On June 24, 2022, the Supreme Court voted 6-3 to overturn Roe vs. Wade, after nearly 50 years of Federally legalized abortion. This definitive Constitutional move is a return to the Constitution’s 10th Amendment, which clearly states:
“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.”
10th Ammendment to the U.S. Constitution
Since abortion is nowhere discussed within the U.S. Constitution, this subject is being rightfully returned to the states and to the people. This has never been, and should never have been, a subject for the Federal government to be involved in.
Rioting, Looting and Protests In Response to Roe vs. Wade Reversal
Ironically, many of the states which already legalize abortion at the state level have citizens who are rioting, looting and threatening to attack various churches and pro-life facilities in retaliation. People in cities like Los Angeles are destroying their own communities in response to a ruling reversal that does not even impact their states. Constitutional ignorance plays a forefront role in the responses to this ruling.
Following the Science

Of equal import is simple science and human dignity and compassion. While abortion might have been deemed acceptable when modern ultrasound was not available, it is reprehensible that people would pitch violent tantrums because they cannot kill babies who are clearly distinct individuals, viewable in detail with modern ultrasound technology. I’m not sure what happened to the cry to “follow the science,” but it’s clearly not happening on this subject.
The question that is uppermost on many people’s minds is WHY? Why would people feel they have the right to kill other human being? Science has provided us with plenty of evidence that these babies actually back away from the utensils and vacuums sent in to dismember them. Via ultrasound and other scientific technologies, we see that these babies cry out in anguish and pain as they are being slaughtered. Many medical experts have testified that unwanted babies in hospitals are left to die while those who have loving mothers are given every heroic measure necessary to help them live.
How could people be so heartless?
Some say it’s all about choice. Pro choice is what they call it. My question is: What about the choices of the 48 million babies per year who are snuffed out of existence and permanently lose their power to choose?
The term “pro choice” is an oxymoron. Those who support abortion aren’t pro choice. They are only for providing endless, continuous ability to choose without reaping consequences. They don’t care at all about the children’s ability to choose.
The biggest lie is that you can have choices without consequences.
The nature of choice is that when you choose liberty and life, more choices are afforded you. When you choose captivity and death, your choices dwindle. You don’t get endless chances to cover your detrimental choices.
You don’t get unlimited choices to cover your tracks. At some point you pay the piper. The flip side of the coin of Choice is Accountability.
There Can Be No Freedom without Personal Responsibility
We live in a society that is losing its freedoms because we do not understand that freedom can only be maintained as people take personal responsibility for their own actions. Only people who stand accountable for their own choices can remain free. Those who seek to disconnect choice from accountability self destruct.
Not taking personal responsibility for your own sexual acts and then expecting God and society to condone the mutilation and death of an innocent child (who was created BECAUSE of your choices) is the ultimate in the abdication of personal responsibility. It is the ultimate in myopic selfishness.
Debunking The Suffering Myth
I often hear the excuse by those who support abortion that the children will just suffer if they are allowed to live. Or the mother will suffer if she can’t get an abortion. Her quality of life and future options will suffer. The child will be homeless, hungry, or uncared for.
Our privileged society has a massive misconception about suffering. Freedom actually comes on the other side of suffering. Facing your own demons, your own trials and challenges, and taking personal responsibility leads to freedom, true freedom of the soul.
Continually doing everything you can to keep from being responsible for your own choices, actions, and emotional baggage is enslavement.
It seem that many who choose abortion are trying to avoid suffering at all costs. They are not choosing to abort because their own life is in danger, but because they don’t want to be inconvenienced. They want to avoid what they deem will be their future suffering, so they choose to end another human life. They justify murder by extrapolating that the child will lead a life of suffering. They assume that this child’s suffering will be endless and that the child’s life is not worth living.
Proponents of the “suffering excuse” have no faith in the human soul or its growth and development – theirs or their child’s. Better to kill the child than risk that the baby — or the parent — might be unhappy or suffer.
Every major growth and progression people make comes as we face adversity and rise above. One could say that it is one of the major reasons for living. To live your whole life and kill others to avoid suffering yourself (or pretending you’re saving the victims from suffering) is foolish at best and selfishly cruel at worst.
The wholesale lack of personal responsibility and dehumanization of others has untold rippling impacts and very well may lead to the destruction of mankind and our liberties.
What About Women Whose Lives Are In Danger?
No one is going to tell a mother with an ectopic pregnancy that she has to carry a baby to term. In fact, the natural consequence of this will be a miscarriage. No one is going to tell a mother whose life is in danger that a pregnancy has to continue. Likewise for rape or other sexual crime victims. These extreme cases are not why people who have fought against abortion all these years are fighting.
We’re fighting for the lives of innocents who have no voice. We’re fighting for the innocents who are discarded and left to die simply because women — and men — don’t want them or are afraid of the consequences of having a child. This is about the millions of babies each year who are murdered simply because they are inconvenient. This is about the millions who are murdered because the women carrying them — and yes, the men who fathered them — are sexually irresponsible and use abortion like birth control.
What About the Woman’s Feelings?
A woman on Facebook recently posted that she was feeling all the disappointed “feels” pro-abortion women are having over the Supreme Court’s ruling. For some time now, my husband and I have been feeling for the 48 million babies/year who are snuffed out of existence and/or torn limb-from-limb and left to die.
I can’t tell you how many times we’ve prayed in tears for this nightmare to end, and for forgiveness and healing for our land. Unlike many who were enraged when Roe vs. Wade was finally overturned, we wept in gratitude. Praise God! This is one step in the right direction. I’m not expecting that it will stop abortion completely. But at least it may save some lives in some states.
“Let your mouth be open for those who have no voice, in the cause of those who are ready for death. Let your mouth be open, judging rightly, and give right decisions in the cause of the poor and those in need.”
Proverbs 31:8-9
National Sins Bring National Calamities
In light of choice and accountability before God, this shift in responsibility to the states and the people will lay the responsibility on those specific geographic areas (aka states) who condone and support crimes against humanity.
While advocating against slavery (another instance where groups of people were dehumanized for the convenience of others), George Mason, on the floor of the Constitutional Convention, warned:
“As nations cannot be rewarded or punished in the next world, they must be in this by an inevitable chain of causes and effects. Providence punishes national sins by national calamities.”
George Mason, ConStitutional Convention
If God’s wrath is poured out on this land through national calamities, it will be a bit easier to see which states — and which people — valued life and which didn’t. Perhaps there will be a bit more mercy given to the citizens in those geographic areas — those state governments — who had mercy on the innocents.
Photo Copyrights
- Featured Image Copyright: ZF_foto / BigStockPhoto.com
- Meme Ultrasound Photo: Copyright: nata_zhekova / BigStockPhoto.com