America in God's Hands

In God We Trust

Whenever I’m concerned about something or have a lot on my mind, the best thing I have found to help is to take the time to pray and then after closing the prayer, come to Jesus Christ in my mind. It’s a self-guided meditation I use to find this place in my mind and heart where hearing Him seems easier.

This morning, I woke up early as I often do, with a lot of swirling thoughts. In my mind Jesus held both my hands in His. I could feel the nail prints in His palms, and I could hear Him saying, “Quiet your mind, Marnie. Let it all go. Focus on my voice.”

As He said this, a stillness settled over my mind. The swirl of client projects, the state of our nation, and concerns for my children all melted into the silence. I felt peace in His presence.

After some time in silence together, I heard Him say, “I understand what you’re going through. Love for your country and freedom principles are woven into the very fabric of your soul. Your parents lovingly sewed it into the tapestry of your life at a young age.”

Tears began rolling down my cheeks as I felt the truth of His words. He did understand! He did see me and my beautiful parents. He knew that the precious truths they integrated into the fabric of my soul formed the operating system of my life. For someone to tear my country’s freedom away feels as if it is ripping away parts of me that can’t be extricated without destroying me in the process.

Then Jesus cupped His hands together and said, “Give me your country. Let it go.”

What? How am I supposed to do that? Jesus just said He understood how tightly woven these ideals are into the core of who I am. How am I supposed to give that to Him now? I didn’t see it in that moment, but I see it in retrospect, that He was asking me to give Him myself on a whole new level.

As He asked me again to give Him my country, I remembered other times when He has asked me to give Him things that seemed impossible to extricate from the foundation of my life – my career, my property, my marriage, my dreams, my home, and even talents I leaned on for survival.

At this point, I began to see the logic in what He was asking me. One by one, He asked me if I would trade anything from my life today for those former things He had asked me to give up. Not a single one would I trade. The old, sad marriage was replaced with a beautiful, connected one. The old career has been replaced with one that feeds my soul. The dream, the home, the property, and the talents He gave back renewed and more beautiful than ever before.

Anything I have given Him, He has returned beauty for ashes. In the process I have learned that what He really desires is for me to learn to trust Him explicitly — that He is working everything together for my good.

Over the years I’ve put my trust in my ability to make money, in the businesses I’ve built, in the talents I’ve developed, in my home, relationships, and dreams. I learned that none of these things can be relied upon for a steady foundation. Only Christ, my God, can be trusted. My faith in and connection to God, is the only thing that has brought me through when everything has fallen apart.

I have put SO much trust in the freedom of my country. Every day I wake up assuming that I will be free to run my business as I see fit, speak what is on my mind, come and go as I please, travel where I want to travel, go to the store for anything I need. I’ve trusted that the dollar has value. I’ve trusted that I won’t be attacked by anyone as I go about my day. I’ve trusted no one will take over my home and quarter armies in my house and property. I’ve trusted the consistency of traffic laws and traffic lights. I have come to expect ORDER. I’ve lived in a world of order and freedom to say, believe, build, create and worship according to the dictates of my own conscience.

I’ve taken for granted that my country was there for me… assuming it was a sure foundation. Perhaps, it could even be said, I’ve trusted this foundation more than I’ve trusted God at times. In asking me to give my country to Him, Jesus was really asking me to put even more trust in Him. He was asking me to give more of myself and my heart to Him.

In God We Trust

Should all the freedoms I’ve grown accustomed to disappear, no one can take God from me. No one can climb into my heart and mind and take the peace that only He can give. In that inner space, I am truly free.

Reluctantly at first, and then with more trust, I handed Jesus my country. It was a small, round thing, about the size of a softball in His hands. It had the markings of the American flag wrapped around it. The evidence of red and white stripes and a blue field and a star or two where shiny and bright on this round ball.

Jesus cupped it in His hands, and I hoped that He would do as He has done for me other times and return beauty for ashes. Would He give it back to me even better like He did my land and home? Would he create something vibrant, new and different like he did in my marriage?

Deep down I knew there is no guarantee of any of that. I have to be willing to give it to Him and never see it again. So, if America dies and fades away into nothingness, I resolved this morning to trust Him to take care of me and my family and the people I have come to love.

