Front Porch Sense Episodes

How to really Make America Great Again - MAGA

Episode #24 – What Really Makes America Great?

We hear the slogan Make America Great Again, but what really makes America great? What does greatness look like and how do we return to it? What really can make America great again? In the 1840’s Alexis de Tocqueville came from France to America to observe first-hand what he referred to as “this great experiment.” […]

Destruction of Electoral College with National Popular Vote Interestate Compact

Episode 23 – Electoral College Vs National Popular Vote

Why do we need the Electoral College and why is the National Popular Vote (NPV) Interstate Compact so dangerous to our freedom? The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact binds states with contracts that require them to appropriate their electoral college votes to the Presidential candidate who has the national popular vote. This episode explores the […]

Why the U.S. Census Matters and why we need to be asking Are You A U.S. Citizen?

Episode 22 – Why the U.S. Census Is So Important

“Are you a U.S. Citizen?” … a question proposed for addition to the 2020 U.S. Census has caused controversy. In the past there were two questions. The first asked where the person was born and the second asked those who were foreign born whether they had been naturalized. These questions were not asked in 2010 […]

Blame Game vs Personal Responsibility

Episode 21: Mass Shootings and Personal Responsibility vs The Blame Game

We have a bad habit of playing the blame game in America. We want to blame everyone but ourselves. Everyone but the person who committed the crime (or the mass shooting). We don’t have the luxury of playing that game in our free nation – a constitutional republic. Here’s why and what we should be doing about it.

corporations and government corruption

Episode 19 – Corporations and Government Corruption

Many are upset about corporate greed and corruption. Whether it’s Big Pharma or corporate bailouts of entire industries, something smells fishy in Washington. Corporations and government corruption go hand-in-hand. Why is it so easy for corporations to get away with things and run smaller businesses out of the market? Why is Washington DC swarming with […]

US National Debt Graph over lifetime of the nation.

Episode 18 – Why Is the U.S. National Debt So High?

Why is the U.S. National Debt so high and what can be done about it? This episode of Front Porch Sense explains why our national debt is out of control and what needs to happen to stop the runaway train. The solution will require repealing the 16th and 17th amendments, reverting to the Founder’s definition […]

If You Want Something Done, Do It Yourself - Cleaning Up the Environment

Episode 17 – If You Want Something Done, Do It Yourself

In this episode Marnie Pehrson Kuhns shares examples of people who take personal responsibility and move into action around things they believe in. They don’t wait around for “somebody else” or government to solve the problems, they roll up their sleeves and get to work and rally others to do the same. Their do-it-yourself attitude […]

core values

Episode 16 – Let’s Get Down to the Core Values and Root Issues

If we are ever to have a civil discourse in our country, we need to cut through all the emotion and finger-pointing and look at the root issues … the core values. Where are they the same and where they are different between the right and the left? If you’ve ever wanted to understand your […]

What Do You Stand For? 2020 Presidential Election

Episode 15 – What Do You Stand For?

My 2020 Presidential Election Prediction Political candidates and parties that rally people around what they stand FOR are more likely to succeed in getting elected than those whose primary focus is defeating another candidate. In this episode I go out on a limb and make my prediction for the 2020 Presidential Election and explain why […]

stop walking on egg shells

Episode 14: Stop Walking on Egg Shells

In our families, parenting, spousal relationships, and as a society at large, we are allowing other people to manipulate us. It’s time we stop walking on egg shells and own our own personal responsibility in how we respond to people who make excuses, demand free stuff, or violate the rule of law to get their […]

Must you make reparations for your family tree?

Episode 13: Reparations & The Sins of the Fathers

Are we responsible for the sins of our fathers? How far do you go back and make reparations? How do people prove that they are due reparations? What about people who have ancestors who were on both sides of situations that modern America deems offensive? Should our own individual contributions be nullified because of the […]

Common sense in an uncommon degree is what the world calls wisdom

Episode 12: What Is Common Sense Anyway?

