Roe vs Wade Reversed

Supreme Court Reverses Roe vs. Wade

On June 24, 2022, the Supreme Court voted 6-3 to overturn Roe vs. Wade, after nearly 50 years of Federally legalized abortion. This definitive Constitutional move is a return to the Constitution’s 10th Amendment, which clearly states:

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.”

10th Ammendment to the U.S. Constitution

Since abortion is nowhere discussed within the U.S. Constitution, this subject is being rightfully returned to the states and to the people. This has never been, and should never have been, a subject for the Federal government to be involved in.

Rioting, Looting and Protests In Response to Roe vs. Wade Reversal

Ironically, many of the states which already legalize abortion at the state level have citizens who are rioting, looting and threatening to attack various churches and pro-life facilities in retaliation. People in cities like Los Angeles are destroying their own communities in response to a ruling reversal that does not even impact their states. Constitutional ignorance plays a forefront role in the responses to this ruling.

Following the Science

Roe Vs Wade Reversal

Of equal import is simple science and human dignity and compassion. While abortion might have been deemed acceptable when modern ultrasound was not available, it is reprehensible that people would pitch violent tantrums because they cannot kill babies who are clearly distinct individuals, viewable in detail with modern ultrasound technology. I’m not sure what happened to the cry to “follow the science,” but it’s clearly not happening on this subject.

The question that is uppermost on many people’s minds is WHY? Why would people feel they have the right to kill other human being? Science has provided us with plenty of evidence that these babies actually back away from the utensils and vacuums sent in to dismember them. Via ultrasound and other scientific technologies, we see that these babies cry out in anguish and pain as they are being slaughtered. Many medical experts have testified that unwanted babies in hospitals are left to die while those who have loving mothers are given every heroic measure necessary to help them live.

How could people be so heartless?

Some say it’s all about choice. Pro choice is what they call it. My question is: What about the choices of the 48 million babies per year who are snuffed out of existence and permanently lose their power to choose?

The term “pro choice” is an oxymoron. Those who support abortion aren’t pro choice. They are only for providing endless, continuous ability to choose without reaping consequences. They don’t care at all about the children’s ability to choose.

The biggest lie is that you can have choices without consequences.

The nature of choice is that when you choose liberty and life, more choices are afforded you. When you choose captivity and death, your choices dwindle. You don’t get endless chances to cover your detrimental choices.

You don’t get unlimited choices to cover your tracks. At some point you pay the piper. The flip side of the coin of Choice is Accountability.

There Can Be No Freedom without Personal Responsibility

We live in a society that is losing its freedoms because we do not understand that freedom can only be maintained as people take personal responsibility for their own actions. Only people who stand accountable for their own choices can remain free. Those who seek to disconnect choice from accountability self destruct.

Not taking personal responsibility for your own sexual acts and then expecting God and society to condone the mutilation and death of an innocent child (who was created BECAUSE of your choices) is the ultimate in the abdication of personal responsibility. It is the ultimate in myopic selfishness.

Debunking The Suffering Myth

I often hear the excuse by those who support abortion that the children will just suffer if they are allowed to live. Or the mother will suffer if she can’t get an abortion. Her quality of life and future options will suffer. The child will be homeless, hungry, or uncared for.

Our privileged society has a massive misconception about suffering. Freedom actually comes on the other side of suffering. Facing your own demons, your own trials and challenges, and taking personal responsibility leads to freedom, true freedom of the soul.

Continually doing everything you can to keep from being responsible for your own choices, actions, and emotional baggage is enslavement.

It seem that many who choose abortion are trying to avoid suffering at all costs. They are not choosing to abort because their own life is in danger, but because they don’t want to be inconvenienced. They want to avoid what they deem will be their future suffering, so they choose to end another human life. They justify murder by extrapolating that the child will lead a life of suffering. They assume that this child’s suffering will be endless and that the child’s life is not worth living.

Proponents of the “suffering excuse” have no faith in the human soul or its growth and development – theirs or their child’s. Better to kill the child than risk that the baby — or the parent — might be unhappy or suffer.

