Biden claims he can ratify the Equal Rights Amendment which did not get the Constitutionally required 3/4 state votes by the deadline. The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) was stopped in North Carolina … which never ratified it. Virginia went on to ratify it after the deadline. So Biden claims it is part of the US Constitution even though no other amendment has been allowed ratification after its deadline date.
Want to know the backstory on what stopped the ERA? There were two women who were influential in NC who wanted to push through the ERA. Someone heavily involved in the fight against the ERA because of its hidden negative impact on women and children, felt that the women had good hearts but didn’t understand the detrimental impact the amendment would have.
This individual contacted my father who overnighted some material explaining the dangers of the amendment and how it could do things like require women to register for the draft, make women responsible for debts left behind by spouses who abandoned their families, etc.
My father overnighted the educational materials. The material was given to the two pivotal women. When they came in for the next session of the state legislature, women changed from supporting to decrying the amendment and articulated its dangers They said they had not understood just how damaging the amendment could be for women and articulately recommended North Carolina not ratify the amendment. Their influence stopped the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment and the time for its passage expired.
This story shows the power of one person speaking the truth and the rippling impact of them doing so. This experience illustrates that seeing the good and potential in people, not ridiculing them, but simply offering them truth can change hearts and minds. To their credit, these women were willing to be humble, teachable, and admit they were wrong and do the right thing. They valiantly fought for truth. God puts pivotal individuals in the right place at the right time to make a difference… but we have to be willing to speak the truth when called upon.
I found an article which articulates the dangers of this amendment. I recommend reviewing it since this dangerous amendment has been resurrected.
Have you ever noticed how few people who are accused of crimes (real or imagined) in the media actually have any cases brought against them in trial? Or if they do, we don’t hear about it. Or the person ends up being found “not guilty” after they’ve been drug through the mud and paid a hefty penalty for being falsely accused.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t trust the media as far as I can throw a cast iron Dutch oven across my front lawn. Modern media does a pathetic job of investigating, and then puts individuals on trial in their media outlets, convicting them publicly. The result is that people’s lives are ruined, their livelihoods decimated, and their reputations destroyed without any fair trial occurring in the court system.
Why I Stopped Watching the News
I’m so tired of it, I don’t even watch the news anymore. All the media cares about is money… selling ads. It’s all about the clicks, and the views, with no regard for the lives they destroy by releasing information that hasn’t even been properly investigated or brought to trial. They relate their opinions and judgements as if they were facts over and over and over again, as if telling nonsense ad nauseum makes it true.
Each of us needs to really consider what is happening rampantly in the media. It’s a kangaroo court. If we all stopped watching and reading their tripe and refused to believe everything they say, it’s possible that things might change. Imagine a world that the Founding Fathers envisioned where each person was innocent until proven guilty. Imagine a world where we all reserved judgment until someone is given a fair and speedy trial before a jury of their peers and a legal judgement passed!
Perhaps, then, the media wouldn’t be able to destroy people based on twisted facts, insinuation, jumping to conclusions, hearsay, opinion, framing, or pure fabrication. Have you ever for a moment put yourself in the position of one of these folks (regardless of who they are or what they believe) who is the target of a media slam campaign? Can you imagine having your good name run through the mud, your livelihood destroyed, and people you once considered friends turn on you?
Whether we’re talking about someone we like or dislike, whether it’s someone who seems to have witnesses stacked against them according to the media, they still deserve to be considered innocent until proven guilty! Why do we feel the need to take sides and pass judgement based on opinion, hearsay, accusations, or just because someone is being sued? Anyone can be sued for anything these days. Anyone can be accused and charged with anything. I have no idea if all the people whom the media has turned on are innocent or guilty. But I know this…I will stand behind the US Constitution which says a person is innocent until proven guilty. That is a hill I will die on.
And may we pray to the Almighty that our judicial system will deliver fair trials. That’s a whole other subject that needs to be addressed.
It’s Independence Day, and I can’t help but think about the country I love and those who sacrificed to give us the freedom we enjoy. Many are looking around at the hostilities, crime, violence, vitriol, wars, and rumors of wars and asking, “What is going on? What can be done?”
