Jesus said to pray for your enemies, bless those that curse you and do good to those who despite-fully use you and persecute you. It’s also important to focus on what we DESIRE and not what we don’t want. As of this morning, I am starting a new practice of praying blessings on anything or anyone that concerns me. Will you join me in this prayer today?
Father in Heaven, we thank Thee for Thy bounteous hand in our lives, for the amenities which we enjoy in this land of plenty. For the freedoms we have enjoyed throughout our days. For the Founding Fathers and the U.S. Constitution which has afforded us liberty for over 240 years.
🙏Father, please bless our nation. Bless its people that we may turn to Thee with full purpose of heart. Bless us to lay down anything that is not aligned with Thy Divine Love.
🙏Bless our little ones and our youth that only truth, righteousness, virtue, love and integrity may take root in their souls.
🙏Bless the people with Thy Spirit, which is the Spirit of Liberty.
🙏Bless the eyes of the blind that they may see truth regardless of appearances.
🙏Bless the ears of the deaf that they may hear, understand and hearken to divine wisdom.
🙏Bless the seats of government and the positions within all bureaus and agencies that they may draw to them wise, honest, patriots with divinely aligned integrity.
🙏Bless all those leaders who love our nation and seek to preserve it. Bless them with wisdom and physical protection. Guide them in their decisions.
🙏Bless the enemies of our nation, those who seek to overthrow the freedom of all lands and people, that they may turn to Thee, be aligned with Thy love, and Thy truth. Bless them that they may confess their sins and turn from anything that is not aligned with Thee.
🙏Bless the little ones, the children, women and men who suffer that they may be protected by angels. Bless them that no weapon formed against them may prosper, that the chains and shackles (mental, physical, spiritual and emotional) may drop from them, never to be ensnared again.
🙏Bless all the wounded in body, mind and spirit with healing. Heal our thoughts. Fill us with love and kindness.
🙏Bless all the descendants of Adam and Eve to understand that we are all brothers and sisters, the Children of God. Bless us with a spirit of divine brotherhood and sisterhood and a spirit of loving-kindness.
🙏Bless us to lay down our verbal, emotional and physical weapons of war. Bless us to work together to lift, to build, to bless each other and our nations.
🙏Align everything that happens in the world with Thy divine plan. Please order our steps and help us keep our eyes on Thee.
“America is great because America is good. If she ever stops being good, she will stop being great.”
Alexis de Tocqueville. Democracy in America, published in 1835
While our once great America is arguing over identity politics and the latest PC topic we’re supposed to be offended by, the “powers that be” are hiding their corruption, crimes, sex trafficking, and more. While they distract us, the cry of innocents is being ignored. Listen or scroll down to read.
The following are part of an agenda to divide, control, collapse, and conquer America:
CV with all of the fear-mongering, mandates and controls
BLM / racial unrest
destruction of history and our culture
political correctness
gender/orientation division
Smoke and Mirrors
They’re also a DISTRACTION from the things they don’t want us to see like…
the passage of more and more controlling laws and dismantling of our republic and the U.S. Constitution
running up an insane debt that will come back to bite us in the butt and enslave our children and grandchildren.
covering up their own crimes, corruption, and traitorous activities
the permeation of pedophilia and sexual perversion in high places, including human slavery and sex trafficking and what looks to be human sacrifice and satanic rituals.
This last one may be the root of it all. How pervasive is this? I suspect it sweeps across party lines and permeates not only entertainment and media but infests our state and federal governments and agencies.
Read Revelations 17 in context of the rampant sexual perversion / abuse / trafficking in high places. Is it any wonder God called this cabal a “great whore that sitteth upon many waters, with whom have committed fornication the kings of the earth,” (v 1-2)
Don’t think it’s that rampant? Ask yourself, “Why, with all the witnesses and victims, has something not been done about this????”
You can’t have 199,000 sex trafficking situations per YEAR in the US alone and someone not trip up & get caught. Why are there not sting operations that ever take in the criminals? Investigations that EVER come to any real justice? Why is every headway made into doing something about this thwarted?
For the powers that be, the media, the justice system, these women and children seem to be as inconsequential and worthless as the 800,000+ babies aborted every year in this country.
This has to STOP!
The blood of innocents are crying out for justice.
Either we stop it or God WILL!
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“The New Normal” is what they call it. A world where all must wear masks, you can’t gather in large crowds, you can’t go to the temple, concerts, ball games or shake hands. You must “social distance” at six feet. It’s a world where we must accept that cities are dangerous places, ransacked nightly, looted and burned in the name of “peaceful protest.”