Every major growth and progression people make comes as we face adversity and rise above. One could say that it is one of the major reasons for living. To live your whole life and kill others to avoid suffering yourself (or pretending you’re saving the victims from suffering) is foolish at best and selfishly cruel at worst.

The wholesale lack of personal responsibility and dehumanization of others has untold rippling impacts and very well may lead to the destruction of mankind and our liberties.

What About Women Whose Lives Are In Danger?

No one is going to tell a mother with an ectopic pregnancy that she has to carry a baby to term. In fact, the natural consequence of this will be a miscarriage. No one is going to tell a mother whose life is in danger that a pregnancy has to continue. Likewise for rape or other sexual crime victims. These extreme cases are not why people who have fought against abortion all these years are fighting.

We’re fighting for the lives of innocents who have no voice. We’re fighting for the innocents who are discarded and left to die simply because women — and men — don’t want them or are afraid of the consequences of having a child. This is about the millions of babies each year who are murdered simply because they are inconvenient. This is about the millions who are murdered because the women carrying them — and yes, the men who fathered them — are sexually irresponsible and use abortion like birth control.

What About the Woman’s Feelings?

A woman on Facebook recently posted that she was feeling all the disappointed “feels” pro-abortion women are having over the Supreme Court’s ruling. For some time now, my husband and I have been feeling for the 48 million babies/year who are snuffed out of existence and/or torn limb-from-limb and left to die.

I can’t tell you how many times we’ve prayed in tears for this nightmare to end, and for forgiveness and healing for our land. Unlike many who were enraged when Roe vs. Wade was finally overturned, we wept in gratitude. Praise God! This is one step in the right direction. I’m not expecting that it will stop abortion completely. But at least it may save some lives in some states.

“Let your mouth be open for those who have no voice, in the cause of those who are ready for death. Let your mouth be open, judging rightly, and give right decisions in the cause of the poor and those in need.”

Proverbs 31:8-9

National Sins Bring National Calamities

In light of choice and accountability before God, this shift in responsibility to the states and the people will lay the responsibility on those specific geographic areas (aka states) who condone and support crimes against humanity.

While advocating against slavery (another instance where groups of people were dehumanized for the convenience of others), George Mason, on the floor of the Constitutional Convention, warned:

“As nations cannot be rewarded or punished in the next world, they must be in this by an inevitable chain of causes and effects. Providence punishes national sins by national calamities.”

George Mason, ConStitutional Convention

If God’s wrath is poured out on this land through national calamities, it will be a bit easier to see which states — and which people — valued life and which didn’t. Perhaps there will be a bit more mercy given to the citizens in those geographic areas — those state governments — who had mercy on the innocents.

Photo Copyrights

  • Featured Image Copyright: ZF_foto /
  • Meme Ultrasound Photo: Copyright: nata_zhekova /
Happy Americans when Joe Biden Steps Down

Did Joe Biden Just Say He’d Step Down?

Thursday, 9/23/2021, Joe Biden posted this to his “President Joe Biden” Facebook page:

“Folks, I don’t want to punish anyone’s success. But those at the top have been getting a free ride for far too long. We’re going to change that.”

Joe Biden
Joe Biden quote on his facebook page
Posted 9/23/2021

All I have to say is…

Thank you for admitting that you and your cronies have been taking advantage of the system all these years and getting away with graft and greed, treason, and getting free passes for your criminal kids and your own crimes!

When are you “at the top” (as “at the top” as you can be) going to start making it up to the American people? What’s your plan for making good on your confession?

Most importantly, when are you, your VP, and most of the members of Congress going to step down and let some real patriots serve US?

Waiting… waiting… waiting for some real justice. Are you packing your bags yet?

Featured Image Copyright: famveldman /

Hope for the future - Love vs Hate

Confirmation Bias & Hope for the Future

Quantum physicists have discovered that the universe and nature are not separate entities from us. We aren’t victims of circumstances in a universe where things “just happen” to us. We are intertwined and connected with everything and everyone in the universe. We are both the artists and the art. We create our own worlds through our emotions, beliefs, observations, and expectations.

