confirmation bias” is an example of this. Confirmation bias is when you go around seeing evidence of what you believe. The real danger in our world is less about carbon footprints or desolating sicknesses and more about the fear, hate, victim energy, and gloom and doom that pervades our societies. We’re literally creating what we expect. By observation we shift the world toward our deepest fears or toward our greatest faith.

In his book, “The Spontaneous Healing of Belief: Shattering the Paradigm of False Limits,” Gregg Braden says, “Widely held beliefs of hate, separation, and fear can destroy our bodies and our world faster than we could have even imagined. Maybe all we need is a little shift in the way we think of ourselves in order to recognize the great truth that we are, in fact, the architects of our experience. We are cosmic artists expressing our deepest beliefs on the quantum canvas of the universe.”

Studying these concepts from both a scientific and spiritual perspective has led me to consider that perhaps the greatest threat to our world is actually mass media, mass communication, controlled by fear-mongering, division-creating voices who shift the beliefs of millions toward fear, negative expectations, scarcity, violent reactions, angry emotions, and destructive behavior.

You’ll find this same fear-mongering divisiveness on either side of the political spectrum. It doesn’t matter how well-meaning or how much we cling to our principles, if we do so with angry, bitter, blame-centered, us-vs-them emotions, we subvert any positive ends we say we are seeking.

Our fate lies in our own ability to shut out the divisive voices of hate, fear, bitterness, and hopelessness, and instead, choose compassion, faith, hope, connection, understanding, light, and truth.

Jesus truly is “the way, the truth and the life.” He is the WAY for a multitude of reasons, but in context of this topic, He is the WAY because His “gospel” is the “good news” … not the bad. His message is “fear not, doubt not… BELIEVE.” His message is “love one another… love your enemies.” His counter-intuitive admonitions require a completely different state of being than we’re seeing at large in society.

The answer to the challenges we face as a nation and as a world lie, not in the fearmongering, hatemongering, divisive labeling, and victim-creating-energy of the world, but in He who said, “Be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”

Jesus understood that our emotions and our observations CREATE … if we want to CREATE good outcomes, we must focus on the good, the uplifting, the hopeful, the life-giving, the liberating, the compassionate and the believing.

Perhaps this is why if the Spirit keeps telling me anything … it is to DISCONNECT from the noise, opinions and tumult of the world. No answers lie there. Ultimate truth lies in our constant connection to the Divine! That’s where the answers are! The Spirit keeps reminding me that my time is better spent in meditation, prayer, positive thoughts and uplifting books than in wrangling and contending over every news item of the day.

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Where has freedom of speech gone?

Where Has Freedom of Speech Gone?

They’ve removed our Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene from the committees she was on. They’re trying to remove her completely from Congress. She won fair and square here in Northwest Georgia. She’s got “stones” as Benjamin Franklin would say. I like her. We voted for her in District 14 of Georgia because we wanted someone scrappy and brave who would fight for our interests.

They say Marjorie Taylor Greene believes in conspiracy theories and that that’s some kind of crime. I don’t care if she thinks the Easter Bunny is in league with Little Red Riding Hood to take over the Little Red Hen’s bread box. She’s fighting for our rights. And that’s what we elected her to do.

Since when did saying, thinking or believing something become a crime in this country? Where in the world has freedom of speech gone? Since when did we become subject to the Thought Police?

And since when do other states get to take away our representatives? Greene’s not California’s representative or Atlanta’s or Pennsylvania’s representative. She’s ours. The rest of the country gets to have their representatives they voted for. We don’t try to remove your representatives. Don’t tread on ours.

These attacks on Marjorie Greene (Rep-GA) are saying that anyone who has ever had a social media discussion about something that the powerful mobocracy decides is taboo can’t hold office, must be cancelled from their jobs, and publicly ridiculed.

This is a horrible attack on freedom of speech, freedom of thought, and the rights of every American. We’re now not allowed to publicly discuss theories or ideas or engage in discussions that aren’t PC today or what might become politically incorrect at some future date. Every post you’ve liked, every comment you’ve made, every article you’ve shared is now incriminating evidence against your sanity, your right to serve public office, or frankly to have a job and support your family.

Every American regardless of party must stand up for Marjorie Greene’s right of free thought and free speech. If you don’t, it may be you next.