The “New Normal” is a land where socialists and anarchists have a right to gather en mass, but law-abiding citizens can’t have more than 99 people at church at a time. Seated every other pew wearing masks, the bold hum songs of praise to our God. There is no lingering to talk to friends after church. We must move along lest a virus spread like wildfire among us.
I hate this new world. I refuse to believe in or accept that this is “the new normal.” I’m not ready to witness the destruction of our freedoms, our republic.
A Voice for Those Who Have No Voice
Because I know I am to be a voice for those who have no voice, I write about freedom and post it on my blog, to social media, to my podcast. I speak for the children murdered in the womb. I speak for the unborn destined to arrive in this sick, contentious world. I speak for the children who inevitably will be scarred by rampant fear-mongering.
I speak for those who are too frightened of the inevitable backlash that comes from admitting what one is thinking or feeling about this twisted world. I speak for the silent millions who are inwardly screaming, “The Emperor has no clothes!” I speak for those whose feelings are so deep and conflicted that they can’t even form the words to describe how disturbed they feel.
I speak for the hundreds of thousands of human trafficked women and children who receive no justice in this world while their perpetrators go free and sit in plush homes and government buildings.
As the world tears down our history, our monuments, and the memory of those who came before, I speak for the dead whose lives tell stories of hope, courage, faith, character, and the ability to change and grow. I speak for the Founding Fathers who sacrificed everything to give the priceless gift of freedom to an ungrateful, petulant populace.
I speak for those who are summarily judged and ridiculed for a misplaced word, for one mistake, for things they said or did 15 years ago that do not represent who they are today or that weren’t even “crimes” 15 years ago.
I speak up for God, for Jesus Christ, for scripture, for prophets, for truth – all of which are mocked, scorned, forgotten and defamed.
The Solution to It All
My voice may not make a dent. It may not be a solution in this world, but I know Who is the solution. I know that He who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life is the answer. And I will lift Him up like Moses lifted up that serpent on a pole thousands of years ago. All who believed enough to look upon that emblem of the Christ were healed and lived.
Simple. So simple that thousands chose to die rather than cast their gaze in its direction. The truth is simple. It’s plain and precious. The world, with its cacophony of voices, is only wind and waves. Focus on the nonsense of the world, and you will sink. Keep your eyes on the Master and walk on water.
Featured Image Copyright: Luca Lorenzelli /
Is federal policing of cities under siege by looters, vandals and violence federal overreach by the President and the executive branch? Listen below or scroll down to read and find out.
Some mayors and people are irate about the Federal law enforcement sent into cities that have endured rioting and looting that has escalated to attacks on Federal buildings and monuments. They feel this is an over-reach by the Federal government.
They compare this to Waco and Ruby Ridge. While I am a strong advocate of governing at the most local level, the Federal government does have a right and a responsibility to protect Federal property. That is within their jurisdiction. Waco and Ruby Ridge were people holed up doing their thing. Our current situation is incredibly different.
What about the claims that the Federal officers are rounding up people on the streets and questioning them, etc.? Let’s step back for a moment and look at this from an over-arching view. We have cities across the country that have been under attack by vandals, thieves and murderers since the end of May 2020. While it started out as peaceful protests, much of it quickly morphed into lawlessness.
BLM and Antifa blatantly advertise that this is their doing. They actively solicit new members to their cause. Both organizations actively and openly support Marxist and anti-American ideologies and methods. Both wish to fundamentally change our republic into another form of government. They are using criminal means to do so – vandalizing, looting and violence.
While every last person in their groups is not a plotter or a schemer, these groups DO have people coordinating their efforts. These folks have web sites. This is a coordinated effort to fundamentally destroy our republic and our way of life.
This is bigger than one state. This is a widespread national – even global – movement to move the world toward chaos and anarchy so the powers that lie in wait, funding this, can take over.
The mayors and governors who stand idly by while their communities are looted, burned and destroyed run the spectrum from delusion to collusion. They are not doing their jobs. They are not protecting the people of their communities. They are aligning with these anti-American, subversive groups to the destruction of their own citizens and the republican Constitutions which they have taken oaths of office to uphold.
As the Federal law enforcement seek to track down the ring leaders of these subversive groups in the cities across our nation, they may have to step off Federal property to do this. If someone attacks a Federal building one day and is spotted ten blocks over the next, the Federal officers have a right to arrest that person.
If someone is a ringleader vandalizing another part of town, they may know the ringleader of the attack on the Federal building. While there are plenty of people who are local know-nothing citizens enlisted into these causes, there are also many who move from city to city creating anarchy. There is a strong possibility that they may know who is coordinating these nation-wide attacks. Whether the attacks be on Federal, state, or private property, the attacks are all part of the same cause. Thus, it is well within the jurisdiction of Federal law enforcement to arrest and question people associated with these groups.