Whether in this world or in that heavenly country, liberty shall reign supreme once more. For where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty. And He is the only thing that lasts.

In God We Trust

Featured Image Copyright: Kharolina Mendoza /

Betsy Ross Flag - Gratitude for our Founding Fathers

If This Nation Is To Endure…

 “A perfectly balanced mind opens the heart.”

Dr. John Demartini

I don’t know about you, but the state of our nation has been a major cause for concern in recent months. The anxiety even affected my health for a few weeks. When I have a wonderful life like I do and yet I’m so twisted up in knots about what’s happening in the country that it’s causing anxiety in my whole body, it’s really kind of crazy. Why is it getting to me so much?

First, I’m grieving. I feel like I’m watching something I love die in front of my eyes and I can’t do a thing about it.

Second, I come from a long line of patriots … some who risked their lives in the founding of this nation. Don’t I owe them everything I can to preserve it? I do not have the heart to let it die on my watch.

Yet, with all my speaking out, reasoning, informing, attending rallies or contributing to campaigns, I could no more turn the tide of what is happening in this country by these methods than an ant could turn the course of the Tennessee River.

There comes a point where we have to admit that things are what they are. When we’ve done all we know to do and things are still going south, it’s hard not to let fear and worse-case-scenario-thinking get the best of us. Yet, deep down I know that God is in control. Everything that is happening is for a reason. And some people simply will not turn to God as the Source for answers until things get bad or they’ve exhausted all their own ideas.

I keep asking myself: what are we creating with all this fear, worry, anxiety, negative talk, and bitterness?

Everything I know about the power of thought and the power of words is screaming that I’ve been doing this ALL WRONG and that I should know better. I’ve created a lot of success in life and business over the last 30 years. None of it was created by fear and worry or focusing on all the things that were wrong. I know from experience that constantly running worse case scenarios, focusing on all the bad things, or going to fear is not the answer.

You don’t create solutions by dwelling on all the things that aren’t working. You don’t unleash true creativity and get the genius ideas to solve challenges until you catch the vision of what you want instead… the good you’d like to see happen. That’s when the inspiration comes.

Job said, “The thing I greatly feared has come upon me.” This man that the Bible called “perfect” had only one flaw… he was afraid and it created his outcome and enabled the calamities that befell him.

What If Our Fear Is What Is Destroying Us?

Jesus said, “Perfect love casts out fear.” What is mass fear creating in our world? What if the prophecies of end times are created because of a tipping point of fear… where mass numbers of people are afraid… so much so that their “hearts fail them?” Their hearts are bereft of love. What if it is the FEAR (which is the polar opposite of faith and perfect love) bringing upon us the calamities foretold by prophets?

What if each and every one of us let the Perfect Love of God cast out the fear … whether that fear is about viruses or vaccines, government corruption or tyrannical governors? What if we stopped focusing on what we DON’T want and focused on what we DO want in our lives, homes, states, nation and the world?

Our Answers Lie In Time Tested Truths

There are principles that protect freedom. Our Founders understood that, and they integrated them into our divinely inspired Constitution that has given us freedom over the last 240+ years.

As we go forward, you will see me focusing less on the corruption, the greed and the anti-constitutional policies and laws. Currently, I use one reliable source for news – The Epoch Times. I recommend you subscribe to it so you stay up with trustworthy news.

I’ll be focusing more on true freedom principles. It’s time we became more thoroughly educated as a people about what creates freedom in a nation. It’s something we’ve obviously forgotten and many have never even learned in this country.

I know the negative is much more tantalizing, more popular, more click and like and comment worthy. That’s what the media has trained us to be addicted to. But our nation isn’t going to be saved by likes and clicks and comments. It’s going to be saved by people who understand freedom principles and who insist that they be enacted in the governance of our country.

It is Truth, Faith and Love that will save this nation. Not fear or faithlessness. Fear is the tool of our adversaries to manipulate us into hopelessness. Let’s not let them win — not on our watch!

Z: A Dystopian Millennium Novel by Marnie Pehrson Kuhns - Forced Equality

The Consequences of Forced Race & Gender Equality

Now that gendered terms have been removed from Congress’ language and an executive order has been signed pertaining to gender and sexual equality, it’s a good time to look at the consequences of enforcing these ideas and where they are taking our society.