My dad has been quoting this old poem from the holocaust by German Lutheran pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984):

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

If under the Constitution the Senate had no right to dismiss state certified and appointed electors even if there were concerns of fraud at the state level, then the Congress nor any other body has the authority to unseat a Congresswoman fairly elected by the voice of her constituents in Georgia District 14. Marjorie Greene has committed no crime. There is no authority to do this to her.

An attack upon one state is an attack upon the other 49. An attack on one American is an attack on every American. Please write and call your Congress members and tell them to stand by the Constitution and protect freedom of speech and thought in this nation by ceasing their assault on Congresswoman Marjorie Greene (Rep-GA)!

If you really want to know who Marjorie Taylor Greene is, watch this.

Note: The freedom of speech for all Americans is also under attack by what is happening in the impeachment trial of former President Donald J. Trump. Read this informative article by legal scholar, Alan Dershowitz here.

Featured Image Copyright: Sorapop / BigStockPhoto.com

personal freedom

What Good Is Freedom If We Live Like We’re Enslaved?

Freedom is an inside job… it’s in our minds, in our hearts and in our actions. Even though we may gripe or complain, we still live in the most blessed and free nation in the world. We have more freedom to create, build, to bless others, and to reap blessings for ourselves than most of the people who have lived on the planet.
Yet, our own thinking, our own limiting, self-sabotaging beliefs keep us stuck behind a wall of fear. We doubt our own value, our own worth, our own ability to create, and to be heard. We doubt and diminish the value of what we have to share. We hold back because it might not be perfect enough or because others might make fun of it or judge it or criticize it. More debilitating is the inner critic that never leaves us because we keep entertaining its nonsense as valid or relevant.
We have things our hearts long to do, to be, and to create, but we stuff them down because we have to be practical, or because society doesn’t value them, or because we think we can’t make money at them.
Until we ignore those negative voices in our own heads, and the criticism (or perceived judgement) from others and remain true to our highest and best selves, we will never be truly free.
We can blame government or society or other people all day long, but it is WE who have ENSLAVED OURSELVES. And so I ask you, What would you do today if you were truly brave? If you didn’t care whether other people thought what you wanted to do held value or if they judged you or even if what you wanted to do didn’t make you a dime? What would you be, do, or say today if you were truly brave?
Only the brave truly live in freedom. Everyone else just makes excuses. What good is freedom if we live enslaved to our limiting beliefs?

Featured Image Copyright: siam.pukkato /BigstockPhoto.com

God's Promises to Abraham and Sarah

Put Pride Aside: Stop Counselling God

When God promises something and it doesn’t happen on our time table or how we think it should, the natural human tendency is to become impatient and concoct ways to make God’s promises happen for ourselves. Yes, we are to take action – INSPIRED action – staying calm, being obedient to God, listening, remaining in faith and acting wisely. But when we seek to control elements that are outside our authority (what God wants us to do), we can do more harm than good.

The biggest messes of mankind have happened when people interpreted what God’s promises were, and then impatiently tried to MAKE God’s promises happen when, how, where and with whom they wanted.

Even good believers get carried away trying to “make” what they believe God has promised happen. Look at Abraham’s wife Sarah and the crazy way she tried to have a child because she thought it was her job to fulfill God’s promises.

God promised Abraham and Sarah a child, but Sarah was way past childbearing years and she laughed. Eventually, she became really old and still no child. So she took matters into her own hands. She used some law on the books that said if her servant had a child with her husband, the baby would be Sarah’s child. Maybe this would fulfill God’s promise?

So this poor servant (Hagar), having no say in the matter, is brought in, and has a baby with Abraham per Sarah’s instructions. Then all kinds of jealousy and problems ensue until Hagar flees into the desert with her child (Ishmael) and nearly dies.

Most of the mess in the Middle East to this day is because Sarah tried to use her own logic to fulfill God’s promises. She manipulated another person (Hagar), twisted a law around to justify her objectives, and tried to control when, where and how God fulfilled His promises.

Eventually the promise was fulfilled when Sarah actually gave birth to Isaac (Abrahams child). God did it miraculously and completely illogically.

When God promises something, it’s important to realize that He’s in charge of the who, what, why, when, where and how.

The only “who” we can control is ourselves and our motivations (our “why”). God is in charge of who else is involved, why He’s doing things the way He’s doing them, when it will happen, where it will happen, and how.