Many, like me, have felt a desire to speak out against what’s happening and tried to educate others on what we believe is wrong or what the solutions could be. Mostly, we point out what’s wrong. Within the last year or so, I have realized that the methods I’ve used in the past are not effective. Worse, they add to the grand soup of disharmony, fear, anger, and vitriol that is creating the problem.
If you’ve been wondering why the world has gone crazy and how to access our Creator’s solutions to do something about it, read on…
Why the World Has Gone Crazy
Contrary to the old saying, “you fight fire with fire,” I believe you fight fire with water and soil. Scientific research from the HearthMath Institute would agree. Using sensitive equipment around the globe, HearthMath Institute has measured the frequencies, resonances, and waves of the earth and how they are impacted by solar winds. They’ve also measured how the optimal state of the human heart syncs up with these waves that travel around the earth between the earth’s crust and ionosphere. Some waves sync up with optimal brain waves and some sync up with an ideal heart rhythm.
The earth’s frequencies are like a grand metronome that resets human hearts and brains to optimal frequencies. When we sync up to these frequencies, our hearts and brains become more “coherent.” Coherent is a term HearthMath uses to describe the optimal heart rate for peace, love, harmony and creativity. When our hearts aren’t “coherent” we’ll feel stress, irritation, anger, frustration, hostility. Or perhaps it’s vice versa… when we’re feeling those things, our hearts become arrhythmic.
When solar winds pass the earth, they strum these waves around the earth and heighten them, giving the earth and everything on it more energy. It’s like a shot of vitamin B12 to our energy. If we’re aligned with higher thoughts, ideals and are living in self-mastery, we can harness this energy to boost our creativity to create inventions and solutions that lift, build and bless.
People who are out of coherence are off-kilter in their thoughts and values, who lack self-mastery, will create arguments, hostility, commit crimes, initiate riots, and mass murders. If one is a politician with the power to do so – they’ll create wars.
It’s documented throughout history that solar flairs historically correlate to times of war and violence. They also correlate to eras of the greatest creativity and technological advancement. What we do with the gift of energy is entirely up to us.
This wave field around the earth is there to help us attain optimal heart and brain waves. It also is a communication network that connects us with each other on a subconscious level. That’s why it matters what we are putting into this field around the earth. This field is more powerful and subtle than any man-made internet. It connects not only the people, but also all of creation.
When the world and its people have lost their values and their self-mastery, it is important to have individuals who stay grounded to the earth, who live with their hearts aligned with the earth’s rhythms. Literally, this is something measurable on an individual and planetary level. When we are in peace, love and harmony, we are healthier individuals, and we have greater access to creative solutions.
Remember, the earth is a metronome. Her frequencies are steady. She helps reset us to an optimal state. Her frequencies can be heightened by energy boosts from solar winds. The solar winds strum these waves around the earth like a guitar. This gives the earth a boost of energy. What we as humans do with this burst of energy is entirely up to us. Will we use it to create or destroy?
What Can Be Done About a World Gone Crazy?
So, if you are noticing the crazy of the world and wondering what you can do about it. Resist the urge to fight fire with fire. Resist the urge to argue, quarrel, and alienate one another. As Einstein said, “You can’t solve problems at the same level of thinking that created them.”
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” declares the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways And My thoughts than your thoughts.
ISAIAH 55:8-9
Great are the words of Isaiah!
If our hearts are incoherent, we are in the same state that creates problems! We’re adding incoherence to the field and what we create will add to the stress, disharmony, fear, chaos, and anger. I realize now that many of the things I’ve said in the past to “save my country” have been from this place of fear, stress, and disharmony. I cannot change what I’ve said in the past, but I can repent and seek to do better going forward.
How can I do better? Over the last year or so, the Lord has been teaching me that the best way I can help my country and the world is to live in harmony with our Creator’s grand metronome. In a very literal way, Christ’s prophecy is being fulfilled that in the last days,
“Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.”
Wow! Look at that! The powers of heaven shall be shaken! The powerful solar winds are strumming the waves around the earth, boosting our ability to use our creativity for good or ill.
