Biden claims he can ratify the Equal Rights Amendment which did not get the Constitutionally required 3/4 state votes by the deadline. The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) was stopped in North Carolina … which never ratified it. Virginia went on to ratify it after the deadline. So Biden claims it is part of the US Constitution even though no other amendment has been allowed ratification after its deadline date.
Want to know the backstory on what stopped the ERA? There were two women who were influential in NC who wanted to push through the ERA. Someone heavily involved in the fight against the ERA because of its hidden negative impact on women and children, felt that the women had good hearts but didn’t understand the detrimental impact the amendment would have.
This individual contacted my father who overnighted some material explaining the dangers of the amendment and how it could do things like require women to register for the draft, make women responsible for debts left behind by spouses who abandoned their families, etc.
My father overnighted the educational materials. The material was given to the two pivotal women. When they came in for the next session of the state legislature, women changed from supporting to decrying the amendment and articulated its dangers They said they had not understood just how damaging the amendment could be for women and articulately recommended North Carolina not ratify the amendment. Their influence stopped the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment and the time for its passage expired.
This story shows the power of one person speaking the truth and the rippling impact of them doing so. This experience illustrates that seeing the good and potential in people, not ridiculing them, but simply offering them truth can change hearts and minds. To their credit, these women were willing to be humble, teachable, and admit they were wrong and do the right thing. They valiantly fought for truth. God puts pivotal individuals in the right place at the right time to make a difference… but we have to be willing to speak the truth when called upon.
I found an article which articulates the dangers of this amendment. I recommend reviewing it since this dangerous amendment has been resurrected.
See if your state ratified or voted against the Equal Rights Amendment.