woman with bible praying for america

A Prayer for Our Nation & President Donald J. Trump

Please join me in prayer for our nation and for our President Donald J. Trump. May we put our trust in God.

Dear Heavenly Father,

We come before Thee as Thy children to thank Thee for President Donald J. Trump and for all his efforts to restore America. Over the centuries, so many have come to this country to live the American Dream. They wanted the freedom to speak, worship, build businesses and provide blessing for themselves and their posterity.

We thank Thee for the opportunity to live in this nation. We thank Thee for our improved economy, for the restoration of our national sovereignty, for the millions who have awakened to the importance of Constitutional principles and a renewed interest in civic affairs.

We thank Thee for the tireless efforts President Trump and his family have expended on behalf of The United States of America. We acknowledge that this has come at the cost of great opposition, defamation, deception and ridicule from those who seek to overthrow the freedom of our nation, who seek to entangle us and enslave us and sell out our interests to foreign powers.

We thank Thee that a great portion of the Swamp has been drained. The water is lowered, and we can now clearly see many of the traitors who infest our federal and state governments and the media and corporations. Bless us to have the opportunity to have free and fair elections so we may now remove these individuals from public office and replace them with good, honest, and wise men and women who love Thee and will uphold their oaths of office.

We come before Thee now Father and ask Thee to protect President Donald J. Trump and his family. Guide them. Give them peace. Help them make wise decisions in the coming days and years. We pray that their hearts may draw even closer to Thee for comfort and inspiration. We pray that Thou would send angels to protect them from those who seek to subvert the freedoms of our nation and destroy our Constitution.

We pray that those who are guilty of sedition and treason will be identified and brought to swift justice. Help them to confess and to repent of their activities. Turn their hearts to Thee. Bring an even greater awakening to not only our nation, but also to the world. Open the eyes of all the people of the world to see that the powers that have gotten above us in our governments, media and corporations seek to overthrow the freedom of all nations, lands and people.

Satan was cast out of heaven because he wanted to force all people to do his bidding. His great aim was to take away our freedom to choose. God values freedom so highly that He allows us to choose unwisely and make mistakes and even choose iniquity.

Our freedom to choose is so important to God that He sent His only begotten Son to die for us, to pay for our sins and mistakes, to redeem us. By His stripes we are healed – when we turn to Him and confess and forsake our sins through His grace. We thank Thee for this gift of choice. We thank Thee for a nation that has acknowledged and protected our freedom to speak, to think, to act and also to reap the consequences of our actions. We pray that the attacks upon these God-given rights will cease.

There are those in this nation who use their power of choice to choose evil, to choose depravity, and to choose to control and steal the fruits of other people’s labors.

Jesus said, “Whatsoever you have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.” (Luke 12:3) Father, we ask that the crimes of the traitorous and evil shall be spoken upon the housetops, and their secret acts be revealed.

We put our trust in Thee. We trust that the truth will be revealed and that in a not-too-distant day, we shall meet our Savior face to face and every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is the Lord. May we be found worthy and comfortable to be in His holy presence.

We pray that “when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.“ (1 John 3:2)

Help us to rise above the petty divisions and come together in peace as Americans in unity and love of God, family, and country. Help us to rally around the Constitution and our flag which represents our Republic and stands for “one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.” Help us to work together to preserve and protect this great nation for which so many have shed their precious blood and devoted their lives and fortunes to build and protect. May we honor them and preserve their legacy!

May Thy Will be done.

In Jesus name we pray.


Featured Image Copyright: Yastremska / BigStockPhoto.com

Big Tech Beast

The Big Tech Beast

I had a dream last night that the “beast” mentioned in the Book of Revelation is related to Big Tech and that the head that appeared to have received a mortal wound and then his deadly wound was healed and all the world wondered after the beast was Facebook. I specifically saw M.Z.’s face.

When I woke up, I got to thinking about the parallels to Big Tech and the “heads” of John the Revelator’s “Beast.” And no, I’m not saying that my dream is a literal prophecy of any kind… just something to make me think. As a lifelong student of the Bible, I have learned that the Bible has multiple layers, applications and symbolic meanings that can be applied to many things.

So, let’s apply the beast metaphor to Big Tech for just a moment … just for fun … and insight.

The Beast has Seven Heads and Ten Horns.