The more we try to take the reins away from God and manipulate other people or force things into our when, where, how and why, the bigger the mess we make.

In our country today, I believe this principle is very relevant. In all our “what if” scenarios, or gloom and doom predictions or contrived theories, or manipulation of laws, or imposing our will onto other people, aren’t we doing what Sarah did? Aren’t we basically laughing off God’s promises and assuming we have to figure out how to make them fulfilled our way, on our own time, on our own terms, with our own visible resources?

Let’s have faith, be obedient to God, and praise Him ahead of time for the blessings He’s promised the righteous. Then we can stop worrying about how it’s going to happen, and instead “stand still and see the salvation of the Lord.”

What would trusting God look like even if everything fell apart? That’s what I explore in my new novel, “Z: A Dystopian / Millennium Novel,” available on Kindle and Paperback and free on Kindle Unlimited.

Featured Image Copyright: askib / BigStockPhoto.com

A Word of Warning to My Fellow Patriots

A logical, common-sense and Constitutional look at the theories that claim the military is really in power and other theories of undercover operations to restore our nation.

As any of my readers know, I have supported President Trump throughout his Presidency. I believe he has done a great service to our country. I also have grave doubts about the validity of our elections and the election results of 2020.

I understand the feeling of utter helplessness that many Americans feel at this time. We feel violated and unheard. While sworn affidavits and evidence abounds, it has been summarily dismissed on technicalities of presentation without hearing the substance of their claims in court. As a whole, the media and the nation assumes these allegations are libelous or false even though they have never been properly heard in a court of law..

On top of that, anyone who purports that there could have been malfeasance is ridiculed, silenced or “cancelled.”

Amidst this widespread hurt among conservative Americans is a swirl of reports that have been building for some time. They claim the military is now in charge of our country and that the current resident of the White House is simply a ruse. Through a series of complex theories which multiply daily, many are convinced the military will ride in to save the day.

They claim we are technically in a state of war (from some prior events), that Martial law will be put into place, that military courts will try the perpetrators in our government, send them off to jail, and re-instate President Trump to his rightful role – or some other variation of this theme. What’s more, many claim President Trump not only knows about, but is also complicit in this complex plan (even though he has never said an actual word about it).

An Appeal to the Constitution

I feel it my patriotic duty to raise a voice of warning to my fellow Americans. I have studied the U.S. Constitution – specifically regarding the military, martial law, and what is possible under various circumstances.  From what I have read in the Annotated version of the U.S. Constitution on Congress.gov, this is what the Constitution and Supreme Court interpretations have to say:

“Martial rule can never exist where the courts are open, and in proper and unobstructed exercise of their jurisdiction. It is also confined to the locality of actual war.” (Constitution Annotated)

Chief Justice Chase wrote in regard to the Milligan trial of March 3, 1863:

We by no means assert that Congress can establish and apply the laws of war where no war has been declared or exists.

“Where peace exists the laws of peace must prevail. What we do maintain is, that when the nation is involved in war, and some portions of the country are invaded, and all are exposed to invasion, it is within the power of Congress to determine in what states or districts such great and imminent public danger exists as justifies the authorization of military tribunals for the trial of crimes and offences against the discipline or security of the army or against the public safety. In short, only Congress can authorize the substitution of military tribunals for civil tribunals for the trial of offenses; and Congress can do so only in wartime.” (Constitution Annotated)

There must be such widespread war and danger that normal courts are not possible and then the CONGRESS has to authorize the military to conduct courts in lieu of regular courts.

First, we are not in such widespread war that regular courts can’t function. The odds of this level of widespread anarchy occurring is remote. And if it is occurring, we’ve got a lot more problems than who is President.

Second, the current Democrat-held Congress (or even a Republican one) would never give the military the right to try Congress members!

These supposed “military to the rescue strategies” are

  • completely unconstitutional
  • impractical and highly unlikely, if not impossible
  • terrifying

Think About What These Theories Actually Advocate

Do we really want the military to have that kind of power? The proposed solution is more terrifying than the problem.

We’ve questioned the validity of our elections already, and now shall we invite a completely unelected group of military generals with the power and might of weapons, tanks, jets and drones to be in charge? If we give them power will they ever relinquish it? No! No man since President Washington has had the humility and righteousness to step away from power of his own accord.

