personal freedom in a PC world

Personal Freedom in a PC World

There are a lot of people out there telling other people what to do, how to live their lives, how to interact with others, what they have to do for health reasons, how to run their businesses, etc.

There’s something I’ve learned by rearing 6 children, running a business for 30 years, and working with thousands of people: No two people are the same. No two lives are the same. What is right for me may not be right for you. Only God has your answers. There are a few absolute truths (like the 10 commandments) but beyond that, the choices we make are best made between us and God.

If we want to take other people’s advice, fine. But their advice and views should never be forced on us. And we must never force our answers on other people. We don’t get to shame or use government force to push our answers onto other people. To do so is unrighteous dominion and infringement on other people’s lives, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

Learn to listen to the Spirit! Heed Its counsel for you. And remember what it tells you to do today could change tomorrow. The Spirit can help you dodge and weave through the obstacles of life. Get good at listening and obeying.

If you would like to get better at this, I have a whole free Masterclass on living a Spirit-Led life. Details here.

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What does defund the police really mean? What's the end game?

The Real End Game of Defunding the Police

Updated 6/12/2020.

What does defund the police really mean? What’s the end game? While some are whipped into a frenzy to defund police over police brutality, many are shaking their heads at what seems like a nonsensical over-reaction.

Defunding the police is more than nonsense though, it’s a well-thought-out push toward a sinister end game.  Let me explain. First let’s look at what they mean by “defund the police.” What does defunding the police mean exactly?

According to Rolling Stone Magazine’s, A Practical Guide to Defunding the Police:

“Defunding the police does not mean stripping a department entirely of its budget, or abolishing it altogether. It’s just about scaling police budgets back and reallocating those resources to other agencies, says Lynda Garcia, policing campaign director at the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights. “A lot of what we advocate for is investment in community services — education, medical access… You can call it ‘defunding,’ but it’s just about directing or balancing the budget in a different way.”

“The concept is simple: When cities start investing in community services, they reduce the need to call police in instances when police officers’ specific skill set isn’t required. ‘If someone is dealing with a mental health crisis, or someone has a substance abuse disorder, we are calling other entities that are better equipped to help these folks,’ Garcia says.”

Sounds benign enough – right? Perhaps a little idealistic and naïve, but not too sinister. Might even be an idea I could get behind IF… big fat IF… I could trust that it would actually prevent crime and IF … I could trust that it would be done with checks and balances and IF…it wouldn’t lead to something much more sinister.

First, they should call it “reallocating resources” and not “defunding the police” if that’s what they really want. Looters on the streets and the people who took over 6 blocks in Seattle want NO police. Obviously, they haven’t gotten the reallocation memo. They would love to take over the entire country that way. So if they want to re-allocate, call it that and get their thugs on board with that.

Second, while these people who want to “re-allocate” appear well meaning and perhaps even logical to appropriate funds to things that prevent crime, those changes do not happen overnight. These programs they plan to put in place would need to be implemented alongside the current police budget to see if they even work. These things aren’t quick fixes. Human behavior takes time to change.

We have a morality problem in this country — a self-governance problem. When you teach people correct principles, they govern themselves. This traditionally happens in the family, but the family is under a full-on attack in this country. When people don’t know how to govern themselves, outside force is needed. Are we going to start teaching people morality and self-governance? Are we going to start fortifying good moral families who teach their children right from wrong? I seriously doubt these programs will do that.

Third, the move toward more mental health services in lieu of police departments concerns me. Not to say there shouldn’t be good mental health services, but we need to have checks and balances in place. Here’s why…

“On Jan. 10, 1963, Congressman Albert S. Herlong Jr. of Florida read a list of 45 Communist goals into the Congressional Record. The list was derived from researcher, and former FBI Agent, Cleon Skousen’s book “The Naked Communist.” (Note that today’s Progressives are just Communists with a new name).