I always thought men’s hearts failing them meant people would have more heart attacks. Heart attacks (and heartaches) may be a result of incoherent heart rhythms. Yet, this prophecy could also mean so much more. Jesus always spoke in parables with multiple layers and meanings. Men’s hearts are literally failing them to find happiness, failing to find peace, failing to create positive, uplifting solutions to problems, failing to sync up with our Creator (The Prince of Peace) who gave us the key to a better world right within the frequencies of the earth.
What Can You and I Do Individually?
“Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me” is more literal and critical than ever.
So, if we are feeling stressed, fearful, irritated, angry, or overwhelmed by what is happening to our nation and the world, the first thing to do is align our heart rhythms and brainwaves with our Creator’s gift – the Earth!
Spend time in nature. Meditate. Observe. Hear our Creator speaking to us in nature. All of nature is God’s grand university of parables, conveying our Creator’s messages. We can spend more time in nature than we do watching or reading about what’s going on in the world.
We can trade stress, anxiety, hostility, and upheaval for peace, harmony, and love. Trade fear for hope. Feed what we want … not what is causing the problem! As we align with Creation, we will begin to be inspired as to what we are here on this planet to create that will lift, build, and bless others.
You are here to make a positive difference in the world. Within you is a medicine the world needs. Each of us is different. Not everyone is called to the same task. But I can tell you one thing, we’ll do our parts better, more efficiently, and more productively when we have our values aligned, are operating from self-mastery, and are in coherence. Mother Earth is mankind’s most universal gift to get us there.
Recently, I read a moving tribute to a friend’s 17-year-old grandson written by his teacher upon the boy’s death. It seemed evident that this exceptionally loving and kind-hearted young man had taken his own life. The young man had been a light to the teacher during the difficult zoom days of 2020-2021. The boy was one of the few young people who showed up on camera, participated, and fully engaged. He was talented, creative, and a deeply loving and kind-hearted soul.
Even though no one suspected that this brilliant young man was struggling, the contention and hopelessness in this world was too much for him. Most of us look at the kind-hearted and loving people around us and assume they’re doing just fine. They often appear upbeat and happy even when they are experiencing difficulties. They don’t want to be a burden on others.
Many young people over the last few years have chosen to exit this world. It’s a shame what the contentiousness is doing to our loving young people. This young man’s death and others make me wonder whether our “insistence on being right” is worth destroying these young innocents. Is it worth destroying our ability to love? Is it worth sacrificing our inner peace?
This year I have disconnected from the “news” and focused on fundamental well-being, prayed fervently for more Christ-like love, and endeavored to look for the good in nature and the people around me.
Great blue heron over Mud Creek in Winneconne Wisconsin. I took this photo while canoeing with my husband in September 2022. Great blue herons, according to Native Americans, remind us that God is with us. Find more of my nature photos and God’s messages in nature at
The Lord has blessed me with an inner stillness and joy that I would never have thought possible in the world being portrayed “out there” in the media. So many adults and young people believe that the media is true… that things are hopeless, bad, and bleak. I suppose they are from a certain angle. But when I take my camera out in the world, I see colorful birds, flowers, and exquisite sunsets. I see the reflection of sunlight on water, the sunbursts through the clouds. I see little children and good people in my community. I see God in everything and everyone around me. There is so much beauty and goodness if we step away from the electronic devices and look at the REAL world outside our doors.
If you or someone you love is heartsick over this world, I invite you to unplug from all the contentious media and look for the good. Your happiness, your peace… your life is priceless. Don’t let it be stolen by those who profit from contention and drama. There is so much beauty all around! Shift your gaze!
My love and prayers go out to the family, teachers and friends who knew and loved this young man and others like him. May we all be more aware that there are people around us who look like they have it all together, but who inwardly are struggling because of the contentious and hopeless narratives.
As I fell to my knees this morning praying for this family, I felt a deep desire to repent of the role I have played in stirring up contention in the name of “fighting for freedom.” For months now, I have felt convicted that tearing others down, snarky comments, rude judgements, making fun of our “enemies,” or demeaning conversation serve no useful purpose in the fight for freedom. I have tearfully asked God to forgive me for anything I have done to contribute to the despondency of sweet souls like my friend’s grandson. I aim to do better, and I ask you to forgive me as well for my role in stirring up contention.