As for practicality and common sense, are we to believe that a President who was not able to arrest a single “swamp rat” (not because criminals in our government don’t exist, but because it was not within his constitutional purview to do so) is now able to have the whole cabal arrested from some side-perch? The concept is preposterous.

The Real Danger is Spreading These Theories

At best these rampant theories are neutralizing people by breeding false hope so they don’t do the hard work of rooting out corruption locally. They give people the false sense that if they share this stuff on social media they are somehow working to save their nation!

At worst, the promulgation of these theories is breeding mistrust in the cause of liberty.  They have already done great harm to President Trump and lost good Senators their seats.

Continuing to spread these theories will certainly nullify President Trump’s prospects of re-election in the future. We elected President Trump BECAUSE he HAD NO TIES with CORRUPTION. Shall we spread the false claims that he’s in league with a rogue unconstitutional military coup? How could anyone think that helps his chances of re-election?

Most likely all these claims are counter-information, designed by our enemies to undermine President Trump and make all conservatives look crazy in the process. I sympathize with many well-meaning individuals who feel hopeless and are grasping for a life-raft. Please know that those who make up these things most likely care nothing about your freedom. Most likely their motives are sinister or for their own personal gain (clicks, likes and ad revenue).

Another ramification of spreading these things is that we are neutralizing our effectiveness. We live in such a swirl of misinformation, that any appeal to truth becomes impossible. No one believes anything anymore —- including any legitimate reports of crime, malfeasance, or treason by those who have actually committed such. These nonsensical and un-Constitutional theories are quite possibly part of a multi-pronged attempt to destroy the MAGA movement.

Please, my friends, I implore you to stop spreading these theories! Our future depends upon it. We must remember that the end never justifies the means. We can’t violate the Constitution to save the Constitution. If we advocate for these unconstitutional strategies, we are no better than those who have chipped away at our liberties for the last century.

Hold Fast to the Constitution

No one with any wisdom or honesty uses the Constitution when it meets their ends and violates it when it doesn’t. That is what has put us in this mess to begin with.

For example, while we all would have liked Congress to nullify some state electors for fraud, Senator Rand Paul and Vice President Pence were right. Selection and certification of electors is constitutionally a state matter. Congress simply counts the votes. We can’t violate states’ rights and the Constitution to suit our ends — no matter how justified we feel we are or how much corruption we believe exists on the state level. This is a matter for the courts to judge these allegations.  I understand the frustration in feeling the courts are corrupt as well. Yet there are those in AZ who have found a way to have their case heard. Every Constitutional effort should be made to insist on free and valid elections.

If we feel we have been wronged, we must root out corruption at the local and state levels. Not just the federal.

Hold the line. Yes, the line we must hold is the US Constitution. It hangs by a thread and we must do all within our power to educate others on it and see that wise and honest men and women will remain true to their oaths to uphold it.

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America in God's Hands

In God We Trust

Whenever I’m concerned about something or have a lot on my mind, the best thing I have found to help is to take the time to pray and then after closing the prayer, come to Jesus Christ in my mind. It’s a self-guided meditation I use to find this place in my mind and heart where hearing Him seems easier.

This morning, I woke up early as I often do, with a lot of swirling thoughts. In my mind Jesus held both my hands in His. I could feel the nail prints in His palms, and I could hear Him saying, “Quiet your mind, Marnie. Let it all go. Focus on my voice.”

As He said this, a stillness settled over my mind. The swirl of client projects, the state of our nation, and concerns for my children all melted into the silence. I felt peace in His presence.

After some time in silence together, I heard Him say, “I understand what you’re going through. Love for your country and freedom principles are woven into the very fabric of your soul. Your parents lovingly sewed it into the tapestry of your life at a young age.”

Tears began rolling down my cheeks as I felt the truth of His words. He did understand! He did see me and my beautiful parents. He knew that the precious truths they integrated into the fabric of my soul formed the operating system of my life. For someone to tear my country’s freedom away feels as if it is ripping away parts of me that can’t be extricated without destroying me in the process.

Then Jesus cupped His hands together and said, “Give me your country. Let it go.”

What? How am I supposed to do that? Jesus just said He understood how tightly woven these ideals are into the core of who I am. How am I supposed to give that to Him now? I didn’t see it in that moment, but I see it in retrospect, that He was asking me to give Him myself on a whole new level.