From a spiritual point of view, God created us to act for ourselves and not be acted upon. As Jesus repeatedly taught, “all things are possible to those who believe.” In quantum physics, scientists discovered that by simply observing photons in experiments, the scientists literally changed the outcome of how the photons behaved. They learned that simply observing changes reality.

“Confirmation bias” is an example of this. Confirmation bias is when you go around seeing evidence of what you believe. The real danger in our world is less about carbon footprints or desolating sicknesses and more about the fear, hate, victim energy, and gloom and doom that pervades our societies. We’re literally creating what we expect. By observation we shift the world toward our deepest fears or toward our greatest faith.

In his book, “The Spontaneous Healing of Belief: Shattering the Paradigm of False Limits,” Gregg Braden says, “Widely held beliefs of hate, separation, and fear can destroy our bodies and our world faster than we could have even imagined. Maybe all we need is a little shift in the way we think of ourselves in order to recognize the great truth that we are, in fact, the architects of our experience. We are cosmic artists expressing our deepest beliefs on the quantum canvas of the universe.”

Studying these concepts from both a scientific and spiritual perspective has led me to consider that perhaps the greatest threat to our world is actually mass media, mass communication, controlled by fear-mongering, division-creating voices who shift the beliefs of millions toward fear, negative expectations, scarcity, violent reactions, angry emotions, and destructive behavior.

You’ll find this same fear-mongering divisiveness on either side of the political spectrum. It doesn’t matter how well-meaning or how much we cling to our principles, if we do so with angry, bitter, blame-centered, us-vs-them emotions, we subvert any positive ends we say we are seeking.

Our fate lies in our own ability to shut out the divisive voices of hate, fear, bitterness, and hopelessness, and instead, choose compassion, faith, hope, connection, understanding, light, and truth.

Jesus truly is “the way, the truth and the life.” He is the WAY for a multitude of reasons, but in context of this topic, He is the WAY because His “gospel” is the “good news” … not the bad. His message is “fear not, doubt not… BELIEVE.” His message is “love one another… love your enemies.” His counter-intuitive admonitions require a completely different state of being than we’re seeing at large in society.

The answer to the challenges we face as a nation and as a world lie, not in the fearmongering, hatemongering, divisive labeling, and victim-creating-energy of the world, but in He who said, “Be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”

Jesus understood that our emotions and our observations CREATE … if we want to CREATE good outcomes, we must focus on the good, the uplifting, the hopeful, the life-giving, the liberating, the compassionate and the believing.

Perhaps this is why if the Spirit keeps telling me anything … it is to DISCONNECT from the noise, opinions and tumult of the world. No answers lie there. Ultimate truth lies in our constant connection to the Divine! That’s where the answers are! The Spirit keeps reminding me that my time is better spent in meditation, prayer, positive thoughts and uplifting books than in wrangling and contending over every news item of the day.

Featured Image: Copyright: Pixelvario /

personal freedom

What Good Is Freedom If We Live Like We’re Enslaved?

Freedom is an inside job… it’s in our minds, in our hearts and in our actions. Even though we may gripe or complain, we still live in the most blessed and free nation in the world. We have more freedom to create, build, to bless others, and to reap blessings for ourselves than most of the people who have lived on the planet.
Yet, our own thinking, our own limiting, self-sabotaging beliefs keep us stuck behind a wall of fear. We doubt our own value, our own worth, our own ability to create, and to be heard. We doubt and diminish the value of what we have to share. We hold back because it might not be perfect enough or because others might make fun of it or judge it or criticize it. More debilitating is the inner critic that never leaves us because we keep entertaining its nonsense as valid or relevant.
We have things our hearts long to do, to be, and to create, but we stuff them down because we have to be practical, or because society doesn’t value them, or because we think we can’t make money at them.
Until we ignore those negative voices in our own heads, and the criticism (or perceived judgement) from others and remain true to our highest and best selves, we will never be truly free.
We can blame government or society or other people all day long, but it is WE who have ENSLAVED OURSELVES. And so I ask you, What would you do today if you were truly brave? If you didn’t care whether other people thought what you wanted to do held value or if they judged you or even if what you wanted to do didn’t make you a dime? What would you be, do, or say today if you were truly brave?
Only the brave truly live in freedom. Everyone else just makes excuses. What good is freedom if we live enslaved to our limiting beliefs?

