opinions vs news

Don’t Confuse Opinion for News

Have you noticed that the same basic data is being interpreted in a completely opposite manner by so-called journalists and social media? One person reads a transcript and sees a crime. Another person reads the same transcript and sees nothing wrong at all. How does this happen?

I’m going through Leslie Householder’s Mindset Mastery program and this statement stood out to me today:

“”Facts” come in. Simple data. Every thought that enters our mind is nothing more than basic input. WE are the ones who attach meaning to the input. In and of itself, the input just is. It is what it is.”

I was thinking of this in terms of all the “news” we see reported every day as “facts.” Most of what we see and hear is not “fact.” The information we are bombarded with throughout the day has had meaning(s) attached to it. It is no longer “fact” but “opinion.”

Example: Did you hear about the commercial about a man giving his wife a piece of exercise equipment for Christmas? It’s a simple fact… this equipment exists and could be used as a gift. Yet, social media got hold of this and turned it into an offensive thing to give your wife a piece of exercise equipment.

The fact is… here is a piece of exercise equipment. It could be given as a gift. The meaning attached to it was that this misogynistic man couldn’t accept his wife as she was and wanted her to be more perfect. She wasn’t good enough in his mind. Giving her this exercise equipment was cruel and an affront to all women.

Where did that come from? The stories, the insecurities, the drama, fears, and false beliefs of a society that constantly and never-endingly looks for offense in the most benign places.

This happens on a grand scale with the “news” we’re fed. It isn’t news. It’s adulterated data. If we are ever to know the truth, we must find some way to detach “facts” from the meaning we and others attach to them. An exercise bike is just an exercise bike.

“Just the Facts, Ma’am”

So the next time you hear something controversial…

a) Look at the source data. What does it say? What was actually said in an uncut, unedited version in complete context?

b) If you attach no meaning or bias, what do the facts say? What does it say if you do no “reading between the lines” and make no assumptions?

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The Bible on Climate Change - The Earth Is The Lords

What Does the Bible Say About Climate Change?

What does the Bible have to say about climate change? I’ve been studying the Bible since I started first grade at a Christian school. In all that time, I don’t ever recall seeing anything in the Bible to indicate that climate change will destroy the earth. You’ve got things that sound like comets striking the earth, earthquakes, the sun darkened, the moon to blood. Sure, pollution in the air can make the moon look red. But over all, climate change isn’t it.

Second, who says the climate changing is a bad thing? Change isn’t always bad. What if the earth is evolving? Our planet is working its way across the galaxy. There are cosmic things at work we don’t even know about or understand. If our climate is really changing, then what if it’s all part of something bigger than us? Men are so convinced they have such a huge impact on this planet, but we’re like ants on a mountain.

I believe we are to be good stewards of the earth and take care of it, yes.

“The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof; the world and they that dwell therein.” (Psalms 24:1)

In the grand scheme of things, the sky is not falling over climate change. The greater danger to our planet is our wickedness… THAT is what will bring upon us the calamities foretold by the prophets.

Not only that, but calling upon God seems to be the only thing that can protect you from those calamities.

“But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel; And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy:

And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke: The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come: And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. (Acts 2:16-21)

If our land needs healing, the Bible’s prescription is to turn from our wicked ways and call upon God. There’s nothing mentioned here about reducing your carbon footprint.

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14)

It Doesn’t Have to Be Either/Or. How About “Yes, And…”?

So, yes, take care of the earth. It’s the Lord’s; and we should honor and be good stewards over it. If people would separate environmentalism from politics and if environmentalism wasn’t being weaponized by some on the left, then more conservatives might see the merits of it.

Unfortunately, the hysterics is being used to implement socialism… which just turns off most conservatives. Any ideas about environmentalism seem like the hysterics of the sky-is-falling-socialists instead of viable options. The truth is, finding more effective, efficient, cleaner and affordable energy is a good thing.

The earth isn’t going to end over climate change. We don’t need to raise everyone’s taxes to 90% and adopt socialism to save our planet. Saving our planet requires repenting and turning to God!