There is a way to stand for truth and goodness without tearing other people down. There is a way to cheerfully and hopefully look for the good while bringing to light areas where we can improve. I know it can be done because I have watched my father do it his entire life. It’s time I followed his example.
I hope you will join me in this endeavor. If we can’t stop the contention for our own peace, let’s stop it for the young people – our children, grandchildren, and great-grands. They deserve a loving, nurturing world.
Featured sunset image taken by Marnie Pehrson Kuhns over Lake Winneconne, Wisconsin in September 2022. Photos in this blog post are copyrighted by Marnie Pehrson Kuhns, 2022. All rights Reserved.
A look at the U.S. Constitution and how it applies to the June 30, 2022 Supreme Court EPA ruling …sending power back to Congress.
“All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.”
Article 1, Section 1 of the US Constitution
ALL legislative powers – means ALL. Does that leave any legislative powers for the Executive branch? The Judicial Branch? Bureaucratic agencies? Absolutely not! ALL doesn’t leave crumbs.
On June 30, 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a ruling which limited the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) authority to set standards on climate-changing greenhouse gas emissions for existing power plants.
The court ruled 6-3 that Congress, not the EPA, has the power to create a nation-impacting system of cap-and-trade regulations to limit emissions from existing power to push the nation to transition away from coal to renewable energy sources.
You’ll find nowhere mentioned in the U.S. Constitution the bloated bureaucratic alphabet soup we have today. They were first created as an extension of the Executive branch under Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the 1930’s when he created the SSA, FSA and others. The easy way to remember that is FDR created all the acronyms … just like his own name has been abbreviated to one.
None of these agencies are constitutional. They are like branches of government that have largely been left unchecked, unbalanced by the three legitimate branches of government. They are like rogue vigilantes who have become gods unto themselves.
President Richard Nixon proposed the establishment of the EPA on July 9, 1970. It began operating on December 2, 1970, after Nixon signed an executive order. The order establishing the EPA was ratified by committee hearings in the House and Senate to implement Congress-approved rules. Just because its creation was approved by Congressional committee, that doesn’t give it the ability to create new laws. Congress can’t delegate its law-making powers to an independent agency.
The Supreme Court’s ruling that the EPA doesn’t have power to create regulations is absolutely spot on. Even if you want to call these agencies part of the Executive branch, they don’t have the Constitutional authority to create law.
If you look in the Constitution, the only time the term, “regulation” is mentioned is in conjunction with Congress. When someone or a business entity can be punished (fined, imprisoned, etc.) for breaking a rule, that’s a form of law. Regulations are basically rules for implementing a law. The way regulations have been created by the Executive branch and the unconstitutional agencies is completely unconstitutional.
ALL LEGISLATIVE POWERS are vested in the Legislative branch (Congress). If you want a new law, it’s got to go through Congress. A board of un-elected bureaucrats or an out-of-control President don’t get to make edicts that make American citizens or American businesses pay fines or worse for the violation of their stipulations.
Finally, the Supreme Court is doing its job of upholding the US Constitution so that the Legislative branch can do its job which has been abdicated by varying degrees since the 1930’s! This ruling isn’t about whether you can protect the environment, it’s about who is in charge of passing laws regarding it – bureaucrats or Congress (elected by the people).
Biden and the Green-New-Dealers can pout all they want about the Supreme Court decision, but the fact is that the United States of America is a REPUBLIC, not a democracy or a bureaucracy – or at least the Constitution is a document of a REPUBLIC. Not that anyone has really been following it closely for decades. Republic means RULE BY LAW .. not rule by oligarchs, bureaucrats, Presidents, mobs, majorities, or world organizations.
With this decision by the Supreme Court, we can say a massive, “SCORE ONE FOR LIBERTY!” Now, if they will rein in the other nonsense being done by these agencies to the American people.
While the Supreme Court is concerned about bureaucrats making sweeping decisions that impact our economy, I’d love to see them look at the Federal Reserve next … which is not even Federal. It is a private group of bankers who control our entire economy! No checks, no balances, no audits… just free reign over our economy!