#38 in the list of 45 states:

“Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand or treat.”

“[Note: The Soviets used to send “social misfits” and those deemed politically incorrect to massive mental institutions called gulags. The Red Chinese call them lao gai. Hitler called them concentration camps.]” (Full list of 45 Communist (aka Progressive) goals found here.)

You have ideas that don’t conform to what society deems “normal?”  Oh, we’ll just send you to a psychiatric ward for “psychiatric rehabilitation.”

Fourth, If this isn’t disconcerting enough for you, consider how the riots justified governors bringing in the national guard. When you defund the police, having fewer police or no police requires more national guard and perhaps even military action on American soil.

The goal is centralization of power. Some governors have gotten a taste of power they never had before COVID and now they want more. With National Guard required to keep peace, you have a state police system. Eventually they want a nationalized police state and ultimately a global police state. People who do not live in your community are much more likely to shoot or incarcerate you on demand when the government dictates.

Mark my words… something wicked this way comes.

Featured Image Copyright: motortion /

It's not about the mask - mask debate

It’s Not About the Mask

Note: By posting this, I am NOT making a statement about whether wearing masks is right or wrong or good or bad, effective or ineffective.

As an energy therapist I uncover and help my clients release trapped emotions and limiting beliefs. Clients come to me because the trapped emotions are manifesting adversely in their physical bodies and/or their physical world. Our internal state creates our external one.

As I see rampant debates and arguments over wearing masks or not wearing masks, it struck me that IT IS NOT ABOUT THE MASK. Perhaps what’s really behind these mask debates are feelings of

  • being stifled,
  • trapped in houses,
  • kept from our friends and loved ones,
  • not being able to run businesses or go to church,
  • being told there is no cure and any person or surface you interact with could be a carrier,
  • AND having any dissenting research or views that don’t jive with the narrative removed from social media

All of these things JUST MIGHT be outwardly manifesting themselves in the form of pro-con mask arguments and even the appearance of the masks themselves.

For many, the mask represents inner feelings of being at the mercy of an unseen enemy and wanting to feel you can protect yourself. How do you keep yourself and your loved ones safe when you can’t see your enemy? The mask is a sign of solidarity, that you care about your neighbor, that you’re doing your part, that you have some sense of control in an out-of-control situation. For these folks,  someone not wearing a mask means they don’t care about their fellowman, they aren’t doing their part to control what is perceived to be an out-of-control situation.

On the other hand, those who really despise masks may not be protesting the mask wearing itself but the stifling of their voices. Even they may not know this is why the mask ticks them off so badly. For many, the mask is an outward manifestation of a world intent upon stifling and controlling their free will. It could feel like being forced to “go along to get along… peace at any price… safety at any price.” The mask is a physical manifestation (or symbol) of all those stuffed, trapped, and denied words and emotions, and threatened core values.

Ultimately for both sides, the mask represents control, stuffed emotions and fears. For many, it reveals core values. Safety and security is most likely a core value for mask wearers. Being in control of their world may also be one of their core values. For mask-haters, freedom and independence carry more weight than security. Their desire not to be controlled by someone else is paramount.

In the end, both sides have one thing in common – they are being triggered at their core values. And it’s all about having control of our own lives.

Just food for thought. And perhaps some compassion for either side.

Featured Image: I’m not sure who created this image. The original is marked A.G. #737.  If you know who created it, please let me know.

The great American divide - United we stand, divided we fall

The Great American Divide – What Can Be Done?

United We Stand, Divided We Fall

When I was a kid and would see adults argue, I would observe and listen to both sides. From my outside perspective, I could see that the two adults were arguing on two different channels of thought. Each person had their core values that they felt were being stepped on. Each brought their own perspectives to the argument. Sometimes, I would literally say out loud, “Person A is saying this… Person B is saying this.” I’d try to get the two parties to see that they were each talking about two completely different things.