Enjoying our stay here requires cleaning up after ourselves and taking care of the beautiful world God gave us!

Featured Image Copyright: Massimo Vernicesole / BigStockPhoto.com

Universal Laws - Absolute Moral Truth - Timeless Principles

Is There Absolute Moral Truth?

The other day, I heard a statistic that two-thirds of Americans do not believe there is absolute moral truth. Many today believe that because we are a highly technological society that “old outdated principles” should be disregarded. Many believe that the laws observed and articulated by our Founding Fathers need to be dismissed in favor of more progressive ideologies. Never mind that our system of government has sustained a free society for 230+ years.

There are those who feel moral laws that underpin our free society are equally antiquated and to be disregarded.  For these mooring-less Americans there are no moral absolutes. There are no laws that protect and preserve freedom.

Why Universal Laws Matter

Let me explain why laws of the Universe do exist and why they do matter.

Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) discovered 3 Laws of Planetary motion which we still use today. We wouldn’t have been able to go to the moon or Mars or anywhere else in space without a knowledge of Kepler’s 3 Laws of Planetary Motion.

Sir Isaac Newton (1642 – 1726) discovered 3 Laws of Motion. Without an understanding of Newton’s laws, we wouldn’t be flying airplanes around the world. Countless technologies have been built around the laws Kepler, Newton and others discovered.

Can you imagine saying,

“Those guys are antiquated and from the oppressive, misogynistic era of the 1500’s and 1600’s. We don’t need their observations. We need something new and progressive! Our technology is far beyond theirs. They never even foresaw space or airline travel! We need something new and modern for our modern times and modern problems!”

Go board a plane flown by a pilot who doesn’t understand or work in harmony with those laws. You’ll be eating your words as you plummet to the ground.

Universal Laws Exist Outside Human Influence

Kepler and Newton did not invent these laws. The laws already existed. Kepler and Newton simply discovered them and stated them clearly so that scientists could go forward and create new innovations and technologies.

Principles or laws do not change over time. They remain constant regardless of what mankind chooses to think, believe, say or do. A societal temper tantrum doesn’t change them. A majority vote won’t change them.

Like Newton and Kepler, the Founders spent years studying thousands of years of history, economies and the rise and fall of civilizations to distill laws or principles that govern freedom. The laws they discovered might be called The Laws of Freedom.

As far back as Adam & Eve, Noah and Moses, God gave mankind certain laws that govern happiness. You might call them the Laws of Happiness. Over thousands of years people and civilizations who obeyed these moral codes lived happier, more well-adjusted, productive, and safer lives. Those who disregarded basic moral laws did so at their own peril.

Universal Laws Don’t Sway with Our Beliefs

Whether we choose to believe, accept, or see that there is absolute moral truth and absolute principles that govern freedom, is irrelevant. These laws or principles do not change across time. They aren’t up for a popularity contest. We don’t get to vote on whether they’re right or wrong and expect them to budge — not any more than we could vote on Kepler and Newton’s laws and make the smallest change in them. The fact is these laws simply ARE IMMUTABLE and there are CONSEQUENCES for operating in ways that work in opposition to them.

When you operate in alignment with these laws, they lead you to freedom and life. Work contrary to them and you end up in captivity and death.

Only a fool ignores them. Like a child donning a Superman cape and jumping out a second story window, we will fall if we foolishly ignore or fight against the Laws of Happiness or the Laws of Freedom. Just like gravity for the child, these universal laws that govern happiness and freedom are timeless and the violation of them has severe consequences.

Featured Image Copyright: iodrakon / BigStockPhoto.com

Fostering freedom and leaving a legacy of freedom to our posterity

Freedom: What Matters Most

We each must decide what we want to give our lives to — what matters most to us and what will give our lives meaning. For me, there is nothing more valuable than freedom.