I’ve seen a lot going around suggesting we need an amendment limiting Congress to two terms like the President. When I see this stuff, a warning bell always goes off in my head. My dad taught me that you don’t mess with the Constitution. If you do, you do it as little as possible. The Founders thought through the rippling impact of what they included in the Constitution and the odds of modern Americans being smarter than the Founders is remote.
But, I couldn’t tell you WHY my gut sent up so many red flags when people talked about term limits. That’s why I asked Jacob Householder, National Director at Restoration Generation, to get on Zoom and explain it to me. Jacob is a Constitutional expert, having studied the Constitution from the perspective of the Founding Fathers and the eye of history.
In this exclusive interview with Jacob, he explains why Term Limits isn’t such a hot idea and what needs to be done instead to course correct our nation so that our Republic stands for another two hundred years.
Jacob Householder is also the Director of International Outreach at Columbus Center for Constitutional Studies and Board member/Volunteer at Thomas Jefferson Center for Constitutional Restoration.
Featured Image Copyright: Pamela Au /
Our nation has become more polarized and divided than ever. Traditionally Americans pull together in a crisis No so much today. How can we be more respectful and kind of others regardless of their political stance, opinions or views? How can we come together as Americans for the sake of our country?
Here are some thoughts on my mind. Listen below or scroll down to read.
I have several children who feel my beliefs about freedom principles and what’s happening in our country are nonsense. They rarely vote the way I would.
Does that make me love them any less? No! Does that make me think they are unintelligent and stupid? No! Does that make me think they’re evil and need to leave the country? No!
I admire these children. They are resilient, independent, talented, and beautiful people. They are my heroes in many ways. When we’re together, we don’t talk politics. There are other things we can talk about. I know it’s useless to try to shove my beliefs down their throats. Granted, when they’re living in my home on a day to day basis, they’re going to overhear those conversations and sometimes be asked to share their opinions.
Because freedom is my most core value and preserving it my mission, I know that at the root of freedom is allowing others to form their own opinions, believe how they wish, and come to things in their own time and way. Freedom even means letting people make mistakes (as long as they don’t harm someone else’s life, liberty or pursuit of happiness).
As I thought about my kids this morning I realized I need to be that patient and loving with everyone. Everyone has qualities to be admired. None of us is the sum total of our political views or our biggest mistakes. People aren’t flat, two-dimensional caricatures that social media makes it so easy for us to assume. I’m going to work to remember that. I invite you to consider doing so as well.
California shut down churches again for at least 3 weeks. During the 3 weeks, the Department of Health will assess the impact of churches on COVID spread. Until the Department of Health gives them an okay for reopening, churches must implement strict guidelines and only reopen after being approved for opening by their county health department.
This episode discusses Four reasons Christians are going along with church closings and why these rationalizations are abdicating our first amendment right to freedom of religion.
Listen here or scroll down to read.
Perpetual excuses for closing churches is a violation of the 1st amendment. And yes, every state MUST abide by the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights. States don’t get to make up rules that violate the U.S. Constitution.
Let’s take a look at that first amendment:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
1st Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
Ironically, the people I hear advocating for church closings are actually Christians! Let’s take a look at Christian rationalizations for acquiescing to the infringement of our 1st amendment rights.
Rationalization #1: No one can stop us from worshipping. We can just worship in our homes. I don’t need a church to worship in.
First, you’re right. No one has the right to stop you from worshipping in your homes. And while I have enjoyed worshipping at home, gathering with other believers is a core component of faith. It’s important to me and to a lot of other Christians.
Elder David A. Bednar warned there is a danger in limiting a religious organization’s right to gather.
“Gathering, in short, is at the core of faith and religion. Indeed, if the faithful are not gathering, sooner or later they will begin to scatter. And because gathering lies at the very heart of religion, the right to gather lies at the very heart of religious freedom.” (COVID-19 Crisis—A Wake-Up Call for Religious Freedom)
David A. Bednar
Rationalization #2: God’s in control. It’s all according to prophecy. Or God won’t let anything bad happen to us.
Yes, God is in control and most of what has been happening has been prophesied. That doesn’t mean we stand idly by and throw away our religious liberties.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
Edmund Burke
I believe we will be held accountable for what we do now. “To whom much is given, much is required,” said Jesus (Luke 12:48). We have been given much in this country. If we throw it away because we are afraid, because there is a virus, we are slothful servants. We are as the foolish servant who buried his talent in the ground because he was afraid. Our “talents” in this case are our God-given rights! if we bury our inalienable rights in the ground because we’re afraid, we will be held accountable for it. Jesus called this person a wicked and a slothful servant (Matthew 25:14-30).