Since I was a child, they would look at me for a moment, disregard what I had to say and continue their fruitless conversation. Each continued to drive home their point more vehemently, never trying to see where the other person was coming from.

I feel like I’m that kid again, except the whole world is a chorus of the same madness. I scroll through my Facebook feed and see that same dynamic playing out over and over again. We talk at each other, on top of each other, around each other, on completely different channels. And we think that if we get snarkier or angrier or more indignant or judgmental or label them with some offensive label that somehow that’s going to help. We have an entire world of people touting their opinions, never stopping to really understand each other or how some people are speaking from their core value of security while others are speaking from their core value of freedom, or others from their core value of fairness, etc. We will never, ever get along until we learn to speak with another person on their station (or in relation to their core value).

You can talk to someone til you’re blue in the face about freedom, and they won’t care a thing about it if their core value is security. Or if someone’s core value is fairness, they won’t care about your core value of freedom if they don’t see that what you want is “fair and equal.”

We’re never going to change someone’s core values. But if we can at least respect that their core values are just as valid as ours and explain things to them in terms of their values, then perhaps we can start to have a civil discourse again.

Ironically, in a world of instant communication on steroids, our greatest need is the ability to communicate. That begins with respect and a willingness to understand what’s making the other person tick (their core values).

UN and the Who Flags

The Sick Alliance Between Big Tech and the U.N.

Be aware, the World Health Organization (WHO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations “responsible for international public health.”

Who made them responsible?

Did we vote for them? Did we elect them? Who gave them responsibility over your health and mine? I didn’t. Did you?

We are in an all-out war between force and freedom, between U.S. sovereignty and Globalism. And most people don’t even realize it. We have a one-world government organization that is dictating:

  • Whether we can come out of our homes
  • Whether we can go to church
  • What we have to wear or what we can do when we come out of our homes
  • Cutting off in-person contact and forcing us through a communication system that is being monitored in a sick alliance between big tech companies and the WHO
  • Censoring and removing anything that goes against their agenda

They didn’t even have to take over our government to do it. They circled right around it and attacked one of the greatest checks and balances we have – the press (aka the media) and are assaulting our God-given right to freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

It’s time to get the UN (and all of its tentacles including the WHO) out of the US and the US out of the UN (and the WHO). The President defunding them is a great first step. Now let’s kick them out of our decision-making and communications networks.

National Parks Closed because of Covid-19. Open Them!

Correction: “Keep Up This Wall!” Why Park Closure Rules Make Sense

My husband Dave’s recent post about silly Covid-19 pandemic rules was wrong. Turns out that closing vast tracts of public park land to people wanting to get fresh air and sunshine is NOT silly when We the People are irresponsible, when we violate our sacred trust.

He complained about public park closures, using as a case in point the #ChickamaugaNMP in NW Georgia. That Civil War battlefield is 5300 acres of National Military Park with roads, trails, vistas, fields, woods, nature, sunshine and fresh air … but all roads through it are closed. He thought it was to protect people.

Wrong! It was to protect the park from people.

He learned from park volunteers that, as Covid-19 hit, hundreds, even thousands of people, came to this Civil War battlefield, this sacred space. Many walked the trails, meditated, enjoyed nature and honored this hallowed ground, as they should. BUT others held parties, set up BBQ grills near monuments and tent shelters in fields. They caused traffic jams. They left garbage all over. Some even got out their metal detectors, searching for and digging up Civil War artifacts … which has been illegal for decades.

In short, they trashed the Chickamauga National Military Park. And so the park superintendent took responsible, care-giving action, and shut down not only the visitors center, but all access to the park.

In his first post, my husband Dave said: “The park’s land should be available” …. But now, in this video, he says that when We, the People can’t take care of sacred ground, places that are entrusted to us, then those types of places should be shut down.

We the People can do better. We the People MUST do better … or we deserve to have these national shrines and treasures closed, even when we need them the most.