And the list goes on, and on, and on… this could be fun!
Featured Image Copyright: oersin /
In 1909, Sarah Lawson was a widow and mother of 9 children. She’d already lost her husband and four of those children. She ran a boarding house in McMinn County, Tennessee to make ends meet. There was a telegraph office nearby in which men came to work, and Sarah’s boarding house stayed full.
Sarah’s daughter, Sally, was 20-years-old at the time, living at home with her mother. Sometime in 1909, a man named Everett, began boarding at Sarah’s boarding house. In December of 1909, he “took advantage” of Sally, and the young woman ended up expecting a baby.
The men in Sally’s family took out the shotgun and were ready to make the man “do right by Sally” and marry her. But Sally had no desire to be married to the man who had pushed himself on her. In September of 1910, Sally gave birth to a little girl who she named Thelma. Thelma was a spunky little girl who took to the piano at age 3 and taught herself how to play.
In 1914, Sally married a telegraph operator named Adolphus who became the only father Thelma would ever know. With Adolphus, Sally gave birth to a son and two more daughters.
Thelma grew up to be quite the adventurous soul. She learned to drive at 12-years-old, had her own car in her later teens, and played ragtime in a local silent movie house. She loved the great outdoors and cooking delicious food. She fell in love with a handsome young man named Eugene, and they were married in 1929.
Thelma gave birth to my mother – Betty Jean in 1933 via c-section with no anesthetic! She also had a son and three more daughters.
Thelma was a kind and gentle soul, who I never heard say a bad word about anyone. In fact, I never heard her say a bad word … period! She worked at American Uniform in Cleveland, Tennessee for 25 years, sewing aprons; and Eugene ran his own shoe repair shop. My grandfather, Eugene, passed away suddenly of a heart attack in 1970, at only 65 years of age.
Thelma (my Granny) never remarried. She spent her later years cooking big Sunday dinners for her children and grandchildren. We’d cram 40 people, eating in shifts, into her little single wide trailer. There was a lot of love and delicious food in that tiny trailer! I always said Granny had flavor in her fingertips.
In my opinion, you’d be hard-pressed to find a better soul than my Granny. I have fond memories of her visiting our home and playing ragtime piano while we gathered around, mesmerized by her stylings.
A lot of good people have come through my Granny’s lineage … a lot of people who simply would not exist if Sally had been born a few decades later and made the popular choice of terminating a rape pregnancy. Among us, we have dozens of loving fathers and mothers, nurses, a forest ranger, a physicist/inventor, businesspeople, several artists and teachers, an accountant, medical techs, preacher’s wives, an author, numerous missionaries, singers, musicians, nature-lovers and more.
I often wonder how many people are not with us on this planet because so many babies were never given the chance at life. How many scientists, doctors, inventors, and more are we missing?
Would we have a cure for cancer by now if someone hadn’t been snuffed out of existence? Would we have solutions to the world’s most pressing problems if some little girl or boy was allowed their turn on earth?
Just something to think about…
Photo: Thelma with three of her grandchildren: The artisan, the physicist/inventor, and the author (me).
Shortages, supply chain disruptions, packages that never arrive, worker shortages… Are you wondering what’s really causing them and how long they’ll keep using the COVID excuse? Here’s the real root cause of it all.
I had the opportunity to visit with a gentleman today who as a young man, fresh out of college, spent some time in communist Poland in the 80’s before the iron curtain fell. He intentionally went there to live for a few months because he wanted to see for himself what living in a communist country was like.
He worked at a bank. His co-workers at the bank didn’t dare talk about the things they dealt with because they were too afraid of negative consequences. But there was one gentleman who simply didn’t care about the fall-out. He sat in a room in the bank, alone with the young man and told him all about what they dealt with in communist Poland.
When a couple married in communist Poland, they put their name on a list for an apartment. They lived with their parents while they waited, waited, and waited for the apartment to become available. They didn’t shop for their apartment. They didn’t look around and decide which one they wanted. They were assigned one by the government.
When Polish citizens reached a specific age where they were allowed to buy a car, they put their name on a list to apply for one. If accepted, they made payments toward the car, and when the car was finally paid off, then they would be able to obtain the car.
