I’ve seen a lot going around suggesting we need an amendment limiting Congress to two terms like the President. When I see this stuff, a warning bell always goes off in my head. My dad taught me that you don’t mess with the Constitution. If you do, you do it as little as possible. The Founders thought through the rippling impact of what they included in the Constitution and the odds of modern Americans being smarter than the Founders is remote.
But, I couldn’t tell you WHY my gut sent up so many red flags when people talked about term limits. That’s why I asked Jacob Householder, National Director at Restoration Generation, to get on Zoom and explain it to me. Jacob is a Constitutional expert, having studied the Constitution from the perspective of the Founding Fathers and the eye of history.
In this exclusive interview with Jacob, he explains why Term Limits isn’t such a hot idea and what needs to be done instead to course correct our nation so that our Republic stands for another two hundred years.
Jacob Householder is also the Director of International Outreach at Columbus Center for Constitutional Studies and Board member/Volunteer at Thomas Jefferson Center for Constitutional Restoration. http://learn.columbuscenter.org/
Featured Image Copyright: Pamela Au / BigStockPhoto.com