Freedom Principles - The Giant is Awake, Let's Teach Him Correct Principles that govern a free nation.

Episode 20: The Giant is Awake, Let’s Teach Him Principles that Govern a Free Nation

We have been given a unique window of opportunity to teach Americans correct principles – the principles that govern a free nation. In the past, conservatives went to sleep when their man was in the oval office. With President Trump, they aren’t going back to sleep. They’re either keeping a close eye on what he’s doing or they’re defending themselves against the onslaught of hostility being fired at them from the other side of the aisle.

Because people are still alert and concerned about what is happening in America, we have the opportunity to help people really get what’s going on — to truly understand the principles that made our nation free. In this episode Marnie talks about how we can be using the next 5 years to turn the tide away from socialism and back toward the republic we were created to be.

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Posted in Episodes, Founding Fathers, Freedom Principles.