Children should be able to learn without worrying about whether they will be denied access to the restroom, the locker room, or school sports” [based on gender choice]…

(Presidential Executive Order, January 20, 2021)

My new novel, “Z: A Dystopian / Millennium Novel” looks at a world without gender, without race. EarthPeace is a globally governed society where “equality” is not only the prime directive, but also is enforced by law. Family, parenthood and religion are relics of the past. In order to facilitate equality, all communications are state controlled and so is genetic homogenization of the species.

Decisions and ideas have consequences… let’s explore those consequences and see if we like where they’re leading. If not, what are our options? What can we do about them if they’re taken too far? Read “Z” in paperbook or Kindle or get it FREE on Kindle Unlimited.

Featured Image Copyright: wgraphik /

Americans are being played like a fiddle by both sides

Americans Are Being Played

I have felt for some time that we are being played by both sides… that whether they’re republicans or democrats, they’re the same lot… all in it for power, gain and ratings. They’re playing us all like fiddles… getting us to polarize behind one side or another, argue and fight with our own family members and friends. We’ve been engaged in one giant manipulative political reality show for FAR too long.

All the while, whichever group is in power, you get the same old big government, more controls, more intrusion into our daily lives. President Trump shook up the apple cart. He did what he promised to do on so many levels. Most of all, he did DRAIN the swamp so that we could see who the swamp creatures are.

It’s plain to see that almost all of them are in bed together up there… the fake conservatives and the blatant socialists.

What Do We Need to Do?

I believe the first thing we have to do is stop playing their game… stop watching their propaganda (whether it’s FOX or CNN or MSN). They’re all just riling us up … and to what end?

People who hate each other and don’t trust their neighbors (cause their neighbor might give them a virus or their neighbor might be a liberal … or their neighbor might be a gasp-Trump-supporter) are easier to control. Divide and conquer. Fear is the seedbed of control.

Repair Our Important Relationships and Remove the Real Enemies from Power

The best way we can defeat our true enemies is to be kind to each other, give each other the benefit of the doubt, calmly educate and inform, and love each other — whether we agree about politics or not. If someone doesn’t agree with your politics, talk to them about something else! There are so many other things to talk about! Let’s get creative and find the common ground with our neighbors.

Our neighbors and family members aren’t the enemy. The enemies are in power in our states and federal government. It’s time we replaced the crooks in power with good, honest, wise men and women who will protect our liberties and our divinely inspired Constitution!

Let’s pour our energy into repairing our strained important relationships with family members and good friends.

Let’s pray for America… for the protection of our liberties… for healing… and for a return to civility and kindness.

Featured Image Copyright: Elnur /

giving others the benefit of the doubt forgiveness

Giving Others the Benefit of the Doubt

What if ordinary people gave each other the benefit of the doubt? (I’m talking ordinary folks … not politicians or media moguls). What if the average American didn’t go around looking for sinister motives and intentions in everything their fellow-Americans are doing or saying? What if we didn’t pick apart their words and assume they meant something derogatory or sinister or offensive? What if we weren’t on high alert to be offended by every word?

In reviewing my life I can’t recall a single time I have done something with malicious or sinister intent. Sure, I’ve said things in the heat of the moment I regretted. I’ve done stupid and sinful things. I’ve made plenty of mistakes, and I certainly haven’t been “nice” all the time. But I can’t recall ever, with malicious intent, setting out with forethought to harm, manipulate or injure another person.

I have had people ASSUME that I’ve done something intentionally to harm them. But, I assure you, I did not set out to do so nor has it ever been my overarching motive to manipulate or harm another. I really do LIKE people. I like to get along with other people. I LOVE building other people up and helping them see their greatness. No, I haven’t done that in every moment. I get frustrated like anyone else does.

I really hate contention. Yet, having said that, I will stand for my beliefs and values – especially if they are being attacked, dismissed or undermined for me or anyone else. Whether some people take my freedom to choose my beliefs and speak my mind as a personal affront to them is purely their choosing. It really isn’t about them as far as I’m concerned. It’s about me being true to the light and truth I’ve been given. It’s about me being a voice for those who have no voice… something I feel in my soul I’m on earth to do.