One month from today I’ll be an empty nester. My youngest of 6 children is heading off to Guatemala to serve a 2-year mission with our Church. For the last few days, I’ve had the most unsettled feeling… listless, irritable, and as if nothing I do matters. Why bother? It’s crazy. My life is good. I’m happy. I’m loved. Why the strange emotions?

Today, after a bit of self-examination, I realized I’ve spent the last 31 years rearing children and the last 30 running a business. I made a lot of mistakes along the way, yet in spite of me, my six children managed to turn out wonderful. Sure, there are those who are still working through the ramifications of being parented by an imperfect mother. Yet, overall, they are successful, smart, and independent individuals. So independent, in fact, they don’t need me anymore.

Despite my screw-ups, I succeeded in the one thing that mattered most to me – rearing independent adults who could make their own way in the world.

As I look to the future, I ask myself what’s next. What matters? I’ve been in business long enough to know that there is no business success that (for me) creates the sense of satisfaction from life I’m looking for. It’s no longer about the acknowledgement or the kaching of the cash register. I’ve been there, done that, umpteen times. I sure wish I could swap a lot of that time for having spent more of it with my kids.

Business tends to be a hamster wheel with just enough carrots along the way to give you the illusion that what you’re doing matters. Please, don’t get me wrong. Entrepreneurship is a wonderful thing. We need entrepreneurs to have a free society. Entrepreneurs create jobs; they invent things that make other people’s lives better; they put food on the table for their families and other people’s families. Every major society that has had entrepreneurs has had freedom.  When a society loses its entrepreneurs, it loses its freedom.

Which gets to the heart of what I discovered myself. In asking myself, “What would give my life meaning?” The answer was obvious … fostering freedom. If that means encouraging entrepreneurship, if that means spurring independent thought, if that means educating people on the priceless treasure of freedom we enjoy – that is where I intend to spend my remaining days.

My grandchildren may live far away and never know me. I may never meet my great grandchildren or great great grandchildren. Yet, there is one thing I can work toward and work for … leaving them a legacy of freedom. If I can do something, anything, even a small thing that can turn the tide and leave more freedom for my posterity, my life will have mattered.

The question I’ll be asking myself daily is: “What can I do to foster freedom today?” Then, I intend to act courageously upon the answer.

Featured Image Copyright: CHOReograPH / BigStockPhoto.com

The dangerous nature of labels

The Trouble with Labels

The trouble with labels is all you have to do is label someone as racist, homophobe, xenophobe, misogynist, narcissist, or Islamophobe and you don’t have to deal with them anymore. You don’t have to converse with them or understand their point of view or respect them. Everything they are or any good in them is erased. They are now nonhuman. They are incapable of change, redemption or progress. You have in essence damned them. You are playing God making an assessment of them that can never be reversed.

You might say that conservatives label people as socialists, liberals or leftists with an equal amount of disdain. But I don’t believe it’s the same. Conservatives believe people can change. We’ve seen it happen. I have seen liberals become conservatives. Even people who were once socialist have become conservative in their thinking. It happens nearly every day.

My dad told me once that if you see a young person in their early twenties who isn’t a liberal, you wonder if they have a heart. If they’re still liberal by the time they reach their mid 30’s to 40’s you wonder if they have good sense. There’s something about growing up and living in the real world: having a job, paying your own way, and getting taxed that wakes you up to reality. You suddenly want to keep what you’ve earned. Having the government take it away and give it to other people who haven’t earned it doesn’t feel incredibly fair anymore. So, calling someone a liberal, democrat or leftist isn’t assigning them a permanent destination.

But misogynists, narcissists, racists, etc…. fewer people expect or allow those people to change. Someone who wore black-face thirty years ago (when it was no thing) is a racist today and loses their job because a picture of them at a by-gone Halloween party crops up. In today’s world, there is no statute of limitations on racism, bigotry, etc. There is no allowance for growth.

People were created to learn, change, grow. No one is all good or all bad. If we want to grow and change ourselves we must allow others the opportunity as well. Do we really want to live in a world where there is no redemption? No letting go? No moving on from the past? Where one misstep, one misspoken word, or series of steps/words damns you for the rest of your life?