Once someone became the owner of a vehicle, they were able to buy a certain number of credits for gasoline. But the amount of gasoline you could buy was very limited. You were never able to purchase much gas … especially not enough to drive across the border to escape.
When this young man went to a store, he walked right in and everyone fussed at him, “You can’t do that! Get back here and get in line.” Stores paced how many people were allowed in at a time. There was a finite amount of products, and they had to control how many people they let in to acquire those scarce commodities.
“The Marxists use shortages to control people,” he said. “They are masters at creating shortages.” The man I spoke to today went on to say that the shortages we are experiencing in the U.S. are symptoms of Marxist policies. These shortages are designed to control us.
What kind of shortages do Marxists like to create? Why, the ones that really get your attention and hit you where it hurts – labor shortages, food shortages, fuel and energy shortages, supply chain issues, transportation shortages (chips and parts for cars).
After leaving this man’s office, I reflected on the number of shortages I’ve seen lately. A girl I know can’t get autobody work done on her car until the fall because there are shortages of supplies. My son has had his name on a waiting list to purchase a car for a few months now. He had to put down $250 to be put on the waiting list.
My father-in-law paid for a dishwasher that didn’t get delivered last week. When he called the store, the man said, “Your dishwasher didn’t show up on the truck it was supposed to.” My father-in-law can’t get a straight answer on when or if the dishwasher will ever arrive.
A friend has been waiting for an outdoor shed that he ordered months ago. The store claims it was delivered, but the last I heard, it still hadn’t arrived. My son ordered a computer from HP that never arrived, and we finally had to file a police report to get our money back.
Store shelves are barer than I’ve ever seen them. Businesspeople I meet complain that they can’t find people to work jobs.
All these bizarre shortages and disruptions are signature tell-tell-signs of Marxist policies.
Those who will not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Wake up, Americans. The writing is on the wall.
Featured Image Copyright: HalfPoint /
My fourth child was due in November of 1994, and I had the usual morning sickness. Then one Sunday at church a friend asked me how I felt. I told her the morning sickness had stopped and I felt great. The next day I went to the doctor for my 16-week checkup. When the nurse did the ultrasound, she couldn’t find a heartbeat. She brought in my doctor and he, too, found no heartbeat.
My doctor sent me next door to the hospital for a more thorough intravaginal ultrasound. No heartbeat. I was sent home to wait for a few days and see if I miscarried on my own.
The days passed, but I never went into labor on my own. My doctor scheduled an induction, and I went to the hospital. The nurse came in to give me the medications to start labor. I still couldn’t wrap my mind around the fact that my child was dead. I pleaded with her to perform one more ultrasound… just to make sure that the baby was not alive before the procedure started. She kindly understood and immediately brought in the equipment.
I had already given birth to three other children, but I’d never seen a baby as young as sixteen weeks. In a few hours, I gave birth to an ashen-gray baby boy. I was shocked to see that he was larger than I expected – fully formed, just not as chubby as my other babies. An autopsy was done, and no cause could be found. Later, with my subsequent pregnancy, my hormone levels were tested, and results showed I had low progesterone. The doctor prescribed progesterone with my next baby and she was born healthy. She recently graduated Magna Cum Laude from the University of Georgia and completed her Masters.
After this miscarriage, I was kept overnight in the hospital for monitoring and recovery. I was put into a private room and left largely undisturbed. I had time to pray, read, and reflect on my child… my son, Samuel, who I would never nurse, never sing to, nor see reach adulthood.
If Samuel had made it, he now would be 27 years old. I often wonder what he would look like, what his interests would be. Would he be smart like his siblings? Would he be funny? Would he be a spiritual giant? Would he be quirky and random? Would he be really tall like two of his brothers? Would he be a musician like the siblings on either side of him? What impact for good could he have made on the world?
There is one thing I know… the answer I received in those hours I spent alone in the hospital… is that Samuel was too good for this world. For whatever reason, he did not need the experience of mortality that I or his father or his siblings did.
I don’t know how things work, but I know Samuel was and is a real, distinct human being. And I know that he is in heaven with a loving Father and that one day I will be reunited with him and get to know him.