Because I feel this way, I’d rather assume you’re trying to live your life that way too. You’re doing the best you can. You believe what you believe and that drives you. I may not agree with your beliefs. I may feel you are misinformed or misguided about something. But I work from the assumption you are not intentionally trying to harm me.

Until a person proves otherwise (like many politicians have), I like to assume people do not have sinister or ill intent. I may be delusional, but I’m happier in a world where I give other people the benefit of the doubt and am quick to overlook, dismiss, or forgive comments and actions that others might take offense to.

I’ve learned that the end never justifies the means. Shaming, silencing, belittling, nagging, canceling, etc. even if you want the best for someone else is still wrong. You can’t use Satan’s tactics to do God’s work. That is why I will protect your right to believe what you want and speak what you believe til my dying breath.

I don’t have to sit and listen to it. I don’t have to let you post it on my social media wall. I don’t have to acquiesce for it to be taught to my children. I don’t have to authorize my tax dollars to teach what you believe. But sure, you have a right to say and believe what you want. I know that to silence you completely would not only undermine my own liberty but also side with Satan.

Featured Image Copyright: Nikki Zalewski /

National Guard troops to stay in Washington DC Through March 2021

Military Presence Staying in Washington DC Through March

At least 5,000 National Guard members will remain in Washington DC through mid-March.

“As we continue to work to meet the final post-inauguration requirements, the National Guard has been requested to continue supporting federal law enforcement agencies with 7,000 members and will draw down to 5,000 through mid-March,” Maj. Matt Murphy told The Epoch Times via email.

“We are providing assistance such as security, communications, medical evacuation, logistics, and safety support to state, district, and federal agencies,” he added. (Source: The Epoch Times)


It has never been a Constitutional practice to have military occupying US cities. As we look at the fact that thousands of National Guard troops will remain in Washington DC through March, we have to ask ourselves the question WHY?

Conditioning… pure and simple… Conditioning… setting a precedence for military occupying a major city. I wouldn’t be surprised to see more follow suit as rioters continue to do their thing in major cities. Now that there’s no Orange Man Bad to blame, those liberal governors will be placing National Guard in their cities.

And then we’ll be like other despotic nations with a constant military presence fearmongering people into submission.

That’s my personal prediction anyway. Hopefully, I’m wrong.

What Does the Constitution Say About Standing Armies?


The Congress shall have Power To …raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years….

“For most Americans after the Revolution, a standing army was one of the most dangerous threats to liberty. In thinking about the potential dangers of a standing army, the Founding generation had before them the precedents of Rome and England. In the first case, Julius Caesar marched his provincial army into Rome, overthrowing the power of the Senate, destroying the republic, and laying the foundation of empire. In the second, Oliver Cromwell used the army to abolish Parliament and to rule as dictator.” (The Heritage Guide to the Constitution, The Heritage Foundation )

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right to life - Sanctity of life

Attacks Ramp Up Against The Sanctity of Human Life

Friday January 22nd was the 48th anniversary of Roe V Wade. Over 62 million innocent lives have been exterminated since then in the US alone. One of President Trump’s last acts was to declare Jan 22nd a National Sanctity of Human Life Day.

On January 18th, Trump’s proclamation was for the National Sanctity of Human Life Day. In it, he said: “As a Nation, restoring a culture of respect for the sacredness of life is fundamental to solving our country’s most pressing problems. When each person is treated as a beloved child of God, individuals can reach their full potential, communities will flourish, and America will be a place of even greater hope and freedom. That is why it was my profound privilege to be the first President in history to attend the March for Life, and it is what motives my actions to improve our Nation’s adoption and foster care system, secure more funding for Down syndrome research, and expand health services for single mothers.” (“Roe v. Wade a ‘Constitutionally Flawed Ruling,’ Trump Says,” The Epoch Times)

The White House announced Friday that the new administration “will codify Roe v. Wade, which would allow for legal abortions even in the event that the Supreme Court overturns the 1973 ruling.” (Source: White House Announces It Will Codify Federal Abortion Law, The Epoch Times)

Bottom line, the sanctity of human life is the core issue. If we do not value human life as a nation, nothing else really matters. Our nation was built on the principles that life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are our inalienable rights (God given rights which shall not be taken away). If we will sacrifice babies on the altars of our greed, selfishness, convenience and careers and support it with tax payer dollars – forcing those who find this practice appalling to pay for this devilish practice — mark my words, we WILL reap God’s judgement.