Our self-righteous, “enlightened” society is eventually self-damning; for there isn’t a soul on this planet who has lived a perfect life save one. And individuals with the same self righteous hypocrisy tortured and murdered Him for it. Even He wasn’t good enough for them. One day we’re going to need the mercy we denied others and it won’t be there.

Featured Image Copyright: Rawpixel.com / BigStockPhoto.com

Restoring Liberty - Radio interview with Marnie Pehrson Kuhns on K-Star Radio

Restoring Liberty Interview on Truth Seekers K-Star Radio Show

I was interviewed about my book, “Restoring Liberty” on The Truth Seekers radio show on K-Star Talk Radio.

You can listen to it now on this archive.

In this segment, we talk about

  • The role of personal responsibility in maintaining a free country.
  • Democracy vs. Republic
  • The Silencing of Conservative Voices
  • Freedom of Speech
  • Abortion and the 10th Amendment
  • 2nd Amendment in relation to mass shootings
  • Open borders

Listen here.

Restoring Liberty: Personal Freedom and Responsibility in America is available in paperback and on Kindle on Amazon.

Betsy Ross Flag - Gratitude for our Founding Fathers

Betsy Ross Flag and Gratitude for Founding Fathers

The Betsy Ross flag is supposedly a symbol of oppression now. I’m assuming this is because the Constitution was ratified with slavery still going on. The US Constitution motivated the states to eventually abolish slavery — that’s what the 3/5 of a person count for slaves was about. The states received representation based on population and by not letting slave states count their slaves as a full person, it motivated them to set the slaves free. The states wanted those representatives. Their say in government depended on it.

No, this was not ideal. The ideal would have been to end slavery from the get go, but the people of that time were not ready. If the US Constitution had not been ratified at that point, the fledgling nation would not have survived. Un-united, the states would have been subject to future attacks by England and other foreign powers.

It’s easy for us to look back and judge the past when we were not there. Yet I’d say our Founders could look forward on our day with equal disgust. They could easily judge us for other reasons… like a complete and utter disregard for the sacrifices made, a flippant attitude toward our divinely inspired Constitution, the atrocity of murdering millions of unborn children, and ingratitude for the blood spilled that we might enjoy freedom.

We often forget that the nation (set in motion in 1776) with its imperfections is the same country that fought the Civil War to set everyone free. Yes, white men actually fought and died and spilled their blood in gory battles that black men, women and children would no longer be enslaved. Think about that!

My ancestors fought for the Union (and they were Southerners) and hundreds of thousands gave their lives because the American ideal articulated in 1776 set in motion a wave of freedom that demanded the obvious… that ALL eventually be set free. Progress rarely happens in one fell swoop. It takes time to effect change.

The fact that we’ve reframed history to spit on the sacrifices made by our Founders and smear their character is indicative of an ungrateful, prideful populace. Let us be a little more understanding and grateful for what we have. Ingratitude leads to pride and pride goes before a fall.

Featured Image Copyright: nazlisart / BigStockPhoto.com

national sovereignty in America

Globalism vs. National Sovereignty

When we talk about immigration in America, you usually hear opposition calling for open borders. What does open borders mean? Ultimately it means the end of national sovereignty.

Do you want to have a sovereign America? Or do you want to be ruled by the UN (one world government)? One side is for a sovereign America with borders and a clear system for lawful immigration. The other wants the destruction of borders and sovereignty.

What Is Globalism?

Globalism is working toward a one world order with one over-arching government that rules over individual nations. Eventually, globalism leads to each person being a citizen of the world, instead of citizens of their individual nations. The founders of the United Nations envisioned one world government. Member nations are obligated to the UN and to each other. The laws and regulations imposed by the UN override the laws of individual countries.

You may be saying, “So what? Why does this matter?”

I will take just a moment to explain why this most definitely matters. Anything is managed best at the most local level. Think of homes. They’re managed best when the parents are involved and responsible. Your neighbor will not love and raise your children as well as you will.

