Republicans vs Democrats Toning down the vitriol

Episode #33 – How to Tone Down the Vitriol in America

Are you ready to turn down the volume on the vitriol in our nation? I’m going to share with you a solution. It requires no government intervention, no bureaucracy, no committee. The Democrats or the Republicans don’t even need to change. It only requires you and me to take some personal responsibility.

First, I’m going to say something radical that you may not believe. Be patient and please read to the end. I believe it will eventually make sense.

When someone makes you so angry that you can’t see straight and you absolutely hate or despise them, it’s not about them. It’s about you. There’s something in them that you don’t want to see or face in yourself. It could be an inaccurate belief you hold, a fear from a past trauma being triggered, a story you have running in your mind about this person. Most likely it’s some aspect of yourself that is being mirrored back to you. It’s easier to make that person the villain than admit you have similar traits and accept those aspects of yourself.  Whatever it is… this immense hatred isn’t about the person you hate, it’s about you.

This is something to consider as we see people with various political stances who hate individuals of the other stance. When people despise our President with vigor, this isn’t about him. It’s not about the Democrats or the Republicans. It’s about each of us as individuals and how we are reacting. We should be able to disagree with each other without despising one another. If we’re despising someone, it’s on us. We have some serious inner work to do. We need to get to the root of that.

Indignation Isn’t Vitriol

I’m not a fan of a certain group of politicians. I’d like to see them leave office. But I don’t despise or loathe them as individuals. I see them as a threat to our Constitution and to our American ideals. I’d like them to either see the light or step down. But that doesn’t require hate. Sure, I’m annoyed with the nonsense some days. But vehement loathing? Nope. What I feel is appropriate indignation for individuals who, I believe, are seeking to undermine and destroy our Constitution.

Even Christ felt that kind of indignation. We might say He was “angry” with the money changers whose tables he overturned in the temple. Yet, Jesus never despised anyone – not even those who crucified Him.

Time for Some Self-Reflection

Only you can say what you’re feeling. If it’s deep loathing, despising, hatred and revenge; take that as a clue. It’s an indicator that there’s something there you need to get to the root of and work through.

Ask yourself when you’ve felt that feeling before. Trace back through your life and look for the pattern. Jot down the traits/characteristics of the people you’ve felt that way around before.

Now the tough part… when have you possessed the same characteristics? When have other people accused you of being the same way or treated you as if they saw you that way? 

How did your possession of those same traits or characteristics serve you? How did those traits serve other people?

A Real Life Example

For example, at one time I was very upset with someone. They had done something that personally wounded me and radically impacted me, my family and our finances. I saw their actions as incredibly self-serving. I was so mad at this person, I wanted God to rein vengeance down on them. I knew how I felt wasn’t good, but I decided stuffing my feelings wasn’t healthy either.

Then I learned this principle of looking for negative traits and seeing them in myself. As I did so, I discovered that not only had I made similar choices in another area of my life, but also I was equally self-serving. I discovered that everything I do is self-serving. When I help others, I get a good feeling. That’s self-serving. If I do business with someone, I’m getting paid. That’s self-serving. If I love my family, that’s self-serving because life is more peaceful when I’m loving. And usually they love me back.

There isn’t a single thing I do that doesn’t serve me in some way.  My self-serving-ness actually serves others at the same time. My business serves my clients and my family. Me helping and loving others blesses them. Even the time I left a bad marriage was seen by many as self-serving, yet I know how it served others.

At last, I owned my self-serving-ness. I saw how it benefited others and the world around me. Once, I really got it, the anger and need for revenge against my “enemy” melted away. I no longer could judge this person.  Within a short time, I saw that this person did me one of the biggest favors anyone had ever done for me. Their actions – which I originally deemed as purely self-serving – served me in a powerful, liberating way.

There is an excellent book that will take you through an expanded version of this exercise. I highly recommend it. It’s what I used in this situation and it changed my life going forward. I no longer put people on a pedestal or relegate them to a pit. I see both the challenge and support in others and in myself. It’s called The Breakthrough Experience* by Dr. Jon Demartini. If you get it, do the exercise in the middle of the book. If you don’t do the work, you won’t get the transformation.

It’s worth the 2-3 hours it will take you to do this exercise. Your life will never be the same. You will be free. Who can put a price on freedom?

The video shares some blessings our nation is reaping from the attacks on our President. Be sure to listen.

  • Disclaimer: The link above to The Breakthrough Experience is my affiliate link to Amazon so I will make a small affiliate commission if you buy from that link. If you prefer not to use my link, just go to Amazon and search for the book directly.

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It's time for some old fashioned conversation - two men talking.

Episode #30 – It’s Time for Some Good Old Fashioned Conversation

The problem with the world today is with all our communication technology we’ve forgotten how important it is to have face to face conversations. We’ve forgotten (or never learned) how to communicate with each other effectively. Instead many walk around looking for offenses and finding them everywhere. Most of the stories we invent in our minds about other people’s motivations, actions, beliefs or intentions are so incredibly wrong.

I believe most people are doing the best they can. They’re trying to do the right thing. They aren’t going around intentionally trying to screw up your life.

Yet many of us assume they are and then spout off to others, portraying our perceptions as truth when we haven’t taken the time to ask questions, wait for answers and seek understanding. As one of my university professors used to say, “When you assume, you make an ass out of you and me.”

So the next time someone does something that offends you or makes you angry, stop to ask for clarification … not via text or messenger… Pick up the phone and have a conversation, or better yet sit down face to face. People wouldn’t say half the rude crap in person that they’ll say hiding being a device. Maybe if we had more real conversations, our society wouldn’t be in the mess it is.