Nobody can tell me that my son was not my son. He wasn’t a growth, a tumor, an appendage to my own body. He was my child and is my child forever.
Featured Image Copyright: Jennifer Davis /
On June 24, 2022, the Supreme Court voted 6-3 to overturn Roe vs. Wade, after nearly 50 years of Federally legalized abortion. This definitive Constitutional move is a return to the Constitution’s 10th Amendment, which clearly states:
“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.”
10th Ammendment to the U.S. Constitution
Since abortion is nowhere discussed within the U.S. Constitution, this subject is being rightfully returned to the states and to the people. This has never been, and should never have been, a subject for the Federal government to be involved in.
Rioting, Looting and Protests In Response to Roe vs. Wade Reversal
Ironically, many of the states which already legalize abortion at the state level have citizens who are rioting, looting and threatening to attack various churches and pro-life facilities in retaliation. People in cities like Los Angeles are destroying their own communities in response to a ruling reversal that does not even impact their states. Constitutional ignorance plays a forefront role in the responses to this ruling.
Following the Science
Of equal import is simple science and human dignity and compassion. While abortion might have been deemed acceptable when modern ultrasound was not available, it is reprehensible that people would pitch violent tantrums because they cannot kill babies who are clearly distinct individuals, viewable in detail with modern ultrasound technology. I’m not sure what happened to the cry to “follow the science,” but it’s clearly not happening on this subject.
The question that is uppermost on many people’s minds is WHY? Why would people feel they have the right to kill other human being? Science has provided us with plenty of evidence that these babies actually back away from the utensils and vacuums sent in to dismember them. Via ultrasound and other scientific technologies, we see that these babies cry out in anguish and pain as they are being slaughtered. Many medical experts have testified that unwanted babies in hospitals are left to die while those who have loving mothers are given every heroic measure necessary to help them live.
How could people be so heartless?
Some say it’s all about choice. Pro choice is what they call it. My question is: What about the choices of the 48 million babies per year who are snuffed out of existence and permanently lose their power to choose?
The term “pro choice” is an oxymoron. Those who support abortion aren’t pro choice. They are only for providing endless, continuous ability to choose without reaping consequences. They don’t care at all about the children’s ability to choose.
The biggest lie is that you can have choices without consequences.
The nature of choice is that when you choose liberty and life, more choices are afforded you. When you choose captivity and death, your choices dwindle. You don’t get endless chances to cover your detrimental choices.
You don’t get unlimited choices to cover your tracks. At some point you pay the piper. The flip side of the coin of Choice is Accountability.
There Can Be No Freedom without Personal Responsibility
We live in a society that is losing its freedoms because we do not understand that freedom can only be maintained as people take personal responsibility for their own actions. Only people who stand accountable for their own choices can remain free. Those who seek to disconnect choice from accountability self destruct.
Not taking personal responsibility for your own sexual acts and then expecting God and society to condone the mutilation and death of an innocent child (who was created BECAUSE of your choices) is the ultimate in the abdication of personal responsibility. It is the ultimate in myopic selfishness.
Debunking The Suffering Myth
I often hear the excuse by those who support abortion that the children will just suffer if they are allowed to live. Or the mother will suffer if she can’t get an abortion. Her quality of life and future options will suffer. The child will be homeless, hungry, or uncared for.
Our privileged society has a massive misconception about suffering. Freedom actually comes on the other side of suffering. Facing your own demons, your own trials and challenges, and taking personal responsibility leads to freedom, true freedom of the soul.
Continually doing everything you can to keep from being responsible for your own choices, actions, and emotional baggage is enslavement.
It seem that many who choose abortion are trying to avoid suffering at all costs. They are not choosing to abort because their own life is in danger, but because they don’t want to be inconvenienced. They want to avoid what they deem will be their future suffering, so they choose to end another human life. They justify murder by extrapolating that the child will lead a life of suffering. They assume that this child’s suffering will be endless and that the child’s life is not worth living.
Proponents of the “suffering excuse” have no faith in the human soul or its growth and development – theirs or their child’s. Better to kill the child than risk that the baby — or the parent — might be unhappy or suffer.