A quick search reveals that “the seven most valuable U.S. technology companies — Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Alphabet, Facebook, Tesla and Nvidia — picked up a combined $3.4 trillion in market cap in 2020, powering through a global pandemic and broader economic crisis.” (CNBC “Techs Top Seven Companies Added 3.4 Trillion in Value in 2020, December 31, 2020)

“The Beast was like a Leopard (Germany), and his feet were as the feet of a bear (Russia), and his mouth as the mouth of a lion (Britain), and the dragon (China) gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.” (Revelations 13:2)

“And I saw one of his heads as if it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.” (In my dream this was Facebook. But it could just be a symbol to me for a Big Tech company and a recognizable face.)

“And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?”

We’re all sitting around looking at our phones, bowing our heads to them. We won’t leave home without them. Could this be viewed as worship? And aren’t you starting to wonder like I am, “Who can stand up to these people? They control everything? If they want to shut you down, you’re gone. If they want to silence you, you’re silenced. If they want you fired, you’re fired.”

“And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.” (Revelations 13:5-7)

There is a war being waged on the voices of conservatives. People are being silenced. God and religion are scoffed and ridiculed, and Biblical principles are deemed hate speech and politically incorrect. We can easily see how if their ability to censor and control continues, it could completely silence any voices that do not align with their agenda.

“And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.” (Revelation 13:11-12)

As we move to global governance, will some other tech conglomerate come into play? I keep seeing this image of everyone bowing their heads to their phones and their devices. Did this look like worshipping to John the Revelator?

“And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men.

Tesla put all those satellites into space. They’re about communication, but what else can they do?

“And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.” (Revelation 13:13)

The entire world is constantly being deceived because of Big Tech and by Big Tech. John would have perceived what Big Tech can do as miracles! He’d seen nothing like it!

“And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.” (Revelations 13:15)

The image of the beast … the pictures, the videos, the technology that SPEAKS. If we don’t worship it (use it / buy it / integrate it / go along with its messaging), how bad will it get?

“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” (Revelation 13:16-17)

Notice the right hand (we hold our phones in our right hands, and we’re aiming our foreheads at our devices. Our foreheads represent our minds and what we feed them and what we think about. Big Tech DOES control many people’s minds and what we look at / view.

I’m already seeing stores that won’t let you get cash back, then there is the coin shortage… we’re moving completely to digital currency. If we don’t use Big Tech, will we be able to buy or sell before long without it? Will sick people be able to buy their medications without it? Will people be able to buy food without it? What about gas? Or pay your mortgage?

Again, I’m not prophesying or even saying we shouldn’t use technology. But I am saying, we should be mindful of how we let it control us and our minds! How much time, energy and money are we giving to these things? Is it a form of “worship?” Definitely something to self-reflect on. And perhaps we need to start looking at more ways to be self-sustainable where we are not so reliant on them.

Fact Checking Covid Relief Math

Fact Checking Romney’s Math on the COVID Relief Bill

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) said he opposes raising the stimulus check amount from $600 to $2,000 as suggested by President Donald Trump and other officials.

“If we went to $2,000 per person, the additional borrowing would be up to almost $500 billion,“ Romney said, according to Utah’s KUTV. “Someone’s got to pay for that. We can’t just have free money.” (Source: “Romney Says He Opposes $2,000 Stimulus Payment Suggested By Trump, The Epoch Times)

What about the “free money” being given to all the other countries, the illegal aliens, and other nonsense in the bill? Why do Americans have to pay for that?? And does his claim that it would cause $500 billion in additional borrowing hold true?

Let’s do a little mathematical fact checking of our own shall we? Let’s use their numbers and do the math on the so-called $900 Billion Covid Relief Bill

Direct Payouts
Rental assistance
Food/Farm aid
Child Care
Total Payouts
Leaves Misc. Pork

120 Billion
166 Billion
284 Billion
69 Billion
25 Billion
82 Billion
26 Billion
10 Billion
782 Billion
118 Billion ($900 – $782 Billion)

Now let’s take these two numbers and total them:

Direct Payments
Misc. Pork

166 Billion
118 Billion
 284 Billion

According to Statista, 53.6% of Americans make under $75k/year. So of 220 million adult Americans, 117.92 million make under $75k/year.

If you divide the $284 Billion by 117.92 million adults who make under $75k/year, you could give each one of them $2,408 each with that $284 Billion! This requires adding no additional dollars to the $900 Billion bill.