What is common sense for some makes no sense to others. Each person comes to conclusions based on their core beliefs. We may think others are irrational but their views are quite rational when you root back to the fact that they have different fundamental beliefs than we do. This episode of Front Porch Sense […]

betsy ross nike shoe kaepernick founding fathers

Episode 11: Betsy Ross Flag Nike Shoe

In this episode of Front Porch Sense, Marnie addresses Nike discontinuing the Betsy Ross Flag Nike shoe because Kaepernick was offended by it. Why do modern people disrespect the Founding Fathers and the sacrifices they made? Why are people so hopped up to judge people throughout history and each other? Marnie talks about the ingratitude, […]

Are You Accepting Freedom or Rejecting Freedom

Episode 10: Are You Accepting or Rejecting Freedom?

Are you accepting or rejecting freedom in your life? Many of us are actually rejecting freedom without even realizing it. This episode is an exploration of why some people actually don’t want freedom and why many of us outright reject it. How can we truly embrace the freedoms available to us? What is the purpose […]

Checks and Balances in the U.S. Constitution

Episode 9: Checks and Balances

We often think of the three branches of government as the checks and balances we have in the United States, but there are more checks and balances intrinsic in the U.S. Constitution. This episode explores 3 additional important ones that we need to be protecting. All the checks and balances are under attack, but especially […]

Abortion; Pro Life vs Pro Choice

Episode 8: Abortion

This episode addresses the right to life vs pro choice and what is happening in the world with abortion. How does the inalienable right to life relate to a woman’s right to choose? Are we asking the right questions when it comes to pro choice? What price are we paying for abortion? For world abortion […]

Front Porch Sense Episode 7: The Proper Role of Government

Episode 7: The Proper Role of Government

Today people are trained to turn to government to find solutions for nearly every challenge. Government is involved in everything from health care to education to redistribution of wealth. How do we know what situations are appropriate for government intervention and which are not? In this video Marnie discusses the proper role of government. Please […]

Pursuit of Happiness, Big Dreams and Entitlement

Episode 6: Big Dreams, The Pursuit of Happiness and Entitlement

What do big dreams and the pursuit of happiness have to do with entitlement? Very little! In this episode, Marnie explores why taking away challenges and giving people things for free diminishes their happiness and keeps them from becoming the people capable of achieving great things. Let’s stop robbing people of their big dreams and […]

5 Top Concerns for America

Episode 5: 5 Concerns for America

Marnie’s dad, Jack Morton, joins her on her front porch to talk about what’s happening in the world. Jack, an octogenarian, shares the 5 concerns for America that he has. These are five things that he’s seen drastically deteriorate in the last fifty years (since Marnie was born). For more common sense conservative insights, please […]

ICE - Immigration and Globalism - Front Porch Sense Episode 4

Episode 4: Immigration and Globalism

What do open borders really mean for our country and the world? Marnie explores the root agenda of the left in eliminating national borders and national sovereignty in this episode of Front Porch Sense. For more common sense conservative insights, please subscribe. The article mentioned in this episode is What Progressives Want. Get your copy […]

The key to preserving freedom in America is to preserve family values.

Episode 3: The Key to Freedom is the Family

The destruction of the family is closely tied to the loss of freedom in our country. This episode of Front Porch Sense explains why families are so important, why they are under attack, and why preservation of the family is the solution to restoring liberty in America. From Marnie Pehrson Kuhns, best-selling author of Restoring […]

racism in America and the proper role of government

Episode 2: Racism and the Proper Role of Government

In this episode of Front Porch Sense, Marnie Pehrson Kuhns, author of Restoring Liberty: Personal Responsibility and Freedom in America, looks at hot-topic issues (like racism) and how we’re discussing them in America. Are we taking into account all the perspectives, geographic areas, cultural differences? The discord we’re experiencing is a clue to a much […]