Is federal policing of cities under siege by looters, vandals and violence federal overreach by the President and the executive branch? Listen below or scroll down to read and find out.
Some mayors and people are irate about the Federal law enforcement sent into cities that have endured rioting and looting that has escalated to attacks on Federal buildings and monuments. They feel this is an over-reach by the Federal government.
They compare this to Waco and Ruby Ridge. While I am a strong advocate of governing at the most local level, the Federal government does have a right and a responsibility to protect Federal property. That is within their jurisdiction. Waco and Ruby Ridge were people holed up doing their thing. Our current situation is incredibly different.
What about the claims that the Federal officers are rounding up people on the streets and questioning them, etc.? Let’s step back for a moment and look at this from an over-arching view. We have cities across the country that have been under attack by vandals, thieves and murderers since the end of May 2020. While it started out as peaceful protests, much of it quickly morphed into lawlessness.
BLM and Antifa blatantly advertise that this is their doing. They actively solicit new members to their cause. Both organizations actively and openly support Marxist and anti-American ideologies and methods. Both wish to fundamentally change our republic into another form of government. They are using criminal means to do so – vandalizing, looting and violence.
While every last person in their groups is not a plotter or a schemer, these groups DO have people coordinating their efforts. These folks have web sites. This is a coordinated effort to fundamentally destroy our republic and our way of life.
This is bigger than one state. This is a widespread national – even global – movement to move the world toward chaos and anarchy so the powers that lie in wait, funding this, can take over.
The mayors and governors who stand idly by while their communities are looted, burned and destroyed run the spectrum from delusion to collusion. They are not doing their jobs. They are not protecting the people of their communities. They are aligning with these anti-American, subversive groups to the destruction of their own citizens and the republican Constitutions which they have taken oaths of office to uphold.
As the Federal law enforcement seek to track down the ring leaders of these subversive groups in the cities across our nation, they may have to step off Federal property to do this. If someone attacks a Federal building one day and is spotted ten blocks over the next, the Federal officers have a right to arrest that person.
If someone is a ringleader vandalizing another part of town, they may know the ringleader of the attack on the Federal building. While there are plenty of people who are local know-nothing citizens enlisted into these causes, there are also many who move from city to city creating anarchy. There is a strong possibility that they may know who is coordinating these nation-wide attacks. Whether the attacks be on Federal, state, or private property, the attacks are all part of the same cause. Thus, it is well within the jurisdiction of Federal law enforcement to arrest and question people associated with these groups.
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