A classroom is managed best by the teacher because a good teacher knows his or her children and how they learn. A county is managed best by local people who live there, own property,  care most about the area, and have friends there.

The higher up you go, the more poorly things are managed. We see this rampant mismanagement and lack of true caring for constituents on a federal level. Seriously, how concerned is the average congressman about your paycheck? My parents’ retirement? Your child’s creative skills?

Take that to a global level. How much do you think Korea is going to care about people in Kansas? How well can our country be governed by a global group who would gladly sell out our country, you, or me for money and power? It’s in the interest of each nation to govern itself.

The majority of the world is NOT free. Do we want them governing our nation? Policing our streets? Creating curriculum for our children and grandchildren?

Nationalism Vs. Isolationism

nationalism vs isolationismMany people confuse nationalism with isolationism. Proponents of globalism accuse those who want borders and national sovereignty of being naive at best and xenophobic at worst. Their argument is that we live in a global society with global trade and travel. They accuse nationalists of being backward and old-fashioned. Proponents of globalism often like to say that nationalists are isolationists. But this simply, is not true.

Nationalists are not isolationists nor are we against world trade or travel. Those who want to protect national sovereignty are not suggesting that we not trade with or be a part of the world. In fact, an important quality our current President possesses is his experience negotiating with people all over the world.

There is a BIG difference between amicably trading with the world and allowing the UN to set rules and laws for our citizens. There is a major difference between trading globally and letting global laws have a higher say than our own Constitution.

In his parting speech at the UN Obama said we need to give up some of our freedoms to allow for world government. This is the position of the left.

Nationalists say, “America first for Americans. Britain first for the British. France first for French, etc.” Each country must take care of its own and come to a trade table looking out for the interests of the people they represent. What good is a legal counsel during a negotiation who has no vested interest in his client?

Also, what good is an entangled negotiator who doesn’t have the ability to easily walk away from the table? The UN entangles us in foreign wars and obligates our military to police other countries. The UN appropriates our dollars to other nations — away from solving our own internal problems. There’s no way for a country to easily walk away from a UN negotiation table.

When the people are no longer represented with integrity, and our leaders are entangled in alliances that take precedence over our own people’s needs, tyranny is inevitable.

I Might Be a Racist. Depends On Your Definition

I Might Be a Racist. Depends on Your Definition.

Today I’m coming out of the closet … I’m willing to admit it: I may be a closet racist. It’s true. If racism is feeling (or reacting) differently about one skin color compared to another, then, perhaps, by that definition, I am racist. If racism is the classic definition – believing one race is superior to another – then no, I am not racist.

There is a photo going around the internet of two little boys – one black and one white. The white boy wanted to get his hair cut just like his friend so that their teacher couldn’t tell them apart. They looked alike in features, only skin color differed, yet the little boys didn’t see that at all. They just saw the similarities.

I, on the other hand, still see color. I don’t have anything against color, but I am aware that people of color have different life experiences than I do. I was never told that I couldn’t do or achieve something because of my skin color (or even because of my gender). Even though I’m a white woman, raised in the South, I don’t BELIEVE I live in a society that feels I’m disadvantaged.

There is an over-riding power of belief that shapes our destinies. Thomas Edison’s schoolteacher told his mother Thomas was too dumb to remain in school and kicked him out. Thomas’ mother told him he was too smart for school and that the teacher recommend she tutor him at home.

BELIEF is everything.

I don’t know what it’s like to be told my whole life that I am disadvantaged, that everything will be harder for me, that society will fight me every step of the way. That groups of people hate me. What a daunting specter to have hanging over your head your whole life! Expectation and belief govern destiny.

I’m certainly not saying all people of color were told these things. Some were not. But I’m willing to bet more of them were fed those lines – those limiting belief statements — than were people of my skin color. I’m also not saying that people in some parts of the country don’t deal with real challenges and threats to their safety due to racism. In other words, I’m not saying it’s all in their minds (their beliefs).