“Vengeance is mine and I will repay,” saith the Lord. (Deuteronomy 32:35)

God will not allow the blood of innocents to cry from dumpsters forever without answering it upon our heads. He will not allow their body parts to be used as science experiments and sold to the rich for their purposes, and continue to do nothing. In fact, the judgement has already begun and we’ve only seen a tip of the iceberg.

“As nations cannot be rewarded or punished in the next world they must be in this by an inevitable chain of causes and effects Providence punishes national sins by national calamities.” 

George Mason, the Father of the Bill of Rights

Featured Image: soupstock/

Kirk Cameron's 100 Days American Campfire Revival

American Campfire Revival – Kirk Cameron 100 Days

I’m really enjoying Kirk Cameron’s 100 Days American Campfire Revival. He’s sharing his love for God and our country to invite spiritual life into our nation. Instead of waiting to see what a president will create in his 100 days in office, Kirk invites us to create our own 100 day plan to connect with God, learn the importance of our Christian history, and understand the seeds that produced the fruit of freedom and prosperity in our nation.

I’ve posted a few episodes below. Here’s Kirk’s Facebook page where he’s posting these. Someone is also posting these videos on YouTube on this channel if you don’t have Facebook to watch them there.

Day 1: Introducing the American Campfire Revival

Day 2: The American Campfire Revival

His second day is about The Self-Governing Christian.

Day 3: Ideas Have Consequences

Day 4: Remembering God’s Blessings on America

Here’s Kirk’s Facebook page where he’s posting these. Someone is also posting these videos on YouTube on this channel if you don’t have Facebook to watch them there.

komodo dragon forked tongue hollow promises

Hollow Promises and Forked Tongues in the White House

You heard Joe Biden promise he would put an end to Covid-19 – right? You heard it, I heard it… we all heard it. He ran on it… blaming President Trump for every last death. Leading by example with the philosophy that we all hide with masks in our basements, close down our businesses (aka ruin our flourishing economy). Well now, on Friday, January 22nd in a speech at the White Biden said, “There’s nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months.”(Source: The Epoch Times, Biden: Nothing We Can Do to Change Trajectory of COVID-19 Pandemic Next Months)

As usual, hollow promises from lifetime politicians who criticize anyone who actually DOES something. Then go into office, and DO nothing but destroy our liberties.

Follow the Money

What does he want? Another 1.9 trillion dollar relief bill … which means printing another $1.9 trillion worth of debt on top of the $4 trillion they’ve already racked up over this thing. Who pays for that debt? We do! Our businesses, our employers, our children, our grandchildren.

All this time he’s claimed to have the magic bullet cure (which he wouldn’t share until people voted for him, by the way). And now that he’s there, he’s holding it hostage for another $1.9 Trillion dollars. After all, why cure the malady when you have people to pay off … some bribes to fulfill on for delivering the Presidency to you?

Handing Americans $600 here or $2000 there while pumping most of it off into foreign countries and liberal pet projects will reap a WHIRLWIND of economic crisis beyond what we already have in this country.

Paying people to sit home, wear masks, play video games, watch Netflix, and not stand up for their liberties may pacify the masses for a time, but it is HORRIFIC fiscal policy and will destroy the economic fabric of our nation. The dollar will soon be worthless. Anyone who has taken basic Economics knows that printing money devalues the currency.

It’s All Part of the Agenda

Then again… that has really been their agenda all along… to devalue the dollar, replace it with some global crypto currency, cripple small businesses (who are the bedrock of freedom and self-reliance in this nation) and put everyone on Government handouts so we just go along with whatever pitiful scraps they want to give us.

They’ve been telling us where they’re taking us — socialism. What do people think socialism is? Most people justify “a little socialism.” But “a little socialism” is like having “a little cancer.” It doesn’t stop with a little!

In the dating world, I learned if I guy says he’s never gonna marry you, believe him! He’ll use you for whatever he can, but he’s never gonna marry you. When a politician says he is going to raise your taxes and implement socialism (the forerunner to communism) you better believe him!

Destroying Work Ethic is Part of the Plan

As I’ve worked to help people build businesses over the years, I have heard from so many people who were on disability say, “Well, I can’t make that much money, I don’t want to mess up my disability check.”