Rationalization #3: Nothing can stop the Word of God. They couldn’t stop it in Jesus’ day, and they can’t stop it now.
I am not concerned about the gospel dying off, or that we can’t worship in our homes, or that we can’t keep God in our hearts. I know that in the end, God wins. Satan is defeated. My concern is what side am I on? Am I on the side that wants to destroy religious liberties or hand them over without a fight? Am I on the side that wants to keep the gospel from spreading and healing lives and hearts through the power of Jesus? Am I such a chicken that I would stand idly by while our hard-won freedoms are destroyed and taken from future generations? I’m concerned about our Divinely inspired Constitution and the Bill of Rights being hacked to shreds.
You don’t think anything bad can happen to your religious liberties? You think God is going to protect you? When you don’t do your part to protect what God has given you – when you don’t value it – and you treat it like it’s nothing, then don’t expect God to come in and do for you what you ought to be doing for yourself.
Try living in China and being a Christian or believe in God in any way. Try living in China and advocating for basic human rights. You’ll be rounded up, tossed into a concentration camp, and have your organs harvested while your heart is still beating! (Find out what’s happening in China in When the Plague Arrives)
We either draw a line in the sand and protect our rights now or our grandchildren and great grandchildren will be worshipping in secret at the peril of their lives.
Rationalization #4: So many outbreaks have happened in churches, it is just not safe to reopen them.
What about those “outbreaks” that happen in churches? First, the media shows you and tells you what they want you to hear. They give a lot of airtime to infections that happen because of churches or choirs. Name one case of someone catching COVID at a Walmart? A Home Depot?
It’s amazing how smart this virus is that it can’t spread in a Walmart or a Home Depot, but churches don’t seem to have the protective bubble that a big box store has.
But for arguments’ sake, let’s say churches are a hotbed of viral puss. Who says churches can’t take precautions? If Walmart and Home Depot can safely open, then so can our churches. In my church here in Northwest Georgia, we sit every other row, don’t sing or use hymnals, wear masks, and the Lord’s supper (sacrament) is passed in a way where no one touches anything another person has touched. There are only two entrances into the building and three exits out. The building is cleaned thoroughly after every use. We have up to 99 people in attendance. More meetings can be added throughout the day after proper cleaning.
It’s possible to allow churches to remain open and still be safe about it. Giving churches no choice in the matter at all is a violation of our 1st amendment rights.
It’s time we stood up for our God-given rights … the rights millions have fought, bled and died to give us. Imagine, for a moment, that we stand up to the tyrants now while we still can. History will look back on this time of threats to our Bill of Rights and thank us for standing strong and loud and advocating for our rights. We will be viewed as Martin Luther King and his followers who stood up for civil rights. We can do this in a peaceful way just as he did. But let us not remain silent. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty. Standing for our liberty is standing for God.
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Listen to this episode below or scroll down to read the transcript.
As of Friday, July 10, 2020, Chattanooga, Tennessee has a mandatory mask executive order going into effect. Businesses are expected to enforce the order or be fined. If and when I go to Chattanooga, I’ll be wearing my Trump2020 Mask. I invite any of my fellow Americans who find mandatory masks unconstitutional and a violation of HIPAA to do the same.
I think if enough of us wear a Trump mask, suddenly this virus will be on a downturn. All the double, triple and quadruple counting will stop. All the COVID-caused-deaths that get counted when someone falls off a cliff, is in a car wreck, or dies of heart failure and happens to test positive for COVID will suddenly be counted for the real reasons. That curve will plummet like a stone. They’ll be backpedaling these mandatory mask ordinances as fast as you can say “Trump’s my President.”
Let’s Get to the Root Issue
There are lots of things that might be good or safe personal health and hygiene. It’s good to exercise regularly, brush your teeth, take a bath, wash your hands, etc. Yet, no matter how good these activities may be, it is not government’s job to force you to do them.
When I say that I am against using government power to force everyone to wear masks or get a vaccine or whatever they come up with next, that does not mean I’m saying masks or vaccines are inherently good or bad. Both sides can argue these points until the cows come home.
The violated core value I am speaking out against is the use of GOVERNMENT FORCE to MANDATE that EVERYONE do these things. The government has no right to micromanage whether you brush your teeth, get a vaccine, touch your face, wear a mask, pick your nose, or wash your hands.
