Why do we need the Electoral College and why is the National Popular Vote (NPV) Interstate Compact so dangerous to our freedom? The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact binds states with contracts that require them to appropriate their electoral college votes to the Presidential candidate who has the national popular vote.
This episode explores the dangerous convergence of
- open border immigration policy
- the proposed lack of citizenship recording in the 2020 census,
- the National Popular Vote movement (already approved by at least 15 states + DC)
- the proposed policy to make no ID required for to vote.
The combination of these radical policies will prove deadly to our republic.
Warning: As of July 2019, National Popular Vote has been adopted by fifteen states and the District of Columbia. Together, they have 196 electoral votes, which is 36.4% of the Electoral College and 72.6% of the 270 votes needed to give the compact legal force.
The following states have adopted NPV. The number out to the right of each state is the number of Electoral College Votes that state represents.
Maryland – 10
New Jersey – 14
Illinois – 20
Hawaii – 4
Washington – 12
Massechusetts – 11
DC – 3
Vermont – 3
Califorina -55
Rhode Island – 4
New York -29
Connecticut – 7
Colorado – 9
Deleware – 3
New Mexico – 5
Oregon – 7
This video from PragerU explains what’s going on in more detail. It was made when only 10 states were on board. Now there are 15.
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