National Park closures during Covid-19 Pandemic are justified

Great Leaders Instill Hope

Recently, Jim Acosta, accused President Trump of using too much “happy talk” in his daily COVID-19 briefings. My husband, David Kuhns, addresses President Trump’s optimism and the importance of instilling hope. Historically, all great leaders have instilled hope.

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Restaurant Carry Out Gross Out

Restaurant Carry Out GROSS Out – Don’t Touch Your Face!

My husband decided to head out to a local restaurant yesterday to support local businesses during this time of shutdowns.

His experience was … shall we say… disconcerting? disturbing? terrifying? Watch as he shares what happened…

If you own a restaurant, first and foremost, train your staff! Second, once they’re trained, communicate with your customers what you’re doing to protect their health and safety. Stand out from the crowd!

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The Deceptive Altruism Of Socialism

Episode #39 – The Deceptive Altruism of Socialism

I read an article recently about how socialists just want good things for everyone. They can’t bear that anyone should be weighed down with student debt or have to use to pay their medical bills or suffer in any way.

Here’s the thing. I’ve been homeless, weighed down with parent plus student loans that could choke a horse, making below poverty level in the US… quite recently, in fact. And I’d take every bit of it again before I’d say government had to make all my problems go away.

Government can make everyone equal… equally miserable, equally impoverished, equally unable to rise above their circumstances.

Even when I was in the lowest of lows, I knew I lived in America and that somehow, someway, I could use my initiative and my mind to rise above my circumstances and rebuild my life. Socialism might look sexy in the short run, but in the long run it always leads to widespread poverty and misery for the masses while an elite core run the show and take all the power and spoils. Hmmm… isn’t that what socialists claim they’re trying to get rid of???

Don’t sell your soul to Satan because you want a free ride or because you can’t watch people suffer. Suffering builds character IF the person is free to learn and grow and adapt in a free environment. Don’t rob yourself or your fellow citizens of the priceless self-growth that comes from rising above their circumstances and the sheer joy of conquering challenges.

We’re on this planet to go through hard things and grow from them. You’re never going to eradicate pain and hardship. If you can’t bear to watch people suffer, lend a helping hand, encourage and lift others, share what you have. Giving isn’t giving if you stole the money from someone else to give it or if you use the force of government to redistribute other people’s wealth. You aren’t benevolent being generous with other people’s money. You’re just a thief.

If you want to make a difference: Work, learn how to think, get yourself out of the scarcity mentality, stop playing the victim and take advantage of the incredible privilege of living in a free country where anyone can make something of themselves… IF they will. Become a producer and everyone around you will be blessed in the process.

Listen and subscribe to this episode of the Front Porch Sense Podcast

Featured Images Copyright: mikeledray /

Socialism hurts everyone

Episode #38: Socialism Hurts Everyone

By some reports, Bernie Sanders wants to tax people who make $250,000-$500,000 starting at 40%, and nothing on the first $29,000 people make. He wants to tax the top tier people at 90%. So if you’re someone who makes $250,000, you’re going to get to keep about $161,000 (then of course take out state tax, social security (which is another 15% for the self-employed), Medicare/Medicaid with-holdings).

There are a lot more people than you might think who make this. They are small business owners who employ others many times. Or perhaps they’re paying people to clean their houses, or putting money into the economy with restaurants, buying cars, clothes and furniture. They’re paying for services like manicures, massages, haircuts, etc.

If you’re one of these people who are improving the economy and employing others, what’s the incentive to continue to do so? What’s the incentive to take on that pressure and stress? I’d rather downsize and just live simply on less and not kill myself. Heck I’d rather do the service work I love for free than give them all that money.

So what is THAT going to do to our economy when they’ve snuffed out everyone’s incentive? If your job is working in retail, entertainment, arts, personal services, luxury items or an industry that people don’t absolutely need, you’re in for some serious hurt.

What happens when Atlas shrugs?

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