Hope for the future - Love vs Hate

Confirmation Bias & Hope for the Future

Quantum physicists have discovered that the universe and nature are not separate entities from us. We aren’t victims of circumstances in a universe where things “just happen” to us. We are intertwined and connected with everything and everyone in the universe. We are both the artists and the art. We create our own worlds through our emotions, beliefs, observations, and expectations.

From a spiritual point of view, God created us to act for ourselves and not be acted upon. As Jesus repeatedly taught, “all things are possible to those who believe.” In quantum physics, scientists discovered that by simply observing photons in experiments, the scientists literally changed the outcome of how the photons behaved. They learned that simply observing changes reality.

“Confirmation bias” is an example of this. Confirmation bias is when you go around seeing evidence of what you believe. The real danger in our world is less about carbon footprints or desolating sicknesses and more about the fear, hate, victim energy, and gloom and doom that pervades our societies. We’re literally creating what we expect. By observation we shift the world toward our deepest fears or toward our greatest faith.

In his book, “The Spontaneous Healing of Belief: Shattering the Paradigm of False Limits,” Gregg Braden says, “Widely held beliefs of hate, separation, and fear can destroy our bodies and our world faster than we could have even imagined. Maybe all we need is a little shift in the way we think of ourselves in order to recognize the great truth that we are, in fact, the architects of our experience. We are cosmic artists expressing our deepest beliefs on the quantum canvas of the universe.”

Studying these concepts from both a scientific and spiritual perspective has led me to consider that perhaps the greatest threat to our world is actually mass media, mass communication, controlled by fear-mongering, division-creating voices who shift the beliefs of millions toward fear, negative expectations, scarcity, violent reactions, angry emotions, and destructive behavior.

You’ll find this same fear-mongering divisiveness on either side of the political spectrum. It doesn’t matter how well-meaning or how much we cling to our principles, if we do so with angry, bitter, blame-centered, us-vs-them emotions, we subvert any positive ends we say we are seeking.

Our fate lies in our own ability to shut out the divisive voices of hate, fear, bitterness, and hopelessness, and instead, choose compassion, faith, hope, connection, understanding, light, and truth.

Jesus truly is “the way, the truth and the life.” He is the WAY for a multitude of reasons, but in context of this topic, He is the WAY because His “gospel” is the “good news” … not the bad. His message is “fear not, doubt not… BELIEVE.” His message is “love one another… love your enemies.” His counter-intuitive admonitions require a completely different state of being than we’re seeing at large in society.

The answer to the challenges we face as a nation and as a world lie, not in the fearmongering, hatemongering, divisive labeling, and victim-creating-energy of the world, but in He who said, “Be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”

Jesus understood that our emotions and our observations CREATE … if we want to CREATE good outcomes, we must focus on the good, the uplifting, the hopeful, the life-giving, the liberating, the compassionate and the believing.

Perhaps this is why if the Spirit keeps telling me anything … it is to DISCONNECT from the noise, opinions and tumult of the world. No answers lie there. Ultimate truth lies in our constant connection to the Divine! That’s where the answers are! The Spirit keeps reminding me that my time is better spent in meditation, prayer, positive thoughts and uplifting books than in wrangling and contending over every news item of the day.

Featured Image: Copyright: Pixelvario / BigStockPhoto.com

Posted in Essays, Morality, Personal Responsibility.