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Discerning fact from fake news

Episode #29: Discernment with the News

Traditional journalism is dead. In today’s swirl of 24-hour-news filled with opinions and out-right fake news, it can be difficult to discern what is true, what’s exaggerated and what’s a flat-out lie.

Here are some strategies and tips for discerning fact from fake news in a sea of opinion, distortions, disinformation and falsehood.

Here’s how and why click bait sites use sensational headlines to trick you into sharing their materials. It’s time we stopped playing into their hands.

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Front Porch Sense Episode #27 - Practical Environmentalism

Episode #27 – Green New Deal, Greta and Practical Environmentalism

We’re hearing a lot about environmentalism with the Green New Deal and Greta from Sweden… let’s talk about practical environmentalism that doesn’t require top-down government bureaucracy and force…

It’s easy to rail and protest and complain. Taking personal responsibility and practical action is what it takes to create change.

In this episode of Front Porch Sense, Marnie talks about ways that we can all take personal responsibility for the environment in a practical way without the need for intense government intervention or militant environmentalism. This episode includes practical ideas you can start implementing in your life today to take personal responsibility for the environment around you:

Find out more about ways you can take personal responsibility for the environment at

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What do morality, time, governments, and money all have in common? Standards. They all need standards of measurement outside of the system they measure.

Episode 25 – The Danger In Abandoning Standards

Whether we’re talking about our morality, our economy or our government, the United States and most of the world is walking away from standards. People who adhere to standards are more stable and less susceptible to manipulation. They are better able to govern themselves.  People who abandon or over-complicate standards are less able to govern themselves and more likely to be manipulated and invite government intervention into their personal lives.

In this episodes, Marnie Pehrson Kuhns explains the reason why standards must exist outside the system they are measuring. Standards that are inside the system aren’t really standards. They vacillate and are manipulated by the system they claim to measure. This episode explains how the abandonment of standards destroys freedom, prosperity and happiness.


Life After Google: The Fall of Big Data and the Rise of the Blockchain Economy by George Gilder

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Restoring Liberty - Radio interview with Marnie Pehrson Kuhns on K-Star Radio

Restoring Liberty Interview on Truth Seekers K-Star Radio Show

I was interviewed about my book, “Restoring Liberty” on The Truth Seekers radio show on K-Star Talk Radio.

You can listen to it now on this archive.

In this segment, we talk about

  • The role of personal responsibility in maintaining a free country.
  • Democracy vs. Republic
  • The Silencing of Conservative Voices
  • Freedom of Speech
  • Abortion and the 10th Amendment
  • 2nd Amendment in relation to mass shootings
  • Open borders

Listen here.

Restoring Liberty: Personal Freedom and Responsibility in America is available in paperback and on Kindle on Amazon.

Blame Game vs Personal Responsibility

Episode 21: Mass Shootings and Personal Responsibility vs The Blame Game

Mass Shootings and the Blame Game – We have a bad habit of playing the blame game in America. We want to blame everyone but ourselves. Everyone but the person who committed the crime (or the mass shooting). We don’t have the luxury of playing that game in our free nation – a constitutional republic.

The point of a free country is that each person is responsible for his or her own actions. Only in a dictatorship or a monarchy or oligarchy (where people are not free and forced to do things) would the leader of a nation be responsible for the actions of citizens.

Our problem in this nation is we’re abdicating our personal responsibility and constantly blaming others (or the government or the president or the gun) for our problems. Until we teach personal responsibility and stop shifting blame we will never solve the problems in our nation. The eventual destiny of a nation that abdicates personal responsibility is slavery.

Our current President is no more responsible for El Paso than the last President was responsible for Sandy Hook. These things have been going on for decades regardless of administration. The problems are deeply rooted in our society. If we want to solve them, we have to own the root causes of the emotional and mental disturbance in our young men.

This episode of Front Porch Sense explores some of the ways society could be hurting our young men and creating a seedbed for this type of violence.

Personal responsibility is the key to freedom. It’s the key to peace. It’s the key to safety. Teach people correct principles and they govern themselves. The answer isn’t big government. It’s self-government.

There’s a good article exploring some of the possibilities for what is happening to our young men in America here.

Featured Image: Copyright: Elnur /

If You Want Something Done, Do It Yourself - Cleaning Up the Environment

Episode 17 – If You Want Something Done, Do It Yourself

In this episode Marnie Pehrson Kuhns shares examples of people who take personal responsibility and move into action around things they believe in. They don’t wait around for “somebody else” or government to solve the problems, they roll up their sleeves and get to work and rally others to do the same. Their do-it-yourself attitude is an inspiration to us all.

If you have a cause that is important to you, don’t wait around for somebody else to fix it, roll up your sleeves and do it yourself! Just like these folks!

Spotlighted in this Episode:

  • Nature’s Guy, David Kuhns – quietly cleans up the waterway near his home.
  • Carden Mayfield of Madison City who made 54 weighted blankets for special needs children
  • The El Paso private organization “We Build the Wall” built 1/2 mile of wall faster and cheaper than the government could.

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stop walking on egg shells

Episode 14: Stop Walking on Egg Shells

In our families, parenting, spousal relationships, and as a society at large, we are allowing other people to manipulate us. It’s time we stop walking on egg shells and own our own personal responsibility in how we respond to people who make excuses, demand free stuff, or violate the rule of law to get their way.

This episode explores what it looks like when someone’s manipulating you and how to pull yourself out of the dynamic. It’s time we take responsibility for our part in these codependent relations and take responsibility for our own responses.

In many ways we collude with others to create unhealthy dynamics. When we change how we show up, the relationship can change or drop out of our lives.

Here’s a clip from the Andy Griffith show that I mention in my video. Here’s Opie and the Spoiled Kid:

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