Looks like Romney and the others aren’t counting on Americans being able to do some simple math calculations.

Featured Image Copyright: SherryVSmithVAB / BigStockPhoto.com

can dominion voting machines be hacked?

Can Dominion Voting Machines Be Hacked?

These election officials set out to discover whether Dominion Voting Machines can be hacked. I gained access to this video from Tuvyah Schleifer which he uploaded on 11/22/2020.

This video illustrates that the machines can be hacked. All we are asking is that this be thoroughly investigated to see if any hacking took place in the 2020 election. Why won’t the courts even listen to the evidence or allow a case to be presented? We the people demand truth, justice and the rule of law. The government represents the people not the politicians. They work for us.

Would you like to see this investigated and brought to the courts?

Featured Image Copyright: lisafx / BigStockPhoto.com

Zuckerberg donates to election fraud

Blackwell Alleges Zuckerberg Funded Election Fraud

Former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell alleges that Zuckerberg directly funded election fraud in what should be a massive scandal — if anyone would do anything about it.

“Under the pretext of assisting election officials conduct “safe and secure” elections in the age of COVID, Zuckerberg donated $400 million — as much money as Congress appropriated for the same general purpose — to nonprofit organizations founded and run by left-wing activists. The primary recipient was the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL), which received the staggering sum of $350 million. Prior to Zuckerberg’s donations, CTCL’s annual operating expenses averaged less than $1 million per year. How was Zuckerberg even aware of such a small-potatoes operation, and why did he entrust it with ⅞ of the money he was pouring into this election cycle, despite the fact that it had no prior experience handling such a massive amount of money?…

Zuckerberg and CTCL left nothing to chance, however, writing detailed conditions into their grants that dictated exactly how elections were to be conducted, down to the number of ballot drop boxes and polling places. The Constitution gives state lawmakers sole authority for managing elections, but these grants put private interests firmly in control…

The left didn’t put all of its eggs into the CTCL basket, though. High-ranking state officials simultaneously took significant steps to weaken ballot security protocols, acting on their own authority without permission or concurrence from the state legislatures that enshrined those protections in the law…

Consolidating the vote-counting tied the other efforts together. Instead of a manageable number of ballots being transported to small offices and counted in the immediate presence of observers from both parties, truckloads of ballots were brought to a single location, inevitably resulting in confusion and commingling of ballots from various sources. Securing those ballots from the time they left voters’ hands to the time they were officially counted should have been the top priority of election workers, but it’s not even clear whether there were logs kept identifying which ballots were delivered by which trucks and when. If such logs even exist, they have not been disclosed…

It’s impossible to know exactly what happened, because Republican observers were denied meaningful access to the process — and in some cases literally locked out of the counting rooms while election workers obscured the windows with cardboard.

These election workers, it should be noted, were paid directly by CTCL’s grants. These supposedly impartial arbiters of our electoral process are supposed to work for the people, but they were on Zuckerberg’s payroll.” (Source, Breitbart, Blackwell: The Greatest Electoral Heist in American History)

Featured Image Copyright: Panom Bounak / BigStockPhoto.com

are we praising God for the miracles

Are We Praising God for the Miracles Or Dismissing Them?

Millions of people fasted and prayed when COVID-19 hit. According to the CDC the number of total deaths in the US are roughly the same as any other year (see stats from the CDC below). Did we give credit to God for that? Did people see His hand in it? Not that I can tell.

We’ve prayed and fasted for our nation, that the swamp be exposed and drained. Are we praising God now for exposing the corruption? We should be! If God saves our republic through some savvy legal footwork, will we give God credit for it? We better, my friends, we better!!!

The Facts from the CDC

CDC Reported Deaths for 2018: 2,839,205

CDC Reported 2020 total deaths (as of Dec 12): 2,788,849

Source for 2018: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/deaths.htm

Source for 2020: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/

Featured Image Copyright: AlexWhite / BigStockPhoto.com

dominion voting machines - election fraud

Michigan Dominion Voting Machine Audit Reveals Fraud

Judge Elsenheimer allowed 22 Dominion voting machines in Antrim County, Michigan to undergo a forensic audit last week, but Michigan officials tried to block the results. On the morning of December 15th, Judge Elsenheimer ruled that the audit results be released.

Read the audit results here. Here are the highlights:

Who Conducted the Dominion Voting Machine Audit?

Russell James Ramsland, Jr., part of the management team of Allied Security Operations Group, LLC, (ASOG) filed this report. ASOG is a group of globally engaged professionals who come from various disciplines to include Department of Defense, Secret Service, Dept. of Homeland Security, and the CIA. It provides a range of security services, but has a particular emphasis on cybersecurity, open source investigation and penetration testing of networks. They employ a wide range of cyber and cyber forensic analysts.

Purpose of the Dominion Voting Machine Audit

The purpose of the forensic audit is to test the integrity of Dominion Voting System in how it performed in Antrim County Michigan for the 2020 election.

Conclusions of Dominion Voting Machine Audit

“We conclude that the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results. The system intentionally generates an enormously high number of ballot errors. The electronic ballots are then transferred for adjudication. The intentional errors lead to bulk adjudication of ballots with no oversight, no transparency, and no audit trail. This leads to voter or election fraud. Based on our study, we conclude that The Dominion Voting System should not be used in Michigan. We further conclude that the results of Antrim County should not have been certified.

“The Antrim County Clerk and Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson have stated that the election night error (detailed above by the vote ‘flip’ from Trump to Biden, was the result of human error caused by the failure to update the Mancelona Township tabulator prior to election night for a down ballot race. We disagree and conclude that the vote flip occurred because of machine error built into the voting software designed to create error.”

“Secretary State Jocelyn Benson’s statement on November 6, 2020 that ‘the correct results always were and continue to be reflected on the tabulator totals tape…’ was false.”

“The allowable election error rate established by the Federal Election Commission guidelines is of 1 in 250,000 ballots (.008%). We observed an error rate of 68.05%. This demonstrated a significant and fatal error in security and election integrity.”

Read the audit results here.

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More On Election Night Errors

Featured Image Copyright: lisafx / BigStockPhoto.com

Joe Biden Spills the Beans

Biden Spills the Beans on Inauguration Day

As Christians we’re taught to pray for our enemies and to pray for leaders of nations. I’ve been thinking a lot about what my prayers should be about Biden/Harris. I’ve decided the most merciful thing I can pray is that they will repent, turn to God, and confess their sins.

So, I’m praying that (if Biden/Harris) make it to Inauguration Day, that when Joe Biden gets up to speak, angels take over his speech, and as he has on several occasions, he admits the truth.

Imagine if his conscience were so pricked by his crimes that he admitted to widespread cheating along with his running mate, Kamala Harris, and assorted named governors and Congress members. Imagine the entire world finally hearing the truth in the form of a confession in a way that cannot be denied or swept under the rug!

He’s admitted to things before: like the biggest voter fraud organization and to blackmailing the Ukrainian President into firing the prosecutor handling the case against Burisma (a company his son worked for). Why can’t he have another one of those truth serum moments on stage at the Inauguration?

The beauty of this idea is that the media can’t cut away from the Inauguration address and the whole world will be watching. And for once something won’t be blamed on President Trump.

I honestly believe God has a miracle up His sleeve. I have NOT given up on God or a parting of the Red Sea. I also know that God LOVES to wait til the last minute to show his power. I was actually pondering on this this morning when I had the visual of Biden spilling the beans on Inauguration day. I thought that would be a fun way to have a full confession, expose everyone involved, restore President Trump to office, and get the justice we seek in a way where NO ONE could deny it. It also could avert a civil war. Would the left riot and loot if their own people confessed?

You with me? Let’s have a mass visualization on this one!!

Copyright: Red marker / BigStockPhoto.com

My Visit with President Trump

My Visit with President Donald J. Trump

This is a profound and realistic dream I had about visiting with President Donald J. Trump on the morning of 11/11/2020. After sharing it with my husband, he said, “What if we all had this compassion for each other? Even our enemies? You need to get this to President Trump. Post it and get it to President Trump.”

The Dream

I was taken in to visit President Trump. He seemed younger than me (I’m 54), and he was thinner than normal. He seemed fit, yet humbled and meek, exhausted and subdued, and willing to accept whatever God wanted.

I felt respect and admiration for him, as well as an immense love and tenderness for him like a mom would have for her son. He seemed so loveable. I talked to him like I would my sweet missionary son (whom I also look up to, admire and respect). I sat beside him. He was much taller than me, and I hugged him by putting both my arms around his chest and leaning my head against his side. I hugged him for a long time like I would my boy if he were distressed and needed comfort. I felt so much compassion for him.

Then I shared with him a principle I’ve learned about Divine Balance. To the extent to which we are loved, built-up, or praised by ourselves or others, to that extent will we be hated, torn down, or ridiculed by ourselves or others. I showed him a balance scale and told him that life is seeking balance. We must not put ourselves or anyone else on a pedestal or in a pit.

I advised him to avoid bragging on himself or his accomplishments.

He seemed saddened and unsure whether this was a habit that he could stop. He knew he needed to but wasn’t sure how – especially in the face of so much opposition.

I advised him as he went forward, that when he felt inclined to brag or take credit, to give credit to God instead. He is the vessel, and God is the power behind the victory. Give all praise and honor to God.

He seemed to absorb this. We also had a brief exchange about how people would respond to this. Some people would appreciate his giving glory to God. Others would not. Some would even say he did it for show. No matter. What mattered was that he kept turning his heart to God and giving glory to Him. I sat there beside President Trump hugging him and continued to feel such an immense love and appreciation for this man – not only respect but also how I’d feel for a dear friend who was dealing with heavy burdens.

Finally, we stood up and he walked me out. He seemed to be as sad as I was that our visit was coming to an end. On the way out I mentioned to him something about how the nursing homes had been ballot harvested. He nodded saying he knew, but didn’t want to get into a conversation about election fraud. He didn’t want to talk about the battleground. We had spent time speaking of higher things and he wanted to stay there.

That was the end of the dream. Yet I still feel that tender compassion and love for a great man who now feels like a personal friend to me.

I know it sounds a bit bizarre, but even after waking up, I felt as if somehow my spirit visited his spirit. It seemed entirely possible that he may have even had the same dream.

Featured Image Copyright: palinchak / BigStockPhoto.com

God's ways are not our ways. He makes us travel through chaos and loss before victory.

God Routes Us Through Chaos and Loss Before Victory

God doesn’t work the way we do. He rarely uses the obvious route. He promises something big, and the route to receiving it includes losing the very thing He promised you. Things usually get so bleak you’ll want to give up. Everyone will call the promise impossible.

I know this from firsthand experience. God promised me a man who would work alongside me to fix up my property and conduct retreats. He showed me a fun, energetic man who would teach, speak and travel with me. He showed me our great communication and connection years before I knew this man in reality.

The direct logical route would have been that after my divorce this guy comes into my life, marries me, moves in and we get to work. Not with God. I actually had to lose my business, lose the house… lose everything. What God promised me looked utterly impossible.

I gave up on it, didn’t need it anymore. Didn’t care, and then BAM God restored it all to me and more. And it came in such a way that the man who joined me could be a real active part of it … not someone tagging along on my dream. He got his own dreams fulfilled in the process. He has real ownership in all of it.

Everything happened for the best to change me into the person capable of receiving the blessings. I had things I had to release, to forgive, to learn. I needed some humbling and to learn to trust God more and see the finger of the Lord in EVERYTHING. And I never could have learned these things without the excruciating pain along the way and losing it all.

There are some people who see the miracles in our situation and rejoice with us. Others see sinister motives.. they see a woman who manipulated a guy into loving her to get her dreams. I know the truth and God knows the truth. People can believe whatever they want. But we both know that God did this. We see His finger in every little twist and turn of the story. And frankly, this promise God gave me was something I didn’t even care about having by the time it came. I had to truly release the need for the outcome. That’s key… remember that.

In this nation, we thought God would just fix things, drain the swamp, and restore liberty. If you feel God set something in motion in our country and has dropped the ball, I promise God always delivers on His promises. It just looks like loss and chaos along the way. When all hope is lost and what He promised looks impossible, BAM, He delivers it all and abundantly more.

Just remember that God’s ways aren’t our ways. Nothing says who has to be President to make that happen. Think in terms of outcome — not people, events or circumstances. God doesn’t need any of our game plans.

When it all is fulfilled, there will be people who dismiss it as manmade manipulation … but we’ll know that God did it. We’ll be changed ourselves so we are worthy of the promised blessings. And best of all, we’ll have the added ability to see the finger of the Lord in everything ever after. We’ll have the faith to move mountains.

Featured Image Copyright. Flag: Tanya Shulga/BigStockPhoto.com. Field photo by Marnie Pehrson Kuhns.