You can encourage and educate people toward what you believe to be “good” personal health/hygiene but YOU HAVE NO RIGHT to inflict your values onto everyone else. And if you have no right to force your will onto another person on your own, you certainly have no power to delegate a right you don’t possess to the government so it can inflict your views onto society at large. Personal hygiene is PERSONAL.
The danger here is that if we allow government to micromanage our own personal hygiene and health because we’re terrified of a virus, we set a DANGEROUS precedent for them to micromanage every aspect of our lives to the nth degree. We are sending a huge signal that says, “Yes, I’m stupid. I need the government to take responsibility for every aspect of my life. I abdicate my personal responsibility to the Nanny State. Micromanage me, make all my choices for me, control every aspect of my life. I’m a sheep. I don’t deserve any right that the government doesn’t deem I’m worthy of.” Where there is no personal responsibility THERE IS NO FREEDOM!
Debunking The “I Care About People” Argument
The loss of our freedoms will have a far greater lasting impact on our society than the actual health challenges of any virus. If we sell our freedom for security and allow our nation to be transformed into a Nanny State (or worse global totalitarianism) the death, destruction and despondency created by this virus will look like a drop in the ocean compared with what totalitarian governments will do. Look at the carnage created by the rippling impact of men like Stalin and Mao who not only out-right murdered millions but also meddled with economies and environments until millions more were killed by their schemes.
You think COVID is bad, you haven’t seen anything if you give up your freedoms because you’re scared of a virus. Stay in your home if you’re that scared.
You say you want to use government force to MAKE your neighbors wear masks, have vaccines… because you “care about other people?” Oh yes, you’re just so thoughtful and caring. If you REALLY cared about your neighbors, you would value their FREEDOM to CHOOSE. You would value your children’s and grandchildren’s freedoms. You would think past the immediacy of your fears and look forward to the lasting rippling impact of installing a Nanny State that micromanages your life from cradle to grave.
Wear your mask and get that vaccine when they have it ready if you want. Great, do it… It’s a free country … for now. I’m not saying there is anything wrong with that. You have every right to do those things.
But if you want to FORCE your views onto others and ROB them of their freedom to choose, stop with the “I care about other people so I think everyone must wear masks and get vaccines.” That is NOT caring about other people. If you cared about people, you would care about their FREEDOM. Without our freedoms we are COOKED. We and generations are COOKED.
Live your life your way and let others make their own choices. If you believe wearing a mask or getting a shot is going to save you, then do it. If you’re right you’re good. Let everyone else choose their own path / way. You had your freedom to choose. Will you rob others of theirs?
One day they will use this precedent to mandate something YOU don’t agree with. And because you sat by and didn’t give a flip about someone else’s freedom because you wanted your way, you will have no say when YOUR rights are violated. If you want to rob others of their freedom to choose, you are a hypocrite if you say you care about them. Taking freedom for yourself and denying it to others IS NOT CARING. IT’s NOT LOVING. It’s TYRANNY!
My husband Dave’s recent post about silly Covid-19 pandemic rules was wrong. Turns out that closing vast tracts of public park land to people wanting to get fresh air and sunshine is NOT silly when We the People are irresponsible, when we violate our sacred trust.
He complained about public park closures, using as a case in point the #ChickamaugaNMP in NW Georgia. That Civil War battlefield is 5300 acres of National Military Park with roads, trails, vistas, fields, woods, nature, sunshine and fresh air … but all roads through it are closed. He thought it was to protect people.
Wrong! It was to protect the park from people.
He learned from park volunteers that, as Covid-19 hit, hundreds, even thousands of people, came to this Civil War battlefield, this sacred space. Many walked the trails, meditated, enjoyed nature and honored this hallowed ground, as they should. BUT others held parties, set up BBQ grills near monuments and tent shelters in fields. They caused traffic jams. They left garbage all over. Some even got out their metal detectors, searching for and digging up Civil War artifacts … which has been illegal for decades.
In short, they trashed the Chickamauga National Military Park. And so the park superintendent took responsible, care-giving action, and shut down not only the visitors center, but all access to the park.
In his first post, my husband Dave said: “The park’s land should be available” …. But now, in this video, he says that when We, the People can’t take care of sacred ground, places that are entrusted to us, then those types of places should be shut down.
We the People can do better. We the People MUST do better … or we deserve to have these national shrines and treasures closed, even when we need them the most.
National Park closures during Covid-19 Pandemic are justified
Recently, Jim Acosta, accused President Trump of using too much “happy talk” in his daily COVID-19 briefings. My husband, David Kuhns, addresses President Trump’s optimism and the importance of instilling hope. Historically, all great leaders have instilled hope.
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