Many, like me, have felt a desire to speak out against what’s happening and tried to educate others on what we believe is wrong or what the solutions could be. Mostly, we point out what’s wrong. Within the last year or so, I have realized that the methods I’ve used in the past are not effective. Worse, they add to the grand soup of disharmony, fear, anger, and vitriol that is creating the problem.
If you’ve been wondering why the world has gone crazy and how to access our Creator’s solutions to do something about it, read on…
Why the World Has Gone Crazy
Contrary to the old saying, “you fight fire with fire,” I believe you fight fire with water and soil. Scientific research from the HearthMath Institute would agree. Using sensitive equipment around the globe, HearthMath Institute has measured the frequencies, resonances, and waves of the earth and how they are impacted by solar winds. They’ve also measured how the optimal state of the human heart syncs up with these waves that travel around the earth between the earth’s crust and ionosphere. Some waves sync up with optimal brain waves and some sync up with an ideal heart rhythm.
The earth’s frequencies are like a grand metronome that resets human hearts and brains to optimal frequencies. When we sync up to these frequencies, our hearts and brains become more “coherent.” Coherent is a term HearthMath uses to describe the optimal heart rate for peace, love, harmony and creativity. When our hearts aren’t “coherent” we’ll feel stress, irritation, anger, frustration, hostility. Or perhaps it’s vice versa… when we’re feeling those things, our hearts become arrhythmic.
When solar winds pass the earth, they strum these waves around the earth and heighten them, giving the earth and everything on it more energy. It’s like a shot of vitamin B12 to our energy. If we’re aligned with higher thoughts, ideals and are living in self-mastery, we can harness this energy to boost our creativity to create inventions and solutions that lift, build and bless.
People who are out of coherence are off-kilter in their thoughts and values, who lack self-mastery, will create arguments, hostility, commit crimes, initiate riots, and mass murders. If one is a politician with the power to do so – they’ll create wars.
It’s documented throughout history that solar flairs historically correlate to times of war and violence. They also correlate to eras of the greatest creativity and technological advancement. What we do with the gift of energy is entirely up to us.
This wave field around the earth is there to help us attain optimal heart and brain waves. It also is a communication network that connects us with each other on a subconscious level. That’s why it matters what we are putting into this field around the earth. This field is more powerful and subtle than any man-made internet. It connects not only the people, but also all of creation.
When the world and its people have lost their values and their self-mastery, it is important to have individuals who stay grounded to the earth, who live with their hearts aligned with the earth’s rhythms. Literally, this is something measurable on an individual and planetary level. When we are in peace, love and harmony, we are healthier individuals, and we have greater access to creative solutions.
Remember, the earth is a metronome. Her frequencies are steady. She helps reset us to an optimal state. Her frequencies can be heightened by energy boosts from solar winds. The solar winds strum these waves around the earth like a guitar. This gives the earth a boost of energy. What we as humans do with this burst of energy is entirely up to us. Will we use it to create or destroy?
What Can Be Done About a World Gone Crazy?
So, if you are noticing the crazy of the world and wondering what you can do about it. Resist the urge to fight fire with fire. Resist the urge to argue, quarrel, and alienate one another. As Einstein said, “You can’t solve problems at the same level of thinking that created them.”
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” declares the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways
And My thoughts than your thoughts.ISAIAH 55:8-9
Great are the words of Isaiah!
If our hearts are incoherent, we are in the same state that creates problems! We’re adding incoherence to the field and what we create will add to the stress, disharmony, fear, chaos, and anger. I realize now that many of the things I’ve said in the past to “save my country” have been from this place of fear, stress, and disharmony. I cannot change what I’ve said in the past, but I can repent and seek to do better going forward.
How can I do better? Over the last year or so, the Lord has been teaching me that the best way I can help my country and the world is to live in harmony with our Creator’s grand metronome. In a very literal way, Christ’s prophecy is being fulfilled that in the last days,
“Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.”
Wow! Look at that! The powers of heaven shall be shaken! The powerful solar winds are strumming the waves around the earth, boosting our ability to use our creativity for good or ill.
I always thought men’s hearts failing them meant people would have more heart attacks. Heart attacks (and heartaches) may be a result of incoherent heart rhythms. Yet, this prophecy could also mean so much more. Jesus always spoke in parables with multiple layers and meanings. Men’s hearts are literally failing them to find happiness, failing to find peace, failing to create positive, uplifting solutions to problems, failing to sync up with our Creator (The Prince of Peace) who gave us the key to a better world right within the frequencies of the earth.
What Can You and I Do Individually?
“Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me” is more literal and critical than ever.
So, if we are feeling stressed, fearful, irritated, angry, or overwhelmed by what is happening to our nation and the world, the first thing to do is align our heart rhythms and brainwaves with our Creator’s gift – the Earth!
Spend time in nature. Meditate. Observe. Hear our Creator speaking to us in nature. All of nature is God’s grand university of parables, conveying our Creator’s messages. We can spend more time in nature than we do watching or reading about what’s going on in the world.
We can trade stress, anxiety, hostility, and upheaval for peace, harmony, and love. Trade fear for hope. Feed what we want … not what is causing the problem! As we align with Creation, we will begin to be inspired as to what we are here on this planet to create that will lift, build, and bless others.
You are here to make a positive difference in the world. Within you is a medicine the world needs. Each of us is different. Not everyone is called to the same task. But I can tell you one thing, we’ll do our parts better, more efficiently, and more productively when we have our values aligned, are operating from self-mastery, and are in coherence. Mother Earth is mankind’s most universal gift to get us there.
If you’d like to learn more, pick up a copy of “Finding Peace in a Turbulent World: Living in Sacred Nature” in Kindle, Audible, paperback or collector’s edition hardback.
HeartMath Research
To learn about HearthMath Institute and the science behind what I discuss here, this is a great video about it: