The Deceptive Altruism Of Socialism

Episode #39 – The Deceptive Altruism of Socialism

I read an article recently about how socialists just want good things for everyone. They can’t bear that anyone should be weighed down with student debt or have to use to pay their medical bills or suffer in any way.

Here’s the thing. I’ve been homeless, weighed down with parent plus student loans that could choke a horse, making below poverty level in the US… quite recently, in fact. And I’d take every bit of it again before I’d say government had to make all my problems go away.

Government can make everyone equal… equally miserable, equally impoverished, equally unable to rise above their circumstances.

Even when I was in the lowest of lows, I knew I lived in America and that somehow, someway, I could use my initiative and my mind to rise above my circumstances and rebuild my life. Socialism might look sexy in the short run, but in the long run it always leads to widespread poverty and misery for the masses while an elite core run the show and take all the power and spoils. Hmmm… isn’t that what socialists claim they’re trying to get rid of???

Don’t sell your soul to Satan because you want a free ride or because you can’t watch people suffer. Suffering builds character IF the person is free to learn and grow and adapt in a free environment. Don’t rob yourself or your fellow citizens of the priceless self-growth that comes from rising above their circumstances and the sheer joy of conquering challenges.

We’re on this planet to go through hard things and grow from them. You’re never going to eradicate pain and hardship. If you can’t bear to watch people suffer, lend a helping hand, encourage and lift others, share what you have. Giving isn’t giving if you stole the money from someone else to give it or if you use the force of government to redistribute other people’s wealth. You aren’t benevolent being generous with other people’s money. You’re just a thief.

If you want to make a difference: Work, learn how to think, get yourself out of the scarcity mentality, stop playing the victim and take advantage of the incredible privilege of living in a free country where anyone can make something of themselves… IF they will. Become a producer and everyone around you will be blessed in the process.

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Posted in Episodes, Freedom Principles, Pursuit of Happiness.