As He asked me again to give Him my country, I remembered other times when He has asked me to give Him things that seemed impossible to extricate from the foundation of my life – my career, my property, my marriage, my dreams, my home, and even talents I leaned on for survival.

At this point, I began to see the logic in what He was asking me. One by one, He asked me if I would trade anything from my life today for those former things He had asked me to give up. Not a single one would I trade. The old, sad marriage was replaced with a beautiful, connected one. The old career has been replaced with one that feeds my soul. The dream, the home, the property, and the talents He gave back renewed and more beautiful than ever before.

Anything I have given Him, He has returned beauty for ashes. In the process I have learned that what He really desires is for me to learn to trust Him explicitly — that He is working everything together for my good.

Over the years I’ve put my trust in my ability to make money, in the businesses I’ve built, in the talents I’ve developed, in my home, relationships, and dreams. I learned that none of these things can be relied upon for a steady foundation. Only Christ, my God, can be trusted. My faith in and connection to God, is the only thing that has brought me through when everything has fallen apart.

I have put SO much trust in the freedom of my country. Every day I wake up assuming that I will be free to run my business as I see fit, speak what is on my mind, come and go as I please, travel where I want to travel, go to the store for anything I need. I’ve trusted that the dollar has value. I’ve trusted that I won’t be attacked by anyone as I go about my day. I’ve trusted no one will take over my home and quarter armies in my house and property. I’ve trusted the consistency of traffic laws and traffic lights. I have come to expect ORDER. I’ve lived in a world of order and freedom to say, believe, build, create and worship according to the dictates of my own conscience.

I’ve taken for granted that my country was there for me… assuming it was a sure foundation. Perhaps, it could even be said, I’ve trusted this foundation more than I’ve trusted God at times. In asking me to give my country to Him, Jesus was really asking me to put even more trust in Him. He was asking me to give more of myself and my heart to Him.

In God We Trust

Should all the freedoms I’ve grown accustomed to disappear, no one can take God from me. No one can climb into my heart and mind and take the peace that only He can give. In that inner space, I am truly free.

Reluctantly at first, and then with more trust, I handed Jesus my country. It was a small, round thing, about the size of a softball in His hands. It had the markings of the American flag wrapped around it. The evidence of red and white stripes and a blue field and a star or two where shiny and bright on this round ball.

Jesus cupped it in His hands, and I hoped that He would do as He has done for me other times and return beauty for ashes. Would He give it back to me even better like He did my land and home? Would he create something vibrant, new and different like he did in my marriage?

Deep down I knew there is no guarantee of any of that. I have to be willing to give it to Him and never see it again. So, if America dies and fades away into nothingness, I resolved this morning to trust Him to take care of me and my family and the people I have come to love.

Whether in this world or in that heavenly country, liberty shall reign supreme once more. For where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty. And He is the only thing that lasts.

In God We Trust

Featured Image Copyright: Kharolina Mendoza / BigStockPhoto.com

Betsy Ross Flag - Gratitude for our Founding Fathers

If This Nation Is To Endure…

 “A perfectly balanced mind opens the heart.”

Dr. John Demartini

I don’t know about you, but the state of our nation has been a major cause for concern in recent months. The anxiety even affected my health for a few weeks. When I have a wonderful life like I do and yet I’m so twisted up in knots about what’s happening in the country that it’s causing anxiety in my whole body, it’s really kind of crazy. Why is it getting to me so much?

First, I’m grieving. I feel like I’m watching something I love die in front of my eyes and I can’t do a thing about it.

Second, I come from a long line of patriots … some who risked their lives in the founding of this nation. Don’t I owe them everything I can to preserve it? I do not have the heart to let it die on my watch.

Yet, with all my speaking out, reasoning, informing, attending rallies or contributing to campaigns, I could no more turn the tide of what is happening in this country by these methods than an ant could turn the course of the Tennessee River.

There comes a point where we have to admit that things are what they are. When we’ve done all we know to do and things are still going south, it’s hard not to let fear and worse-case-scenario-thinking get the best of us. Yet, deep down I know that God is in control. Everything that is happening is for a reason. And some people simply will not turn to God as the Source for answers until things get bad or they’ve exhausted all their own ideas.

I keep asking myself: what are we creating with all this fear, worry, anxiety, negative talk, and bitterness?