Featured Image Copyright: siam.pukkato /

New American Interview with Dr. Lee Merrit

Good Medical Info to Build Your Immune System for Future Viruses

New American Interview with Dr. Lee Merrit

My doctor friend who owns several family practice clinics sent me this. Dr. Merrit has credentials as long as your arm with highly impressive institutions and a military biowarfare background. The video is definitely worth your time to watch.

In this video, Dr. Merrit mentions a combinations of vitamins and supplements to take. I asked my doctor friend what dosages he recommended and he referred me to this article, “Covid Prevention Cocktail: Vitamin C and Quercetin.”

God's Promises to Abraham and Sarah

Put Pride Aside: Stop Counselling God

When God promises something and it doesn’t happen on our time table or how we think it should, the natural human tendency is to become impatient and concoct ways to make God’s promises happen for ourselves. Yes, we are to take action – INSPIRED action – staying calm, being obedient to God, listening, remaining in faith and acting wisely. But when we seek to control elements that are outside our authority (what God wants us to do), we can do more harm than good.

The biggest messes of mankind have happened when people interpreted what God’s promises were, and then impatiently tried to MAKE God’s promises happen when, how, where and with whom they wanted.

Even good believers get carried away trying to “make” what they believe God has promised happen. Look at Abraham’s wife Sarah and the crazy way she tried to have a child because she thought it was her job to fulfill God’s promises.

God promised Abraham and Sarah a child, but Sarah was way past childbearing years and she laughed. Eventually, she became really old and still no child. So she took matters into her own hands. She used some law on the books that said if her servant had a child with her husband, the baby would be Sarah’s child. Maybe this would fulfill God’s promise?

So this poor servant (Hagar), having no say in the matter, is brought in, and has a baby with Abraham per Sarah’s instructions. Then all kinds of jealousy and problems ensue until Hagar flees into the desert with her child (Ishmael) and nearly dies.

Most of the mess in the Middle East to this day is because Sarah tried to use her own logic to fulfill God’s promises. She manipulated another person (Hagar), twisted a law around to justify her objectives, and tried to control when, where and how God fulfilled His promises.

Eventually the promise was fulfilled when Sarah actually gave birth to Isaac (Abrahams child). God did it miraculously and completely illogically.

When God promises something, it’s important to realize that He’s in charge of the who, what, why, when, where and how.

The only “who” we can control is ourselves and our motivations (our “why”). God is in charge of who else is involved, why He’s doing things the way He’s doing them, when it will happen, where it will happen, and how.

The more we try to take the reins away from God and manipulate other people or force things into our when, where, how and why, the bigger the mess we make.

In our country today, I believe this principle is very relevant. In all our “what if” scenarios, or gloom and doom predictions or contrived theories, or manipulation of laws, or imposing our will onto other people, aren’t we doing what Sarah did? Aren’t we basically laughing off God’s promises and assuming we have to figure out how to make them fulfilled our way, on our own time, on our own terms, with our own visible resources?

Let’s have faith, be obedient to God, and praise Him ahead of time for the blessings He’s promised the righteous. Then we can stop worrying about how it’s going to happen, and instead “stand still and see the salvation of the Lord.”

What would trusting God look like even if everything fell apart? That’s what I explore in my new novel, “Z: A Dystopian / Millennium Novel,” available on Kindle and Paperback and free on Kindle Unlimited.

Featured Image Copyright: askib /

giving others the benefit of the doubt forgiveness

Giving Others the Benefit of the Doubt

What if ordinary people gave each other the benefit of the doubt? (I’m talking ordinary folks … not politicians or media moguls). What if the average American didn’t go around looking for sinister motives and intentions in everything their fellow-Americans are doing or saying? What if we didn’t pick apart their words and assume they meant something derogatory or sinister or offensive? What if we weren’t on high alert to be offended by every word?