That being said, here’s where that closet racist comes in for me … I get really excited and celebrate when I see a person of color succeed. Not only are they doing the hard things, the things that make this world a better place, but they do it despite any limiting beliefs they were told about themselves or their race.

When they excel in business, when they become brain surgeons or doctors, when they do amazing things in a classroom, when they lead congregations, when they invent something or create something, yes, I’m filled with admiration… more so than if someone of my race did the same thing.

Is that patronizing? Is that racist? Maybe, but NOT for the reasons most people would say. It’s because I know they are fighting these lies, these limiting beliefs, that so many in society – especially the left – feed them. “You need extra help, because of your race and/or gender, otherwise, you won’t succeed.” I’ve NEVER had to live my life behind that specter and falsehood.

Here’s a personal example: I recently went to the optometrist. As my new doctor walked in, my heart gave a little leap as I saw she was a black woman. I literally thought to myself: “Oh, how cool! A black woman doctor!” I couldn’t help but think that this was something my grandparents would have never seen.

Another example: I get excited when social media personalities of color speak out for conservative principles. I know this most likely takes a lot of courage to buck the system and go against societal conditioning.

And so, yes, I am a racist. I still inwardly react differently to people of color. I am rooting for them. I am excited for them when they succeed. Sure, I’m excited when other people have success, too, but I can’t deny that little inward jubilation when someone of color stands out above the crowd and creates his or her own life on their own terms. Most likely, that took more doing than it would for me or for someone of my heritage or social background … or, yes, dare I say it? race.

So, yeah, I’m a racist. Maybe one day, there will be absolutely no distinctions, no cultural expectations, nothing but people … just people living their lives, happy for each other’s successes, rooting for each other regardless of any cultural groupings.

Maybe one day we’ll all be like those two little boys. Maybe we’ll live the dream Dr. King spoke of, where people are not judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. I hope so.

If you liked this article, please consider watching my weekly Front Porch Sense episodes.

Right to Life: Who Defends the Defenseless? What price are we paying for so much destruction?

Right to Life: Who Defends the Defenseless?

Some are saying men shouldn’t be allowed to make laws about women’s bodies. So does that mean men get no say about the right to life of their own gender? What about the roughly 30 million baby boys who have been aborted? Who speaks for them? And are we to believe the 30 million little girls were on board with their lives being snuffed out?

The woman carrying the baby is only part of the equation. One could make a case that the father should have some say in the matter as well – especially in cases where conception is a result of two consenting adults. But even if you don’t want to give the father any say in the matter, the person with the most to lose is the child.

Who speaks for the innocent unborn? As my husband says, “Who gives people a voice who don’t have a voice? Who gives people a choice who don’t have a choice?”

Who defends the defenseless?

In 2015, there were 188 abortions per 1,000 live births. That’s close to 19%. What kind of society destroys 19% of the population and never bats an eye, never feels remorse? Goes out and celebrates the destruction?

One ripening for its own destruction!

What Price Are We Paying?

Make no mistake, the price for this horrific crime against humanity is hefty.

I have been pondering on the price we pay as a nation for the deaths of 60 million children since Row v Wade was passed in 1973. How can there not be consequences for such a mass destruction of life? After thinking on this for some time, a question came into my mind: “Who are you missing? Who isn’t here?”

1/5 of the family of God … our brothers and sisters who would have been born since 1973 are not here. Statistically we are missing 1.2 million geniuses. Who isn’t here to cure cancer? To cure AIDS? To invent solutions for the world’s greatest crisis? What problems aren’t being solved because those who would have solved them aren’t here? How many soul mates and friends are we missing?

Think of those who go to war and make it back but their buddies don’t. Think of the pain and guilt the living suffer knowing they made it but their friends didn’t. Might the living be suffering something similar on a soul level?

We may not consciously know our friends are missing but do we suffer spiritually because they are not here? Is this why so many suffer from depression and despondency and a feeling that they don’t belong here? As if there is this inexplicable mourning? There are no secrets on the spiritual plane. What price are we as a nation paying for the destruction of so many souls?

Something to think about…

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