Everything I know about the power of thought and the power of words is screaming that I’ve been doing this ALL WRONG and that I should know better. I’ve created a lot of success in life and business over the last 30 years. None of it was created by fear and worry or focusing on all the things that were wrong. I know from experience that constantly running worse case scenarios, focusing on all the bad things, or going to fear is not the answer.

You don’t create solutions by dwelling on all the things that aren’t working. You don’t unleash true creativity and get the genius ideas to solve challenges until you catch the vision of what you want instead… the good you’d like to see happen. That’s when the inspiration comes.

Job said, “The thing I greatly feared has come upon me.” This man that the Bible called “perfect” had only one flaw… he was afraid and it created his outcome and enabled the calamities that befell him.

What If Our Fear Is What Is Destroying Us?

Jesus said, “Perfect love casts out fear.” What is mass fear creating in our world? What if the prophecies of end times are created because of a tipping point of fear… where mass numbers of people are afraid… so much so that their “hearts fail them?” Their hearts are bereft of love. What if it is the FEAR (which is the polar opposite of faith and perfect love) bringing upon us the calamities foretold by prophets?

What if each and every one of us let the Perfect Love of God cast out the fear … whether that fear is about viruses or vaccines, government corruption or tyrannical governors? What if we stopped focusing on what we DON’T want and focused on what we DO want in our lives, homes, states, nation and the world?

Our Answers Lie In Time Tested Truths

There are principles that protect freedom. Our Founders understood that, and they integrated them into our divinely inspired Constitution that has given us freedom over the last 240+ years.

As we go forward, you will see me focusing less on the corruption, the greed and the anti-constitutional policies and laws. Currently, I use one reliable source for news – The Epoch Times. I recommend you subscribe to it so you stay up with trustworthy news.

I’ll be focusing more on true freedom principles. It’s time we became more thoroughly educated as a people about what creates freedom in a nation. It’s something we’ve obviously forgotten and many have never even learned in this country.

I know the negative is much more tantalizing, more popular, more click and like and comment worthy. That’s what the media has trained us to be addicted to. But our nation isn’t going to be saved by likes and clicks and comments. It’s going to be saved by people who understand freedom principles and who insist that they be enacted in the governance of our country.

It is Truth, Faith and Love that will save this nation. Not fear or faithlessness. Fear is the tool of our adversaries to manipulate us into hopelessness. Let’s not let them win — not on our watch!

Americans are being played like a fiddle by both sides

Americans Are Being Played

I have felt for some time that we are being played by both sides… that whether they’re republicans or democrats, they’re the same lot… all in it for power, gain and ratings. They’re playing us all like fiddles… getting us to polarize behind one side or another, argue and fight with our own family members and friends. We’ve been engaged in one giant manipulative political reality show for FAR too long.

All the while, whichever group is in power, you get the same old big government, more controls, more intrusion into our daily lives. President Trump shook up the apple cart. He did what he promised to do on so many levels. Most of all, he did DRAIN the swamp so that we could see who the swamp creatures are.

It’s plain to see that almost all of them are in bed together up there… the fake conservatives and the blatant socialists.

What Do We Need to Do?

I believe the first thing we have to do is stop playing their game… stop watching their propaganda (whether it’s FOX or CNN or MSN). They’re all just riling us up … and to what end?

People who hate each other and don’t trust their neighbors (cause their neighbor might give them a virus or their neighbor might be a liberal … or their neighbor might be a gasp-Trump-supporter) are easier to control. Divide and conquer. Fear is the seedbed of control.

Repair Our Important Relationships and Remove the Real Enemies from Power

The best way we can defeat our true enemies is to be kind to each other, give each other the benefit of the doubt, calmly educate and inform, and love each other — whether we agree about politics or not. If someone doesn’t agree with your politics, talk to them about something else! There are so many other things to talk about! Let’s get creative and find the common ground with our neighbors.

Our neighbors and family members aren’t the enemy. The enemies are in power in our states and federal government. It’s time we replaced the crooks in power with good, honest, wise men and women who will protect our liberties and our divinely inspired Constitution!

Let’s pour our energy into repairing our strained important relationships with family members and good friends.

Let’s pray for America… for the protection of our liberties… for healing… and for a return to civility and kindness.