Every major growth and progression people make comes as we face adversity and rise above. One could say that it is one of the major reasons for living. To live your whole life and kill others to avoid suffering yourself (or pretending you’re saving the victims from suffering) is foolish at best and selfishly cruel at worst.
The wholesale lack of personal responsibility and dehumanization of others has untold rippling impacts and very well may lead to the destruction of mankind and our liberties.
What About Women Whose Lives Are In Danger?
No one is going to tell a mother with an ectopic pregnancy that she has to carry a baby to term. In fact, the natural consequence of this will be a miscarriage. No one is going to tell a mother whose life is in danger that a pregnancy has to continue. Likewise for rape or other sexual crime victims. These extreme cases are not why people who have fought against abortion all these years are fighting.
We’re fighting for the lives of innocents who have no voice. We’re fighting for the innocents who are discarded and left to die simply because women — and men — don’t want them or are afraid of the consequences of having a child. This is about the millions of babies each year who are murdered simply because they are inconvenient. This is about the millions who are murdered because the women carrying them — and yes, the men who fathered them — are sexually irresponsible and use abortion like birth control.
What About the Woman’s Feelings?
A woman on Facebook recently posted that she was feeling all the disappointed “feels” pro-abortion women are having over the Supreme Court’s ruling. For some time now, my husband and I have been feeling for the 48 million babies/year who are snuffed out of existence and/or torn limb-from-limb and left to die.
I can’t tell you how many times we’ve prayed in tears for this nightmare to end, and for forgiveness and healing for our land. Unlike many who were enraged when Roe vs. Wade was finally overturned, we wept in gratitude. Praise God! This is one step in the right direction. I’m not expecting that it will stop abortion completely. But at least it may save some lives in some states.
“Let your mouth be open for those who have no voice, in the cause of those who are ready for death. Let your mouth be open, judging rightly, and give right decisions in the cause of the poor and those in need.”
Proverbs 31:8-9
National Sins Bring National Calamities
In light of choice and accountability before God, this shift in responsibility to the states and the people will lay the responsibility on those specific geographic areas (aka states) who condone and support crimes against humanity.
While advocating against slavery (another instance where groups of people were dehumanized for the convenience of others), George Mason, on the floor of the Constitutional Convention, warned:
“As nations cannot be rewarded or punished in the next world, they must be in this by an inevitable chain of causes and effects. Providence punishes national sins by national calamities.”
George Mason, ConStitutional Convention
If God’s wrath is poured out on this land through national calamities, it will be a bit easier to see which states — and which people — valued life and which didn’t. Perhaps there will be a bit more mercy given to the citizens in those geographic areas — those state governments — who had mercy on the innocents.
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According to The Epoch Times, “President Joe Biden says he’s directed the National Economic Council to focus on reducing energy costs for U.S. consumers following a Department of Labor report suggesting that inflation hit a three-decade high in October.
Today’s report shows an increase over last month. Inflation hurts Americans pocketbooks [sic], and reversing this trend is a top priority for me,” Biden said in a statement on Nov. 10. “The largest share of the increase in prices in this report is due to rising energy costs.”
The president said he directed his top economic aides to attempt to “further reduce these costs,” regarding energy prices. He also asked the Federal Trade Commission to deal with “market manipulation or price gouging in this sector.” (The Epoch Times)
What’s Causing the Record Inflation?
Why is inflation at a three-decade high? You can go around trying to patch the symptoms but the root cause is GOVERNMENT POLICIES of dumping money into the economy. The more dollars they dump in the economy, the less the dollar is worth and the more dollars it takes to pay for anything.
It’s showing up in energy, food, commodities, and it’s just going to keep increasing because they are NOT addressing the ROOT cause. In fact, they are fueling the root cause by dumping trillions of dollars onto the fire. It’s not “price gouging” … that’s a strawman enemy… it’s the fact that the dollar just is NOT worth what it used to be.
I really really wish everyone was required to take a basic economics class that was explained well. Maybe then people would understand that THERE IS NO FREE LUNCH… NO FREE MONEY… NO FREE ANYTHING. There is always a price attached. Inflation is the most common one.
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