Take that and magnify it by millions of people. I can hear it now, “Oh, I’d start a business, but I might make too much and mess up my relief checks.” Or as the new taxation promises roll out, we’ll be saying, “I’d take my business to the next level but the government would just tax it away, so why bother?” or “I’d hire more employees, but I can’t afford the new $15/hr minimum wage.”

That’s where we’re headed, folks. Complete and utter slavery because so many people are too stupid and too lazy to realize they are frogs in a pot being boiled alive. We’re already slaves to big government and big brother tech and most of us don’t have a clue.

The solution? Let me say it in a way Biden will Understand: Stop racking up debt and open the damn economy, man!

Featured Image Copyright: SURZ/

woman with bible praying for america

A Prayer for Our Nation & President Donald J. Trump

Please join me in prayer for our nation and for our President Donald J. Trump. May we put our trust in God.

Dear Heavenly Father,

We come before Thee as Thy children to thank Thee for President Donald J. Trump and for all his efforts to restore America. Over the centuries, so many have come to this country to live the American Dream. They wanted the freedom to speak, worship, build businesses and provide blessing for themselves and their posterity.

We thank Thee for the opportunity to live in this nation. We thank Thee for our improved economy, for the restoration of our national sovereignty, for the millions who have awakened to the importance of Constitutional principles and a renewed interest in civic affairs.

We thank Thee for the tireless efforts President Trump and his family have expended on behalf of The United States of America. We acknowledge that this has come at the cost of great opposition, defamation, deception and ridicule from those who seek to overthrow the freedom of our nation, who seek to entangle us and enslave us and sell out our interests to foreign powers.

We thank Thee that a great portion of the Swamp has been drained. The water is lowered, and we can now clearly see many of the traitors who infest our federal and state governments and the media and corporations. Bless us to have the opportunity to have free and fair elections so we may now remove these individuals from public office and replace them with good, honest, and wise men and women who love Thee and will uphold their oaths of office.

We come before Thee now Father and ask Thee to protect President Donald J. Trump and his family. Guide them. Give them peace. Help them make wise decisions in the coming days and years. We pray that their hearts may draw even closer to Thee for comfort and inspiration. We pray that Thou would send angels to protect them from those who seek to subvert the freedoms of our nation and destroy our Constitution.

We pray that those who are guilty of sedition and treason will be identified and brought to swift justice. Help them to confess and to repent of their activities. Turn their hearts to Thee. Bring an even greater awakening to not only our nation, but also to the world. Open the eyes of all the people of the world to see that the powers that have gotten above us in our governments, media and corporations seek to overthrow the freedom of all nations, lands and people.

Satan was cast out of heaven because he wanted to force all people to do his bidding. His great aim was to take away our freedom to choose. God values freedom so highly that He allows us to choose unwisely and make mistakes and even choose iniquity.

Our freedom to choose is so important to God that He sent His only begotten Son to die for us, to pay for our sins and mistakes, to redeem us. By His stripes we are healed – when we turn to Him and confess and forsake our sins through His grace. We thank Thee for this gift of choice. We thank Thee for a nation that has acknowledged and protected our freedom to speak, to think, to act and also to reap the consequences of our actions. We pray that the attacks upon these God-given rights will cease.

There are those in this nation who use their power of choice to choose evil, to choose depravity, and to choose to control and steal the fruits of other people’s labors.

Jesus said, “Whatsoever you have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.” (Luke 12:3) Father, we ask that the crimes of the traitorous and evil shall be spoken upon the housetops, and their secret acts be revealed.

We put our trust in Thee. We trust that the truth will be revealed and that in a not-too-distant day, we shall meet our Savior face to face and every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is the Lord. May we be found worthy and comfortable to be in His holy presence.

We pray that “when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.“ (1 John 3:2)

Help us to rise above the petty divisions and come together in peace as Americans in unity and love of God, family, and country. Help us to rally around the Constitution and our flag which represents our Republic and stands for “one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.” Help us to work together to preserve and protect this great nation for which so many have shed their precious blood and devoted their lives and fortunes to build and protect. May we honor them and preserve their legacy!

May Thy Will be done.

In Jesus name we pray.


Featured Image Copyright: Yastremska /