In reviewing my life I can’t recall a single time I have done something with malicious or sinister intent. Sure, I’ve said things in the heat of the moment I regretted. I’ve done stupid and sinful things. I’ve made plenty of mistakes, and I certainly haven’t been “nice” all the time. But I can’t recall ever, with malicious intent, setting out with forethought to harm, manipulate or injure another person.

I have had people ASSUME that I’ve done something intentionally to harm them. But, I assure you, I did not set out to do so nor has it ever been my overarching motive to manipulate or harm another. I really do LIKE people. I like to get along with other people. I LOVE building other people up and helping them see their greatness. No, I haven’t done that in every moment. I get frustrated like anyone else does.

I really hate contention. Yet, having said that, I will stand for my beliefs and values – especially if they are being attacked, dismissed or undermined for me or anyone else. Whether some people take my freedom to choose my beliefs and speak my mind as a personal affront to them is purely their choosing. It really isn’t about them as far as I’m concerned. It’s about me being true to the light and truth I’ve been given. It’s about me being a voice for those who have no voice… something I feel in my soul I’m on earth to do.

Because I feel this way, I’d rather assume you’re trying to live your life that way too. You’re doing the best you can. You believe what you believe and that drives you. I may not agree with your beliefs. I may feel you are misinformed or misguided about something. But I work from the assumption you are not intentionally trying to harm me.

Until a person proves otherwise (like many politicians have), I like to assume people do not have sinister or ill intent. I may be delusional, but I’m happier in a world where I give other people the benefit of the doubt and am quick to overlook, dismiss, or forgive comments and actions that others might take offense to.

I’ve learned that the end never justifies the means. Shaming, silencing, belittling, nagging, canceling, etc. even if you want the best for someone else is still wrong. You can’t use Satan’s tactics to do God’s work. That is why I will protect your right to believe what you want and speak what you believe til my dying breath.

I don’t have to sit and listen to it. I don’t have to let you post it on my social media wall. I don’t have to acquiesce for it to be taught to my children. I don’t have to authorize my tax dollars to teach what you believe. But sure, you have a right to say and believe what you want. I know that to silence you completely would not only undermine my own liberty but also side with Satan.

Featured Image Copyright: Nikki Zalewski /

Kirk Cameron's 100 Days American Campfire Revival

American Campfire Revival – Kirk Cameron 100 Days

I’m really enjoying Kirk Cameron’s 100 Days American Campfire Revival. He’s sharing his love for God and our country to invite spiritual life into our nation. Instead of waiting to see what a president will create in his 100 days in office, Kirk invites us to create our own 100 day plan to connect with God, learn the importance of our Christian history, and understand the seeds that produced the fruit of freedom and prosperity in our nation.

I’ve posted a few episodes below. Here’s Kirk’s Facebook page where he’s posting these. Someone is also posting these videos on YouTube on this channel if you don’t have Facebook to watch them there.

Day 1: Introducing the American Campfire Revival

Day 2: The American Campfire Revival

His second day is about The Self-Governing Christian.

Day 3: Ideas Have Consequences

Day 4: Remembering God’s Blessings on America

Here’s Kirk’s Facebook page where he’s posting these. Someone is also posting these videos on YouTube on this channel if you don’t have Facebook to watch them there.

A cure for mask mandates - trump 2020 masks

Episode 40 – Mandatory Mask Executive Orders

Listen to this episode below or scroll down to read the transcript.

As of Friday, July 10, 2020, Chattanooga, Tennessee has a mandatory mask executive order going into effect. Businesses are expected to enforce the order or be fined. If and when I go to Chattanooga, I’ll be wearing my Trump2020 Mask. I invite any of my fellow Americans who find mandatory masks unconstitutional and a violation of HIPAA to do the same.

I think if enough of us wear a Trump mask, suddenly this virus will be on a downturn. All the double, triple and quadruple counting will stop. All the COVID-caused-deaths that get counted when someone falls off a cliff, is in a car wreck, or dies of heart failure and happens to test positive for COVID will suddenly be counted for the real reasons. That curve will plummet like a stone. They’ll be backpedaling these mandatory mask ordinances as fast as you can say “Trump’s my President.” 