Featured Image Copyright: Elnur / BigStockPhoto.com

giving others the benefit of the doubt forgiveness

Giving Others the Benefit of the Doubt

What if ordinary people gave each other the benefit of the doubt? (I’m talking ordinary folks … not politicians or media moguls). What if the average American didn’t go around looking for sinister motives and intentions in everything their fellow-Americans are doing or saying? What if we didn’t pick apart their words and assume they meant something derogatory or sinister or offensive? What if we weren’t on high alert to be offended by every word?

In reviewing my life I can’t recall a single time I have done something with malicious or sinister intent. Sure, I’ve said things in the heat of the moment I regretted. I’ve done stupid and sinful things. I’ve made plenty of mistakes, and I certainly haven’t been “nice” all the time. But I can’t recall ever, with malicious intent, setting out with forethought to harm, manipulate or injure another person.

I have had people ASSUME that I’ve done something intentionally to harm them. But, I assure you, I did not set out to do so nor has it ever been my overarching motive to manipulate or harm another. I really do LIKE people. I like to get along with other people. I LOVE building other people up and helping them see their greatness. No, I haven’t done that in every moment. I get frustrated like anyone else does.

I really hate contention. Yet, having said that, I will stand for my beliefs and values – especially if they are being attacked, dismissed or undermined for me or anyone else. Whether some people take my freedom to choose my beliefs and speak my mind as a personal affront to them is purely their choosing. It really isn’t about them as far as I’m concerned. It’s about me being true to the light and truth I’ve been given. It’s about me being a voice for those who have no voice… something I feel in my soul I’m on earth to do.

Because I feel this way, I’d rather assume you’re trying to live your life that way too. You’re doing the best you can. You believe what you believe and that drives you. I may not agree with your beliefs. I may feel you are misinformed or misguided about something. But I work from the assumption you are not intentionally trying to harm me.

Until a person proves otherwise (like many politicians have), I like to assume people do not have sinister or ill intent. I may be delusional, but I’m happier in a world where I give other people the benefit of the doubt and am quick to overlook, dismiss, or forgive comments and actions that others might take offense to.

I’ve learned that the end never justifies the means. Shaming, silencing, belittling, nagging, canceling, etc. even if you want the best for someone else is still wrong. You can’t use Satan’s tactics to do God’s work. That is why I will protect your right to believe what you want and speak what you believe til my dying breath.

I don’t have to sit and listen to it. I don’t have to let you post it on my social media wall. I don’t have to acquiesce for it to be taught to my children. I don’t have to authorize my tax dollars to teach what you believe. But sure, you have a right to say and believe what you want. I know that to silence you completely would not only undermine my own liberty but also side with Satan.

Featured Image Copyright: Nikki Zalewski / BigStockPhoto.com

National Guard troops to stay in Washington DC Through March 2021

Military Presence Staying in Washington DC Through March

At least 5,000 National Guard members will remain in Washington DC through mid-March.

“As we continue to work to meet the final post-inauguration requirements, the National Guard has been requested to continue supporting federal law enforcement agencies with 7,000 members and will draw down to 5,000 through mid-March,” Maj. Matt Murphy told The Epoch Times via email.

“We are providing assistance such as security, communications, medical evacuation, logistics, and safety support to state, district, and federal agencies,” he added. (Source: The Epoch Times)


It has never been a Constitutional practice to have military occupying US cities. As we look at the fact that thousands of National Guard troops will remain in Washington DC through March, we have to ask ourselves the question WHY?

Conditioning… pure and simple… Conditioning… setting a precedence for military occupying a major city. I wouldn’t be surprised to see more follow suit as rioters continue to do their thing in major cities. Now that there’s no Orange Man Bad to blame, those liberal governors will be placing National Guard in their cities.

And then we’ll be like other despotic nations with a constant military presence fearmongering people into submission.

That’s my personal prediction anyway. Hopefully, I’m wrong.

What Does the Constitution Say About Standing Armies?


The Congress shall have Power To …raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years….

“For most Americans after the Revolution, a standing army was one of the most dangerous threats to liberty. In thinking about the potential dangers of a standing army, the Founding generation had before them the precedents of Rome and England. In the first case, Julius Caesar marched his provincial army into Rome, overthrowing the power of the Senate, destroying the republic, and laying the foundation of empire. In the second, Oliver Cromwell used the army to abolish Parliament and to rule as dictator.” (The Heritage Guide to the Constitution, The Heritage Foundation )

Featured Image Copyright: New Africa / BigStockPhoto.com