Let’s Get to the Root Issue

There are lots of things that might be good or safe personal health and hygiene. It’s good to exercise regularly, brush your teeth, take a bath, wash your hands, etc. Yet, no matter how good these activities may be, it is not government’s job to force you to do them.

When I say that I am against using government power to force everyone to wear masks or get a vaccine or whatever they come up with next, that does not mean I’m saying masks or vaccines are inherently good or bad. Both sides can argue these points until the cows come home.

The violated core value I am speaking out against is the use of GOVERNMENT FORCE to MANDATE that EVERYONE do these things. The government has no right to micromanage whether you brush your teeth, get a vaccine, touch your face, wear a mask, pick your nose, or wash your hands.

You can encourage and educate people toward what you believe to be “good” personal health/hygiene but YOU HAVE NO RIGHT to inflict your values onto everyone else. And if you have no right to force your will onto another person on your own, you certainly have no power to delegate a right you don’t possess to the government so it can inflict your views onto society at large. Personal hygiene is PERSONAL.

The danger here is that if we allow government to micromanage our own personal hygiene and health because we’re terrified of a virus, we set a DANGEROUS precedent for them to micromanage every aspect of our lives to the nth degree. We are sending a huge signal that says, “Yes, I’m stupid. I need the government to take responsibility for every aspect of my life. I abdicate my personal responsibility to the Nanny State. Micromanage me, make all my choices for me, control every aspect of my life. I’m a sheep. I don’t deserve any right that the government doesn’t deem I’m worthy of.” Where there is no personal responsibility THERE IS NO FREEDOM!

Debunking The “I Care About People” Argument

The loss of our freedoms will have a far greater lasting impact on our society than the actual health challenges of any virus. If we sell our freedom for security and allow our nation to be transformed into a Nanny State (or worse global totalitarianism) the death, destruction and despondency created by this virus will look like a drop in the ocean compared with what totalitarian governments will do. Look at the carnage created by the rippling impact of men like Stalin and Mao who not only out-right murdered millions but also meddled with economies and environments until millions more were killed by their schemes.

You think COVID is bad, you haven’t seen anything if you give up your freedoms because you’re scared of a virus. Stay in your home if you’re that scared.

You say you want to use government force to MAKE your neighbors wear masks, have vaccines… because you “care about other people?” Oh yes, you’re just so thoughtful and caring. If you REALLY cared about your neighbors, you would value their FREEDOM to CHOOSE. You would value your children’s and grandchildren’s freedoms. You would think past the immediacy of your fears and look forward to the lasting rippling impact of installing a Nanny State that micromanages your life from cradle to grave.

Wear your mask and get that vaccine when they have it ready if you want. Great, do it… It’s a free country … for now. I’m not saying there is anything wrong with that. You have every right to do those things.

But if you want to FORCE your views onto others and ROB them of their freedom to choose, stop with the “I care about other people so I think everyone must wear masks and get vaccines.” That is NOT caring about other people. If you cared about people, you would care about their FREEDOM. Without our freedoms we are COOKED. We and generations are COOKED.

Live your life your way and let others make their own choices. If you believe wearing a mask or getting a shot is going to save you, then do it. If you’re right you’re good. Let everyone else choose their own path / way. You had your freedom to choose. Will you rob others of theirs?

One day they will use this precedent to mandate something YOU don’t agree with. And because you sat by and didn’t give a flip about someone else’s freedom because you wanted your way, you will have no say when YOUR rights are violated. If you want to rob others of their freedom to choose, you are a hypocrite if you say you care about them. Taking freedom for yourself and denying it to others IS NOT CARING. IT’s NOT LOVING. It’s TYRANNY!

Featured Image Copyright: Brandi Lyon Photography

Restaurant Carry Out Gross Out

Restaurant Carry Out GROSS Out – Don’t Touch Your Face!

My husband decided to head out to a local restaurant yesterday to support local businesses during this time of shutdowns.

His experience was … shall we say… disconcerting? disturbing? terrifying? Watch as he shares what happened…

If you own a restaurant, first and foremost, train your staff! Second, once they’re trained, communicate with your customers what you’re doing to protect their health and safety. Stand out from the crowd!

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